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kathy1 04-02-2005 03:56 AM

Opinions of pixies
I just did the game on booger's thread, "jailbait" (and ty boog, dat was fun)... anyway, that game got me to thinkin'.....is it ok for underage girls to dress really really sexy and revealing? What's the thoughts of the group?

Catch22 04-02-2005 04:41 AM

Where I live young girls where very short clingy dresses and tops that show their guts. They look rather silly if you ask me. Plus, they are always pulling the dress down. Which means they are not cosy in the bloody things to start with!

Oldfart 04-02-2005 09:07 AM

We know about mutton dressed as lamb, but this is ridiculous.

Can't the fair trading people do anything about this?

This product isn't fit for sale, and should be withdrawn from the marketplace.

wyndhy 04-02-2005 11:07 AM

in a way, i see it as a lack of respect and it's definately a lot of trying to mimic what they see gets the attention on tv. it's not, imo, an expression of individuality or an exploration of sexuality. even the boys fashions are ridiculous in the extreme.
anyway...no young girls dressed like rave attendees and no boys woth boxers hanging out and baseball caps at the dinner table...not in my house :D (i hope :grin: )

BIBI 04-02-2005 01:10 PM

I just thank the lord that the worst thing I had to contend with when my daughter was a teen were Motely Crue and other band shirts....the big hair and too much makeup.

Too many bellies that are being paraded around these days really shouldn't see the light of day.

LOL and Old Navy is trying to bring back Bermuda shorts!

osuche 04-02-2005 04:02 PM

I hate the thought that young girls grow up so quickly....if I could stop it, I surely would. I think to some extent it depends on the girl, and WHY she is doing it. Peer pressure is a very powerful thing --especially for young girls. But I wish she could find a way to express herself in a more constructive manner.


asp 04-02-2005 08:16 PM

I'm not complainin'.

Cheyanne 04-02-2005 08:39 PM

The rule in our house is if you lift your arms up above your head and your shirt exposes your belly, you can't wear it. If you raise your arms out at your sides and I can see your bra under your armpit, you can't wear it. If your jeans are cut so low that when you bend over or crouch down and the crack of your ass or your underwear shows then you can't wear it. To me the rule is quite simple, to my daughter (who thinks I live in the dark ages) it is limiting her ability to express herself. I tell her tough and get over it.. lol

Now, when she tried clothes on and comes out to show me she immediately raises her hands above her head and/or squats down for inspection. When I say NO.. she understands even though she doesn't like it.

BIGbad 04-02-2005 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by kathy1
.....is it ok for underage girls to dress really really sexy and revealing? What's the thoughts of the group?

As a father HELL NO! :hair: I ain't down wit it.

But as long as she is 18 years old, I am all for the eye-candy! :p

Its just the dog in me baby

wyndhy 04-02-2005 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by Cheyanne

Now, when she tried clothes on and comes out to show me she immediately raises her hands above her head and/or squats down for inspection. When I say NO.. she understands even though she doesn't like it.

/me happens to be sittting it a chair near the dressing room door and wonders if the stange dance that young girl is doing is a new craze or if she's just spent too much time watching pilates videos

wyndhy 04-02-2005 08:57 PM

bigbad!!! :spank: :spank: :p

Loulabelle 04-02-2005 11:43 PM

Fussy and I looked at the 'jail bait' quiz in amusement, since every girl featured there was over the age of consent for our country.

I understand those people whose point of view is that girls shouldn't be going out of their way to look sexy, but the truth is that young girls are sexy: they often have the fittest bodies, the smoothest skin and have that freshness of youth which makes them very attractive to men, and they'd still be objects of lust, even if they never stepped out of school uniform.

It's very easy to blame fashion, the media, pop stars etc for the things that make us feel uncomfortable, and I'm not saying that parents should have no say or control over the way girls dress, but I do think that people need to accept that trying to 'blame' a 17 year old's sexiness on her clothes is futile. She'd probably still be sexy in a potato sack.

Girls at that age want to be sexy, but they only want to appeal to 16 and 17 year old boys. As a society, if we forced girls into wearing 'non-sexy' clothes, it would effectively remove the responsibility for men to be careful about who they lusted after. And then what? A girl who 'breaks the rules' in terms of clothing has no legal protection against rape? "Well, she was wearing a tube top, so how was HE to know she was only 15?" Hopefully I never see that in my lifetime.

BIBI 04-03-2005 01:47 AM

Well Lou I am of the opinion that most young girls haven't quite mastered a sexy look. The girls I see tend to be more along the lines of cheap and trashy looking and they are no way near the ages of 16 or 17. Kids are led by the nose by what they see in the media and what their singer of the month is wearing and therefore there is alot of influence from that factor. There always has been and always will.

I see 14 to 16 year olds coming into my care with bellies and boobs hanging out and their low rider jeans rolled down even lower than their bum crack. And of course they have the obligatory thong pulled out of the pants for all to see. That is not sexy, it is showing how they feel about themselves.They are looking for attention and acceptance for how they look, not for who they are. They seem to think that is attractive. It makes them get noticed for all the wrong reasons. I am not a prude by any means but I do believe that it is my responsibility to try to teach them to respect themselves as something more than eye candy for males. They should do what they do to please themselves, no one else.....in a perfect world LOL

As far as the rape issue you mention. Rape is an act of violence against someone. People who get raped can be of any age regardless of the clothes they are wearing. Christ babies have been raped, old ladies too.

I don't think there will ever come a time that females will have to dress by a set code but they should have to dress in a manner that exemplifies their beauty and not detract from it for there sure are some poor attempts at looking good out there lol.

Hopefully I am still around in 15 to 20 years. I will come back and see what you think once you have a daughter, that is if you do have one.......:)

thanatos80 04-03-2005 02:35 AM

Hi all. I'm a first time poster, on here. I have to side with Bibi and Cheyanne on this subject, especially with what Bibi said. As a father of a 12yr old daughter, I look at what some of these girls who are 2 or 3 years older than her are wearing, and it scares the hell out of me.

lizzardbits 04-03-2005 03:26 AM

I have a 4 year old daughter, and it just IRKS me when i go shopping for her. There are so many clothing companies that have skimpy little clothes for TODDLERS!!! Shopping for a bathing suit is hard, because i don't want too much skin showing and bikinis are totally out of the question! There are tops that are just a small bit of fabric with a few strings attached and they call it a top OY! and WTF!?! the underware makers make bikini underpants, yes i said BIKINI underpants starting at the size that most little girls start potty training!:yikes:, and i have to be very careful that i don't pick up those instead of regular underpants for her. Not Good! I mean, really, who are these marketed to?!

i like Chey's rule and if the styles are similar when my little one gets older, I think that I will do the same.

:rant: :cents: :box:

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