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Irish 05-29-2004 10:48 AM

I'm not sure if this is the right forum,for this question.It's not that
important.It's a military question.I know that things are constantly
changing.When I was in the service,fatigues were ALL an olive-
drab green,now they are camoflage.One of my sons-in-law,was an Army Ranger Airbourne.They wore a purple(maroon)baret & the color signified that they were Airbourne.I saw a picture of Pat
Tillman,today,& he had a tan beret on.I believe that he was
Airbourne.Is the color different now?I'm just curious!One year,he gave me,a Maroon baseball-type cap,that said Airbourne,on it &
also small pins(flat-black)of a small parachute & wings!I was
wondering,because he was discharged a few years ago! Irish

Lilith 05-29-2004 10:53 AM

The uniforms are now created to match the environment they are fighting in. A Maroon Airborne beret would be a target in the desert. Tan, tan, and beige!!!!

Irish 05-29-2004 12:13 PM

Lilith---Thanks!That makes sense,but it is the Govt!The next thing you will be telling me is that there is such a thing as Military
Intelligence! Irish :p
P.S.Actually,when my S-I-L,was in training,they had survival training,in all climates.Desert,Artic,etc.,I know that the camoflage,
is different,depending on the climate.When I worked at Sikorsky,
even the camo,on the helecopters,was painted differently,
depending on the country that we were building for.

Oldfart 05-29-2004 12:25 PM


We have different camo so we can spot a Yankee helo hidden

among our Blackhawks.

Something to do with an unpaid bar-tab, I believe.

Irish 05-29-2004 01:39 PM

OF---It's been so long since,I worked there.(I think that I quit around 1971.)that I can't remember if we built anything for New
Zealand or Australia.I remember that we built CH53As(Sikorsky
desegnation)(Sea Stallion-Navy & Marines)for Egypt.I flew @2 coptors to the docks in Brooklyn,for the Malasian Govt. but that's
all I remember! Irish
P.S. Memory fades with age!

Gilly 05-29-2004 06:20 PM

The color of the baret might signify the squadron they are in, or even rank, as well.

Kissy 05-29-2004 09:44 PM

Ok, it's only been a little over a year since I was an Army wife so let's see if I can remember this...!

The rangers wear tan, they used to wear black until the whole army started wearing berets.

Airborne is maroon

Special Forces is green

Everyone else is black

At least that's how it was, it changes all the time.

dude33 05-29-2004 11:19 PM

Of course if your in the Canadian military, with all the cutbacks, you sell the Desert colour uni's and send them out to the desert with green uni's. Then after the uproar from the public you buy them back from an army surplus store at triple the price the store paid to buy them in the first place.

LixyChick 05-30-2004 10:11 AM

^^^^^ makes as much sense as our gov't buying $500.00 toilet seats and wrenches to me!!!!

Irish 05-30-2004 10:25 AM

Lixy---I STILL have some wrenches,that were in my tool issue,that
have NO use,for the average mechanic,& I worked,mainly, on the
Flight Line.I have a,boxend,wrench,that must weigh 4lbs.I use it,
to weigh things down.I got out in 1965 & haven't used it for any
thing yet! Irish

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