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Lilith 09-08-2003 03:37 PM

~Funk Removal~
When you are sad, right down to your soul, how do you pick yourself up?

Do you have anything special you do or listen to or even say to yourself? What do you do to cheer yourself up or do you surround yourself with people who are good at that?

GingerV 09-08-2003 03:55 PM

Honestly, my grandmother taught me to remember that no matter how crappy life seems....there's always someone out there worse off. So when my mood doesn't seem to be working itself out, I focus myself entirely on finding one of those people who are having a worse day than mine...and do something to cheer them up.

Lets me forget that I should be sulking. And usually it does the trick.

Hokey and serriously pollyanna, I know. But if a bottle of wine and a bubble bath aint working...you've gotta do something! ;)

osuche 09-08-2003 04:05 PM

My two best solutions:

1. A 4+ hour work out at the gym. Lift as many weights and do as much cardio as I can...creates pain in the body and lifts my soul... Of course, getting the endorphins flowing also helps.

2. Call a close friend and get together for some coffee, food, chat, etc. He always picks me up.

WildIrish 09-08-2003 04:20 PM

I know I'm opening myself up just a little too much, but if I feel myself going in to an emotional tailspin, I've found that the best thing to do is take control of the yoke (figuratively speaking...I don't grab my yoke) and go straight into a steep nose dive.

Grab your 8 year old daughter and both of ya just sit down and ball your eyes out like a couple of kids that just lost their favorite hamster. Soon as you can breathe and talk again, all will start to look brighter. Sometimes ya just gotta get it out of you in order to move on.

BigBear57 09-08-2003 04:32 PM

I have one close friend who can tell if something's wrong from a simple hello. We've been close for years and when nobody else can help she seems to. She's always got that level eyed look at the situation. She's not afraid to tell me to get my head out of my ass either. We all need a good kick in the pants on occasion.

Lilith 09-08-2003 04:33 PM

I am infamous for drowning my sorrows in a scalding hot tub complete with candles and mudslides...Funny but that is the same prescription I take when I am in love:p

As for the work out... I'd need to work out for 4+ hours to work off the chocolate that is involved in a bitch & cry session with my best friend when one of us is wounded.

BlueSwede 09-08-2003 04:56 PM

Sometimes the only way I can deal w/it is to not deal w/it--to escape by going to sleep.

fzzy 09-08-2003 05:01 PM

I'm a happy/smiley person by nature, so it is usually hormonal if I get really down .... knowing that somehow helps, cause I know it will disappear as soon as my hormones get back in "balance" :) ... but other than that .... I have 2 incredibly wonderful friends that no matter how bad things are, somehow when I talk with one or both of them, we always end up laughing about it .... that may take an hour or so .... but that's what cell phone free minutes are for aren't they???? !!!! LOL :)

FussyPucker 09-09-2003 04:32 AM

I have my little white pills from the doc they stop me getting in a funk :D

dicksbro 09-09-2003 05:31 AM

I like to go outdoors ... to the park or some tranquil place ... and watch the clouds, listen to the breeze rustling the leaves on the trees, and hear the birds sing. Seems like nature can really help me to unwind and regain my composure.

Lovediva 09-09-2003 05:35 AM

I do pretty much the same as DB or Lilith, soaking in a tub......but if all else fails, then I go SHOPPING by myself...for myself! :D

Belial 09-09-2003 07:10 AM

Sleep and eat more.

Steph 09-09-2003 09:07 AM

Like GingerV, I hear my grandmother's voice when I'm down. "The wolf never stays long at one door," she'll calmly say.

It's true :)

celticangel 09-10-2003 05:00 PM

If its just a "down" I am experiancing~~~~~~~I talk to friends and spend time wih DM.
iF ITS "DEPRESSION" hitting in again~~I seek medical help and of course the company of people who are close to me~~~~~~~~sitting siliently with my man and /or friends works wonders.

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