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sixsense 10-21-2001 01:35 PM

(Men) Are you circumcised. So you feel it has improved or detracted from your sex life?

(Woman) Is or has one of your lovers been circumcised? How was/is it? I read something once that claimed woman felt more pain with a circumcisied penis verses uncircumcised, but the men in question could hold out longer.

Personally I have been circumcised. I keep wondering how much I have missed, and would my orgasms have been better?

I feel I have been mutilated.

At least I can still get some enjoyment. Female circumcision is just wrong, and literally quite evil.

Nubian 10-21-2001 02:45 PM

Still got my sheath.
I've heard so many myths centering around circumcised vs uncircumcised penises. From uncircumcised being more sensitive to some of those you mention. Personally, I think they are just that, myths! In my (admittedly limited) sexual experience with partners and dialogue with friends, most seem to prefer circumcised penises for hygenic reasons. (The myth that uncircumcised is somehow less clean lives on to this day.) I agree with you on female circumcision. Should have no part in today's society.

Irish 10-21-2001 05:13 PM

Nubian&sixsense--I suggest that you; both;read what I have
written in the Forums section under "How do Circumcised men deal with foreskins"I have had the experience of having and not
having a foreskin.It discounts many myths.If I had it all to do over
again;I would say"The hell with the bleeding."and be imediately
circumcised but everyone has his own feelings.My wife has had me both ways and;as long as it's me;she says that it doesn't
matter. Irish (It is in the soc.sexuality.general section)

Nubian 10-21-2001 08:43 PM

Thanks for the info Irish. I'll take a look see.

Tango Seven 03-19-2002 08:31 PM

I much prefer a guy with a foreskin. I love pulling my guy's back when I masturbate him.

da_bomb 03-24-2002 08:21 AM

In this day and age where one takes bath at least once a day everyday, where is the concept of a "unhygenic" penis come from?

Understandable that your ancestors lived in places where there was scarcity of water, like middle east, or europe where the water was maybe just too cold to take a bath everyday(not mine...in my society/religion there never has been circumcision for atleast 5000 years)

But in this modern society, I findthis concept of cutting off the skin simply horrendous.

If the skin was not supposed to be there, why did God provide us with one?

Irish 03-24-2002 10:01 AM

da_bomb---Nobody in the world is cleaner than I.Read my reply and it might provoke some thought on your part. Irish
P.S.As they say in AA."Close your mouth and open your ears!"
Nothing is a black or white situation.

Wicked Wanda 03-25-2002 08:30 AM

da bomb, I am VERY sorry to say that everyone DOES NOT take daily baths in the USA, especially men! And I have a strong preference to clean, well-groomed men in my sex life!
As I have said before, I do find a taste difference in SOME uncircumsized men. I didn't say they tasted bad, just that there is a difference in the way some men taste to me.



Irish 03-25-2002 09:01 AM

WW----I DO take baths;at least; once daily!Sometimes;showers instead.My wife has tasted me;both ways;and says that she notices NO difference.Of course;it is the same person so I imagine
that it would taste the same.I noticed;over time;that she really didn't enjoy herself;anyway.I asked her not to do it anymore.I'm
not the kind of person that just wants ones own enjoyment! Irish

vampeyes 03-26-2002 02:01 AM

I have been with only 2 guys that were uncirumcised and while my experience is limited with it - I found no difference in those partners who were compared to the ones that I have been with who weren't. And as a side note when I had my son I was torn as to wether or not to circumcise him. After talking to many men and doing a lot of research and many chats with the dr I decided to have it done..... I hope it's not something my son regrets later in life but the main deciding factor was the pain it would cause later in life if I didn't do it and he decided to have it done. If a man is circumcised it is a painful experience (according to the DR). Other than that there seemed to be no real medical reason for it. I hope that helped.

kiwi15 03-26-2002 05:03 AM

I'm not circumcised and I've never had a comment from a partner about it. I must admit, however, that since I tore my frenum, it's much more enjoyable, especially when there's a tongue exploring between my foreskin and glans!

cdh 08-02-2004 01:08 PM


sweetlady 08-02-2004 01:19 PM

I prefer my partner is circumcised. I notice a difference in the feeling both during intercourse and when giving a blow job, personally. Though not in the taste, but simply in the experience over all. Cosmetically, I also find it more attractive, though a penis is beautiful either way. It's like a man who loves breasts... he may find larger breasts more attractive, but they are all still lovely in his eyes. The same applies here.

Loulabelle 08-02-2004 01:24 PM

The only way in which not being circumcised is unhygienic, is if the penis in question is not thoroughly cleaned, by which I mean that in the bath or shower, the foreskin is pushed back and the head of the penis is washed to remove dead skin cells which build up to form 'smegma'. My ex's foreskin was quite tight and would not go all the way back, and I'll admit that it sometimes did seems a little unclean to me, which would put me off getting too close to it at times. This however, I felt was a personal hygiene problem rather than one of circumcision and probably dated back to his childhood, where he was not taught to clean himself properly (who knows....not pushing his foreskin back far enough often enough may have caused it to become tight in later years?)

WildIrish 08-02-2004 03:29 PM

I was circumsized right after birth so unless I nailed one of those nurses...which could explain my fondness for those outfits...I don't think I'll ever have an experience to compare with.

Sex feels great. Mrs. WI loves the way my penis looks and feels. I shower at least once a day (and clean my genitals VERY thoroughly :) ). And though sometimes I'm curious about what it'd be like with a foreskin...in general, I don't think too much about it.

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