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Virgin Teen 12-08-2003 11:47 PM

Questions for the boys...
Let's call this research for us girls, so we can get to know you a little better. Girls, feel free to add questions you think important to it. Answer the best you can, gentlemen (or roughmen, if you prefer it that way ;)).

These are based on your personal preferences or opinions. Inquiring minds would like to know why to your answers. :)

1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman?

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship?

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure?

4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating?

5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it?

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it?

7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? How old are you?
Note: Over here in the UK you're legally alright at 16, and I'm sure it changes from country to country. Guys, keep your answer legal for at least your country...

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most?

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either?

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for?

Well, I have to go away for a few days, so by the time I get back I hope to be blown away by some of the answers!:hot: Ladies, feel free to add more questions!

jennaflower 12-08-2003 11:50 PM

fantastic questions... come on guys.. I am dying of curiousity... this answers should be interesting :)

Miles&Cassidy 12-09-2003 12:44 AM

Re: Questions for the boys...

1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman?
My wife is younger but we have experienced alot in 7 years :D
To be honest, if a woman can let go of her inhibitions and really get into the moment, experience doesnt matter as much. And i certainly dont mind teaching...or being taught for that matter.

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship?
Relationship...no doubt

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure?
Give, because i know that pleasing her pleases me and vice versa.

4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating?
I have never really done the cyberchat thing, but i can comfortably say neither of us would consider that cheating.

5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it?

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it?

7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? How old are you?
18-65...im in the above 30 below 40 category. :D

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most?
this is a 2 part answer...a) Her essence - b)based purely on physical traits...im an assman!

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either?
shaved or just a little patch.

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for?
Salma Hayek for me, John Holmes for Cassidy!

belenos 12-09-2003 01:10 AM

Re: Questions for the boys...
1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman?

Depends on the situation.

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship?

Definitely the relationship. No-strings sex is pretty hollow.

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure? Both equally.

4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating?


5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it?

Depends on the girl.

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it? Nope, they're welcome to have at it if they'd like

7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? How old are you?
Note: Over here in the UK you're legally alright at 16, and I'm sure it changes from country to country. Guys, keep your answer legal for at least your country...

Consent varies by state in the US from 16-21. I couldn't see going for a girl under 18 unless she was 17 and very mature. Oldest I'd go... probably 35. I'm in my early 20's.

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most? Lips or stomach, it's a tossup.

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either?

Keep it shaved, a patch is fine if you must.

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for?

Natalie Portman?

ericthered 12-09-2003 02:44 AM

Mmmmmh - well here goes......

1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman? Experience wins!

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship? Both - at different life stages

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure? yes to both

4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating? No

5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it? You bet!

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it? You bet (but I hope he's pretty)

7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? How old are you? 20 + (I believe in community service - if an older lady asks, it would be ungentlemanly to refuse)
Note: Over here in the UK you're legally alright at 16, and I'm sure it changes from country to country. Guys, keep your answer legal for at least your country...

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most? a) a nice dirty mind b) whichever bit I happen to be licking at the time

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either? As with armpits! If she doesn't take care of her pussy then she's not very sexy (total shaving not essential - just neat and tidy is also fine

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for? A 3some with Virgin Teen and the genie, of course! What else could a man wish for?

White Noise 12-09-2003 06:25 AM

1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman?

Experienced, always.

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship?

Depends on the situation. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Answer is a little wishy-washy I know but that is how I feel.

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure?

Both. Gotta give to receive.

4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating?

Nope, it is hardly real and that would be how I'd approach it. Is it any different to looking at the pictures of women who post in here?

5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it?

Wouldn't any red-blooded male?

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it?

I guess. Depends on the guy. He wouldn't want to be hairy or have a bigger dick than me. The last comment was a joke by the way!

7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? How old are you?

I used to work on a 3 year theory, ie 3 years either side of my age. However, I threw that out the window when I met my partner. I'm 31, she is 36. I guess that means it is 5 years either side.

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most?

Is saying all of it being greedy? Mind, butt, breasts if I am.

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either?

Kept neat is fine by me. I've had both and both are fine. But if it is like a jungle down there, whoa man, call a search party!!

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for?

Have I misunderstood this question? Everyone seems to be picking a woman. The one sexual favour is easy as all hell for me. Blow job (sexy woman included - after all it is a genie!). Love 'em, can't get enough of them!

omen 12-09-2003 08:55 AM

1) I prefer to have an experienced, older woman. I like to learn.

2) What's nicer? DO i feel more fullfilled in a realtionship: yes. I have not had no strings attached sex for three years, it would take getting used to.

3) I like to give, but I have learned to recieve. Its a balance, and for a person to feel sexy, they need to feel confident giving as well as reciveing. I have learned to sound sexy while i recieve, which is another form of giving.

4) I dont think its cheating.

5) Yes, if she is turned on by it.

6) Is the guy looking to be intimate with me? It is not a turn on for me, so no. At least, not yet. She should allow me to bring in the guy, just as she brought in the girl. But, it depends how drunk i am.

7) I would have sex with any older woman who could still turn me on. So, 5o, maybe even sixty. Youngest, same thing. If they can turn me on I'm all for it. But i think most 16 year old grls look too young and act too young for me to feel good about it.

8) Stomach. Mid-drift is the most sexy part of a woman to me. She doesnt have to be skinny, just firm. But I have seen alot of women pull off less than firm mid-drifts. I like athletic women.

9) either.

10) eat my ass out?

