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Glyndwr 01-25-2002 08:19 AM

I'm not sure if this has been done before, but is there an interest in Pixie land for poets/poetry?. I wrote what follows as another way of expressing my fascination with all things sexual.

Breathing deep and turning over
Her arm falls draped across his chest,
Their bodies lie completely sated
Enveloped in contented rest.
The sweat-stained sheets bear silent witness
To an eager passionate embrace.
When she took him fully in her.
When he gently kissed her face.
Their bodies heaved as one together
Harmonizing rhythmic sighs,
Moans and groans of urgent pleasure
She bit his hand to stifle cries.
And then she felt his muscles pulsing
As he reached climactic goal,
Her willing lust coursing through her,
All consuming. Body and soul.
And now each one entwined with t’other
Dreams of when they both will stir
And once again they’ll feast together
She on him and he on her.

Lovediva 01-25-2002 09:04 AM

Three thumbs up!!
Excellent Poem Glyndwr!
Loved it!

souls_cry2000 01-25-2002 10:05 AM

The Midnight's Kiss
Angels descend on her silky skin

Caressing naked flesh with probing wings

Parting lips of untold secrets and sin

With a kiss so deep like scorpion stings

And the lovely bloodletting that love brings

Wrapped in the eyes of the young nymph's dream

Erupting to flow forth--spilling warm cream.

(c) 2000 jamar alexander

Lilith 01-25-2002 11:44 AM

Now I have a new favorite thing...sexy poetry. I loved them both! I love the fact that they were sensual not just sexual. Sex is such a sensory experience and to be able to write so beautifully descriptive about it is a gift! I look forward to reading more...:) ~~~~~~~~~>Lilith

Aqua 01-25-2002 12:00 PM

Those are Great! They are both fine pieces of work... like Lilith said, very sensual.
(And since Diva doesn't really have a third thumb, she can hold up my cock... ;) )

PlayfulTigress 01-25-2002 12:27 PM

Re: Poetry
Originally posted by Glyndwr
I'm not sure if this has been done before, but is there an interest in Pixie land for poets/poetry?.

I was wondering that, too. I searched the story area and found there was no erotic poetry section. :( I'm not sure how hard it is to add a board/Area to a bulletin board site, but would a poetry section be enjoyed here? I know I'd like it.


sugarfreecandy 01-27-2002 06:45 PM

I think a poetry section sounds like a great idea! I love what's been posted in this thread so far... Something about poetry allows for a much 'thicker' description --- the imagery can be so much more intense when it doesn't have to fit together literally. And the form allows a great deal of freedom... So yes, I say, let's have a poetry section!!! I might even have to dig out some of my own work to share there too, if there's enough interest!

--- sweetstuff

PlayfulTigress 01-27-2002 07:19 PM

Love Letters from a sub...

~By Lindsay Rae~

In the darkest hours of night
I lie awake in my bed
Visions of You
Fill my head

Your gentle touch
Is what I long for
To see You again,
Standing at my door

Your arms full of baggage,
Your eyes saying You're here to stay
You forever in my life...
Oh, how I long for that day!

I call You Master
With the greatest respect
For our bond is special
Anyone can detect

The feelings I hold for You
Are dear and true
They are taken from my heart
And given to You

With each new day
I love You more and more
In each unique way,
You make me soar!

PlayfulTigress 01-27-2002 07:20 PM

Love Letters from a sub, part II...

~By Lindsay Rae~

The blindfold makes everything black
The stereo makes sound lack
The bindings upon my body’s tight
Though if not bound, I would not fight

As the crop comes down upon my flesh
Pain and pleasure will surely mesh
A soft cry escapes my lips
As You test on me the many whips

“That’s a good whore,” You say to me
Through Your words, I truly feel free
I’m sure others man not understand
But Your love keeps my life far from bland!

You spank me even when I’m good
And I enjoy it as a good girl should
You twist my nipples just to tease
But You’re always kind enough to please

After our session is done
Our hearts, they become one
Nestled safely in Your arms is where I’ll stay
Until the next time we decide to play

Sharing my life with You is never a dull thing
So many wonderful things to this relationship You bring
I love You, Michael, with all my soul
And my heart, You surely stole!

xanne 01-27-2002 09:01 PM

I had never realised the power of erotic peotry - these are wow.......and beautifully sensual.

I will be looking forward to more.

Thanks for starting the thread Glyndwr!

The LOM 01-27-2002 11:11 PM

Not exactly the Erotic vein, but.....
~No apology~

I'd say I was sorry
For causing such a stir
But honestly I did not know
Exactly where you were

The long night of drinking
Had my inner compass bent
I meant to exit camp, and pee
Then sneak back to my tent

I would like to apologize
For pissing on your hubby Jim
But you and I know very well-
That man wasn't him.

The LOM 01-27-2002 11:14 PM

Oh, well... here's another weak attempt...
Standing silent once spoken the words became broken

as she offered a token by removing a shoe.

He had erred only slightly at her request of the nightly

And the room had too brightly exposed his “snafu.”

He apparently expected too much, but rejected

His mistake was projected from an inner-self storm.

She passed him his clothes as she buried her nose

In her hands the noise rose as she laughed at his bare form.

(been there)

Nubian 01-28-2002 10:23 PM

She mounts him bravely.
Her nipples erect, blushes.
Her body shudders.

Tammi 01-29-2002 09:30 PM

When Passion Cried
A practical joke?

They thought that might be her answer
She’s reaching out and wanting help
Whether the first time was real or not, she will understand
And in the end she will laugh,
They know her so well, after all.

It shall be one to free her of guilt and lies
Distract her broken heart
Put a smile on her face, happiness in her heart
And in the end she will laugh,
They know her so well, after all.

It shall heal, mend and free her very soul
Teach her self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-control
Disguise it with her own passions, desires, and needs
And in the end she will laugh,
They know her so well, after all.

Disregard her emotions, ignore her tears
Damn any rules, they will all have fun
It’s only a joke, who cares how it’s done.
And in the end she will laugh,
They know her so well, after all.

A practical joke?

Her mind spins, her eyes question
Distrust sets in giving way to a disbelieving heart
Withdraw, retreat and silence once again
In the end it wasn’t real, she learned of the joke, she cried
Yes they know her so well, after all.

Guilt was used, lies were added upon to gain her trust
Have her repeat her story, break her heart once more
The smile froze, the heart stopped
In the end it wasn’t real, she learned of the joke, she cried
Yes they know her so well, after all.

Healing with false passion, mending with magic tricks, her soul with empty promises
A lesson of shameful lust, non-acceptance and losing control
Rejecting her dreams of passions, desires and needs.
In the end it wasn’t real, she learned of the joke, she cried
Yes they know her so well, after all.

Continuous tearing of her emotions, never blind to her tears
Damn the rules, she did too, she should be having fun
What difference should it make if this time was all arranged
In the end it wasn’t real, she learned of the joke, she cried
Yes they know her so well, after all.

A practical joke?

She looks through eyes seeing nothing, the tears dry up
She moves about feeling nothing, the heart now closed
Her mind still reeling in disbelief at the cruelty
Because in the end it wasn’t real, and she doesn’t understand the joke
They know her not, they never will.

Lilith 01-29-2002 09:48 PM

A very heartfelt poem.... describes very well how it feels to be wounded. Thanks for sharing~~~~~~~~>Lilith

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