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scotzoidman 05-28-2002 11:54 PM

Oops! Dammit, I missed it...
Well, I knew it was coming up last weekend, and I futzed around & missed it... what, you say? My first anniversary as a member of Pixie's... I had been checking out the stories at the main site for quite a while, when I noticed "sex board".... bored & curious, I clicked... after reading only a few posts, I was hooked, impulsively I registered... so unlike me to jump right in, esp. for some web site asking for my email addy... but I was lured in, & hooked... soon I was lusting after the ladies with their sexy posts, then some of them posted their pics... I was esp. taken with a "LoveDiva4U", gawd, the sexy things she said in her posts turned me on long before she broke down & posted her pics!
In the past year, I have made many friends here, we have lost a couple of dear ones tragically, we have laughed a lot, cried a little, shared things with distant friends that I doubt most of us could say in a face-to-face... salved each others pain, lusted openly for another's bod, pissed each other off occaisionally... all the things that make a family, right?
I'm rambling now, but I had to get that out... & thanks to all my friends here who have put up with my odd thoughts, old lame jokes, & twisted perversions...


nikanik 05-29-2002 12:36 AM

Congrats Scotzoidman!! You are part of what makes this the family it is.

Grumble 05-29-2002 01:06 AM

Good on you Scotz
Yeah you are one mixed up crazy son of a gun LOL but a bloody good bloke and I am glad to know you.
Congrats mate on your Pixieversary. :cool:

Oldfart 05-29-2002 01:14 AM


See, you are older than me in something.


dicksbro 05-29-2002 03:58 AM

Happy Anniversary to Scotzoidman ... one year ... wow ... that's terrific. Congratulations! And your right about LoveDiva4U ... she's great! Here's to another year of posting at Pixies! :D

Sugarsprinkles 05-29-2002 05:53 AM

Congratulations Scotz!! Wow, a whole year.....I hope I make it to a year here....It's just been two months for me as of this week.
I've really enjoyed reading your postings, Scotz..especially the music related ones..
Here's to many more years at Pixies for you!!:D

Lilith 05-29-2002 06:06 AM

Diva asked me a while back, what made me stop lurking and start posting? I think my answer was...... Probably some smart ass comment from Scotzoid :D:D:D (Look~ you've created a monster:p)

Since then I have taken comfort in knowing that you are gonna be around, sometime in the day with a joke, thought, or comment that will make me giggle. Having wonderful people like you to share life experiences with, with has added richly to my life.:p

If Diva is the den mother, then you are the sentinel. You tuck Pixies in, making sure all are safe and secure, guarding us, and assuring us that the universe is still on it's proper course.

So Happy Anniversary hun! May each visit to Pixies bring you another orgasm... er I mean, adventure! TY for being the tough guy with the creamy center that you are:p *smooches* Lil

Saddaddy 05-29-2002 06:40 AM

Congrads on your Anniversary Scotz! I look forward to another year of your Lame joke, & Smartass Comments !Pixies wouldn't be the same with out You...

axe31 05-29-2002 06:43 AM

Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary
Haaappy Anniversary :D
congrats on one year as a pixieolic

sugarfreecandy 05-29-2002 06:44 AM

Congratulations, Scotz! You were one of the reasons I joined here, ya know... Any time I see your name on a thread I nip over and read it immediately, knowing it's going to be great. I think Lilith put it very well when she said that you're our sentinel, but she forgot to mention that the sentinel takes advantage of the night watch to do stand-up comedy from the ramparts... :D It's that combination of humour and strength that we love about you. Keep it up!

--- sweetstuff

Lovediva 05-29-2002 08:21 AM

Ohhh Scotz!!!!!!

You brighten each and everyday of mine with your wit and humor.

You ALWAYS bring a smile to my face and make me laugh!! And even made me wet with your pics!! And for all that..I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

So..through this great technology of ours...I am sending you one big wet long passionate kiss to celebrate your anniversay!!

Here is to many more hun!! ~~KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~~

legend 05-29-2002 11:56 AM

Congrats Scotz! Keep the laughter going mate. :)

btw, i became a member the first time i visited this site.

GermanSteve 05-29-2002 03:07 PM

Congrats! Keep on rockinī!

Aqua 05-29-2002 03:11 PM

Big Congrats Scotz!! You are a very big part of the Pixies family, and I'm not sure what we'd do without a smartass member... (Or who would bear the brunt of OF's jibe's!! ;) ) Thanks for being you and keeping a soapbox ready and using it when needed. :D

Prophet Reality 05-29-2002 03:24 PM

Congrat scotz. I know that I have enjoyed your humor and have been proud to say that I have agreed with many of your comments, both good and some bad.

When you have stepped up to defend our family, I have been at your back, even if it was silently.

I look forward to anther year of your humor and comments.

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