Cobalt 12-09-2003 09:10 AM

Re: Questions for the boys...
1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman? Older

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship? Relationship

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure? Give then recieve

4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating? Yes

5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it? After some talk, probably

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it? Same as five

7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? 21 to 60 possibly
How old are you? 43

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most? kitty and ass

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either? Shaved

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for? That we have the greatest sex life ever

DildoDiva'sMan 12-09-2003 09:59 AM

Re: Questions for the boys...
1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman?

According. Does she know how to be pleased? That would be the true question.

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship?

Relationship (only way I'll do it)

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure?


4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating?


5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it?

Definately, what man wouldn't.

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it?

I wouldn't do him, but if it was the two of us with her, that would depend on the guy. (I'd have to know and trust him a whole lot)

7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? How old are you?
Note: Over here in the UK you're legally alright at 16, and I'm sure it changes from country to country. Guys, keep your answer legal for at least your country...

Youngest-18 Oldest-40ish (depending on appeal) I'm 23.

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most?

Eyes, no question.

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either?

Pubes can be fun, but they get stuck in your teeth.

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for?

Wild and crazy sex anytime I felt like it until I the day I pass on.

Loren 12-09-2003 11:16 AM

Re: Questions for the boys...
Originally posted by Virgin Teen

1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman?

This would be low down on my list of priorities.

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship?

Relationship, certainlyl.

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure?

1) It's best when it's mutual.
2) I find her pleasure very arousing.

4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating?


5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it?

It would depend on the situation. It would have to be someone I already knew and would consider an acceptable partner. Furthermore, I would have to be sure there would be no repercussions on our relationship.

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it?


7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? How old are you?
Note: Over here in the UK you're legally alright at 16, and I'm sure it changes from country to country. Guys, keep your answer legal for at least your country...

State law (it's a state issue here in the US, not a federal issue) is 16 here. That would obviously be the low bound, although it would take an unusual woman of that age to be acceptable. I won't set a high bound. It comes down to the person. I'm *MARRIED* to somone two decades my senior and, despite what some people think, we married for love.

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most?

Her smile.

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either?

I've only experienced hairy. I don't find it a problem.

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for?


Well, I have to go away for a few days, so by the time I get back I hope to be blown away by some of the answers!:hot:

Well, did I with #7?

Vullkan 12-09-2003 11:16 AM


1: experienced verse inexperienced>>*
Truthfully inexperienced. Not so much for myself but for the lady

2: sex in a stringless relationship or in a relationship>>*
too easy in a relationship. I miss it a lot

3: am I a giver or reciever for sex>>*
total giver

4: having cybersex while in a relationshop & is it cheating>>*
No I would not have cybresex while in a relationship. Though technical it isn't "cheating", it is in spirit.

5: 3-some with ff & myself>>*
been there

6: 3-some mf & myself>>*
Been there too

7: Youngest I would be with and olderst. & my age>>*
I am 37 (sigh)--youngerst 25 is pushing it but oldest 48 perhaps 50

8: what I find most appealing on a woman>>*

9: with or without pubic hair>>*
doesn' t matter as long is things are keep neat and trimmed

10: A female genie is going to grant me a wish>>*
I wish to become a male genie

Loren 12-09-2003 11:18 AM

Re: Re: Questions for the boys...
Originally posted by belenos

Consent varies by state in the US from 16-21. I couldn't see going for a girl under 18 unless she was 17 and very mature. Oldest I'd go... probably 35. I'm in my early 20's.


It's 14 to 18!

jseal 12-09-2003 03:45 PM

1. Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman? Experienced is better

2. What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship? Relationship – definitely

3. Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure? Give then receive, ‘though to be honest, I guess I like to receive more often.

4. You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating? Yes I do.

5. Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it? Yes I would – I think (never has happened).

6. Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it? Probably / Maybe

7. Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? 41 to 55
How old are you? 51

8. What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most? Tits and Ass

9. Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either? Shaved is better, but unshaved isn’t bad either!

10. You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favor but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for? Bend her over and let me have 20 minutes of leisurely anal sex!

PashkinThePanther 12-09-2003 04:05 PM

Re: Questions for the boys...
1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman?

Oh an experienced one every time....

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship?

Um, I can't really answer this question, I've never really been in a relationship. But I enjoy some no strings attached with an old schoolfriend of my sister's, and sis would be livid if she knew, but thats January's highlight! There might even be the odd pic if I can remember to take some....

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure?

Prefer to give it first then get my reward!

4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating?

At the time, probably not, but later I would get real guilty...

5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it?

Ummmm, probably

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it?

Not really, I'd want to know what the hell she's doing!...

7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? How old are you?
Note: Over here in the UK you're legally alright at 16, and I'm sure it changes from country to country. Guys, keep your answer legal for at least your country...

Youngest would be about 20 and the oldest somewhere before 45, but it would depend on circumstances. Im 32 but 33 in 10 days or so (check the Pixies calendar).

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most?

Um good question, if I don't like her face, the rest of the body means nothing to me but if its a really attractive face, the body isn't a problem.

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either?

I like it trimmed but not shaved...

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for?

What a question! Ermmmm, a nice slow loving fuck, I think. I'm just an old soppy really...

Mercury_Maniac 12-09-2003 04:33 PM

1. doesn't matter

2. doesn't matter

3. both

4. cybersex is not cheating

5. Hell yeah i'm up for it

6. Up for it, but only if she is

7. 16 years to 25 years, I am 19 years old

8. her face

9. would have either

10.a threesome with 2 hot girls

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