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Sugarsprinkles 09-28-2003 12:15 PM

!!~~**Away for a Bit and other stuff**~~!!
Just wanted you all to know my hubby got a new job!! He starts Wednesday as a custodian for the local school district. Since this is the type of work he did back in Michigan for nearly 30 yrs. we're very hopeful that this will work out for him. He'll be starting on the first of October, this coming Wednesday morning.

I'm taking a bus back to Detroit later today. It will be nearly a 20hr ride. My son's best friend, Gary, is coming down to stay with us. He wants to make a new start for himself (and his wife and son who will be remaining in Detroit for the time being). He has a full size van and will take me to my oldest son's and load his van with as much of my belongings as we can cram in it and bring it all down with us. I have to be back by Wednesday morning to take Cabrylla to work since hubby will be at work when she needs to go in. It will be hectic but worth it in the long run. I have really missed having a lot of my stuff here, especially my sewing machines and all the fabric and goodies that go with them.
On those rare occasions that I'm not online at Pixies, I do love to sew.
So I'll be away from around 4 this afternoon, Central time, until sometime Wednesday. I'll be sure to let everyone know when I get back.:D

We're getting a King-size bed delivered on Monday. So now I'll have a bed!!! No more sleeping on the couch for me. YAYYYYY!!! After exactly a year, I'll be able to sleep in the same bed with my hubby again. I doubt it will make any difference :(, other than my back will feel better, but only time will tell.
Gary will now have my spot on the couch. I hope he enjoys it! LOL

So until Wednesday sometime, I bid you all a very fond adieu. I'll miss you all like crazy!!!!

Steph 09-28-2003 01:01 PM

It's going to be like Christmas for you!!! Getting your stuff will rock!

Congrats on the new job for hubby! And the bed! And the sewing machine!!!

We'll miss you, too!

LixyChick 09-28-2003 01:53 PM

Re: !!~~**Away for a Bit and other stuff**~~!!
Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles
especially my sewing machines and all the fabric and goodies that go with them.
On those rare occasions that I'm not online at Pixies, I do love to sew.

So you're the one!!!!!! LOL! I wish sewing was still fun for me SS! What is it that you like to make?

Oh....and Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! As Steph said, it'll be like X-mas when you get some of your stuff! So glad to hear you'll be bringing the bed back! *massages your back* I hate when I accidently fall asleep on my sofa....my back aches like crazy when that happens!

Anyway....hope you have a safe trip and TY for keeping us up to date on things....and I can't wait to see you back and posting again!


PantyFanatic 09-28-2003 02:14 PM

Re: !!~~**Away for a Bit and other stuff**~~!!
Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles
.....So until Wednesday sometime, I bid you all a very fond adieu. I'll miss you all like crazy!!!!

Well a hot fondue to you too.;) Have a safe trip and hurry back. More than just hubby and Cabrylla will miss you:)

Thank you for the notice. I think my monitor will tip over if I don't have "pixies_sugarsprinkles" lit up in the bottom corner of my screen.;)

Sugarsprinkles 09-28-2003 04:09 PM

Ok, gang, I'm outta here....have to wash a couple dishes, chang clothes and then I'm on the road again. :D

Good bye for a couple days!!!


GingerV 09-28-2003 04:29 PM

OK, I'm a dollar short to tell you to have a great trip....so I'll beat the rest of the crowd and give you a "WELCOME BACK" to find on Wednesday!

Sharni 09-28-2003 04:55 PM

Take care SS...catchya when ya get back!

Sugarsprinkles 10-01-2003 12:54 PM

Hi Everyone!

I made it back around 5 this morning but was just too damn tired to check in before heading for bed. (Can you imagine that?? ;) )

I'm drop-dead tired. We still haven't unloaded the van but that can be done later.

I found a few important things I had really wanted to find. But on the other hand I discovered some stuff of major importance to me was put into storage, rather than in my son's garage. That wouldn't be a problem except that we've had trouble keeping up the payments on the storage and there is a real possibility that everything that was there has been put up for auction. :( That means I no longer have a sewing machine, possibly some family pictures are gone, and some other irreplaceable things. I'm really quite upset about it but there isn't much I can do at this point.

I'm just glad to be home and back at my 'other' home, right here with my Pixie's family.

IAKaraokeGirl 10-01-2003 12:56 PM

SS, I'm so glad to have you home. You know you've had me and at least one other Pixie I know thinking about you and hoping you'd make it home safe.

Welcome back!

Sugarsprinkles 10-01-2003 01:24 PM


I wonder who that 'other Pixie' might be??? Can you give me any hints???? :D:D

Steph 10-01-2003 01:43 PM

I was thinking about you but I don't think it's me IAKG was talking about!

Glad to have you back! When will you hear word on storage?

dm383 10-01-2003 03:07 PM

Welcome back Sugar!! Missed ya sweetie! :D Sorry to hear about your things, but hopefully it'll still be there!

See ya around when you wake up!! :)


kleclere 10-01-2003 03:12 PM

Hey SS I'm glad to hear that you made it home safe and were able to get somethings. It just means that you can get a new sewing machine for Christmas. Glad to see you back at your home here with us.

IAKaraokeGirl 10-01-2003 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles

I wonder who that 'other Pixie' might be??? Can you give me any hints???? :D:D

I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill 'ya.

:D :p :D

Sugarsprinkles 10-01-2003 04:19 PM

Originally posted by IAKaraokeGirl
I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill 'ya.

:D :p :D

I guess it's not who I was thinking of. ;)

Thanks Steph, dm383, and kleclere for the wonderful welcome home! It really means a lot to me to know I've been missed. :D

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