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PantyFanatic 01-23-2006 02:00 PM

“I just wanted to be happy”
What the hell are we after? :confused:

Just what IS happiness? Most all of us "just want to be happy". What is it we expect to get in life? Is happiness an inner feeling that is made up primarily of a mental and emotional status that we only do not find threatening and uncertain? Does our personal happiness include other people’s happiness? If we are looking for happiness beyond our self, how far should that circle be? Is it just for one other person or does it include every member of our family? Is the target an isolated existence or does it reach out our front door, down the street and around the world? What are realistic expectations for you and how much of YOUR happiness involves the happiness of somebody else? Can our personal happiness be much different than the happiness of someone we want to share our life with?

We’ve all had moments of ecstatic pleasure, but few of us think this will be a permanent state of being. Unfortunately we’ve all had experience with times of crushing sadness and paralyzing inner pain that we can not imagine ever passing, but it does. Is the state (hopefully closer to ecstatic pleasure) in-between what most of us refer to as happiness?

Is happiness something that we hope becomes a constant state covering every minute of our consciousness? I don’t think we expect that. Then this means we know happiness will have some moments that are closer to the pleasant feelings we strive for, than others. Therefore there will be expected times of disappointment and sadness we accept as part of happiness. Does this make happiness something with a width band with top and bottom limits? If so, is the width of that band the key to what we strive for? Or is the centerline of that band the important issue? Is the goal to narrow that band and keep trying to push the center, higher and higher?

Just what constitutes “happiness” for you and how has it changed and how do you expect it to change?

(That should make for some interesting posts :rolleyes: ) lmao

osuche 01-23-2006 02:31 PM

/me slinks away while resisting the urge to quote Hobbes....who defined happiness as resisting the tendencies of Natural Man.

'No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.' But then again...we HAVE a social contract, right? LMAO. With GWB as our fearless leader.

Of course, one could define Happiness via Maslow... and his hierarchy of needs. But so few people reach self actualization!!

For me....Happiness is intellectual and personal freedom. No artificial constraints impeding my ability to give this life all I've got. I *like* challenge, and I really don't want safety -- other than basic physical safety which will allow me to pursue my goals.

I do wish happiness for my friends and family, also...and I will help them when needed. But mostly I wish them the strength to conquer their own problems.

Sounds kind of Ayn Rand-ian, huh?

WildIrish 01-23-2006 02:37 PM

What is this "happy" word that you speak of? :confused:

Actually, I'm a happy guy. I find joy in the little things and I don't sweat things that are out of my control. (Prime example: I'm refinancing my house and we still don't have a closing date. Mrs. WI is ready to kill someone and I'm all "it'll happen when they're ready".) This is often misinterpreted as not caring, but is really a highly developed "let it roll" technique I've perfected over the years.

I'm happy when I've prepared a good meal that everyone eats, even though a burp or fart at the table precipitates 15 minutes of mouth generated replications, giggles and raucus behaviour.

I'm happy when I'm driving somewhere on a sunny day. I'm happy when I get to work safely in a snow storm. And I'm happy when I arrive home at night.

I love my family, and though they make me insane all day every day...I'm happy when I'm with them. I plan on naming my first stroke after my wife, but I'm still happy when we spend time alone together.

Talking to Lilith makes me happy. She's a great person and my voice smiles when we speak to each other.

Doing my job well makes me happy. Going to build with Habitat makes me happy. Cooking makes me happy. Knowing my house is reasonably clean makes me happy. I don't look for the silver cloud in ever situation so much as I simply don't focus on the bad aspect of something. I don't think I'm that much different than most other people. Maybe I am.

I do get a feeling of comfort when I know I've made someone else happy. I never enjoy someone's pain, even when that someone may not share the same sentiment. I don't start out the day saying to myself "I'm gonna make other people happy today" but by being who I am, and taking the actions I do...well, it happens. Perhaps that helps. It's not a checkbox on my list of things to do as much as it is a lifestyle choice.

