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Lilith 02-24-2003 11:14 PM

~72 hours~
If you had 72 hours alone.........no duties, no responsibilities, no S/O, no kids.........just you to do as you please for 3 days.........

What would you do with the time?

LixyChick 02-24-2003 11:18 PM


I can't even imagine all that alone time! Geezzzzzzz! I gotta go make a list! So, when I get this list together Lilith....what happens then? Do you wiggle your nose, or fold your arms and blink your eyes, or something like that........and *poof*.......I actually get all that time alone?

*So excited I am gonna pee my pants!.......Scurrying off to make the list*

scotzoidman 02-25-2003 12:26 AM

I'm with Lixy, this is gonna take some serious thinking...

skipthisone 02-25-2003 08:47 AM

I think the answer is quite simple....Whatever the fuck I want to do...end of story

Lilith 02-25-2003 09:02 AM

STO~Yes but what exactly is it you want to do...... that is the question???

Lixy~ I have *~Bitch Dust~*

T-S 02-25-2003 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Lilith
STO~Yes but what exactly is it you want to do...... that is the question???

But maybe the question is who :D

jennaflower 02-25-2003 09:34 AM

Actually... since I have no SO and my son spends 3 weeks out of state with his father in the summer I have the opportunity to LIVE the question every year.... and I don't like the answers I come up with :(

Oldfart 02-25-2003 01:14 PM


I'm sure a horde of pixies would have good ideas for that weekend.

Start with the premise of "96 hours of unbroken erotic massage

followed by......"

Oldfart 02-25-2003 01:17 PM

Me, I'd sneak waaaaaaaaaaaay out back and introduce Lilith to

Butterscotch Schnapps and Iced Coffee Mudslide. Magic in it's own right.

LixyChick 02-25-2003 07:49 PM

*Standing naked in the circle of all the Pixies who are about to be sprinkled with Lilith's "~Bitch Dust~*

Now this ain't gonna make me a bigger bitch than I already am.....is it?

*Closing my eyes, clicking my heels together and massaging my breasts while chanting......."72 hours......72 hours.......72 hours"!!!!

Scarlett 02-25-2003 09:35 PM

I would sleep until I was good and damn ready to wake up. I would clean the house to perfection while listening to MY music and it would stay that clean the whole time I was alone. After that, I don't know :D

Steph 02-26-2003 02:05 AM

I read a zillion newspapers, mags and books, blast the folk music and dance around . . . jenna, lease explain what's up with your time spent alone! Have fun, sweetie!!!

jay 02-26-2003 09:48 AM

sleep, work on ghia uninterupted,ride bike and sleep some more

rabbit 02-26-2003 08:48 PM

I would go somewhere warm where I could play golf, drink, get a tan, and read some good books.

Of course if you were there, Lil, well... :D


IAKaraokeGirl 01-27-2004 11:34 PM


<----would spend it in the arms of the man she can't keep out of her mind.

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