Tough topic to tackle! I look forward to peeking into everyone's minds for this one.

gekkogecko 01-23-2006 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
What the hell are we after?

In your case, PF, women's underwear.

gekkogecko 01-23-2006 03:44 PM

Oh, and while I'm in this thread, I may as well pass WI a sheep. ;)

WildIrish 01-23-2006 04:20 PM


PantyFanatic 01-23-2006 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by gekkogecko
In your case, PF, women's underwear.

... with a happy lady in them is a good start. ;)

fzzy 01-23-2006 06:09 PM

My personal philosophy is that happiness is mainly about choice ... I choose to be happy and so I'm happy. But I think it ties in strongly for most people with another positive emotion .... gratitude. I choose to look for good and positive aspects in people and in situations, and in the process I express appreciation often to others and to my "higher power". Because of that, even though there have been times of grieving in my life or turmoil and such, at least most of my adult life I've also had an underlying sense of happiness in even the worst moments. I adopted a personal motto several years ago ... "Life's an adventure!" So, when I look at my difficult moments, I just remind myself that this is an adventure, and there will be things to be enjoyed and learned if I follow the path with the right attitude. It's taken years to get this so it is an almost involuntary response, but it is well worth it to me!! ... I guess I could have also said ... "What WI said!" :)

And yes, the happiness of people I care about matters a great deal to me and I will do what I can to help them find that for themselves - and/or give something/time, etc. to aid them in the process they need to go through to get there.

Steph 01-23-2006 08:04 PM

Geez, where did the idea from this thread come from? :)

I think we've all read the love poetry & the quotes about happiness being with someone you love . . . when that falls apart, you have to use another cliche & wait for happiness again, I guess.

True happiness is probably found in being equally happy by yourself as you are when you're in love with another.

PantyFanatic 01-23-2006 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by Steph
Geez, where did the idea from this thread come from? ...

I wanted to be happy and prayed to god for an angle, :) but the devil sent me you, :eek: so I thought I'd see how others do it? :D

rabbit 01-23-2006 08:56 PM

For me, Happiness Is:

1) Being able to provide a good life for those I love.

2) Being loved in return.

3) Helping those who are less fortunate than I.

4) Doing the right thing.

5) Not allowing the negativity of others pollute who I am and my optimistic self.

6) Kicking the shit out of a golf course.

7) My favorite sports teams winning championships.

8) A sunny day.

9) Knowing that Jesus loves me.

10) A cold beer after a job well done.

11) Being with and loving a friend.

12) A freshly manicured yard.

13) An awesome meal followed by a damn good cigar.

14) Crocuses.

15) Blue Raspberry Mister Mistys

16) Getting dressed up and looking studly.

17) Getting lucky!

18) Taking a dream vacation.

19) Enjoying a good movie.

20) Pixies Place!


sodaklostsoul 01-23-2006 11:19 PM

Happy Happy Joy Joy........... it's over rated!!

Lilith 01-24-2006 05:50 AM

I think people expect to be happy, like they are entitled to it and that is not necessarily how it works. To me happiness comes from making good choices including choosing to be happy.

My list

1. Loving people and them loving me back
2. Seeing that lightbulb turn on in someone's head
3. Joking around the table at dinner
4. African Violets
5. Coffee with deadly creamer
6. Knowing something I did helped keep a child safe
7. Praise
8. Making beautiful things like jewelry or a meal people enjoyed
9. Feeling proud of my kids and loving them even when I'm not so proud
10. Associating with good people who make me laugh, and fill my pitcher

Lilith 01-24-2006 06:06 AM

I forgot to add 2 things:

the sound of his voice when he cums

and that noise babies/little kids make that is like a deep exhalation/shiver when they stop crying after a hard cry

WildIrish 01-24-2006 10:29 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
I forgot to add 2 things:

the sound of his voice when he cums

and that noise babies/little kids make that is like a deep exhalation/shiver when they stop crying after a hard cry

Both of which are usually followed by "can we get ice cream?" :D

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