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Lilith 12-15-2002 01:40 PM

I know this has to be somewhere here already but I figured I would throw it out for discussion again......new members = new ideas:)

My guy and I were having a sociological discussion about whether the "average" person indulges in anal sex. Now I know Pixies people are not at all average but I thought I would see what you guys feel about it!

Please vote in the poll.......and I would love to hear your thoughts on anal and how common or uncommon you think it is. Also do you think it is more acceptable in some countries than others??

dopey 12-15-2002 02:03 PM

I think its more common than we are led to belive expecially in the US. As to other countries I really can't say. I don't think though that men should be so hung up about it which I do think is the case.

RandyGal 12-15-2002 02:18 PM

*gulp* isn't this still one of those things that can get people arrested?


Too bad....while I've never had anal sex I'd love to try, but don't really wanna go to jail for doing so. ;)


Scarlett 12-15-2002 02:20 PM

We decided to give it a try and it hurt me, so that was the end of that LOL

skipthisone 12-15-2002 02:35 PM

It took years of anal play till one day we finally tried it, and it was uncomfortable for my SO and we didnt do it again for months, then one night playing around she wanted to do it again, and ever since, about every other time or so we have sex its anal

dick 12-15-2002 05:22 PM

Never tried it. Wifey has made it plain she wants no part of it and i respect that. There are other things i would rather try first.

angelsfriend 12-15-2002 07:36 PM

My wife was never interested in anything more than a little anal fingering. Then all of a sudden one day during some especially hot and extended love making she said "I want it in my ass" after a little lubrication and some gentle probing we had found ourselves some new pleasure. Since then it is something we do not on a regular basis but enough to keep it interesting.

pepsigirl 12-15-2002 10:34 PM

I like anal sex very much, but i read on another thread that i (being the female) should push my sphincter muscles like i was going to the bathroom when having the man insert his cock inside my ass. is that true? if so, no wonder it hurts me each time. lol

katekate42 12-15-2002 11:04 PM

My boyfriend and I gave it a try not long ago and really liked it, though we've only done it a couple times since. As yet, it's just something fun to do sometimes, but not the main event. Pepsi, pushing out just a little does help a lot when he's putting it in-- we managed it with no pain (I was pleasantly surprised) even the first time... Ah, it helps to read the pixies forums ;)

Casperr 12-16-2002 05:33 AM

I know this will come as a shock to many of you but.....

Yes, I have tried anal!!!!


Solo only unfortunately. I think anal play is probably more common than I would have thought - a friend of mine who I had thought was a little, shall we say, sheltered surprised me the other day when she mentioned that she often used a finger there during sex with her man. However, I think the taboo factor is still there - I don't think people are as free to talk about it as they are various other sex acts.
I think for women, the perception is that anal sex is 'slutty' or dirty.... and for men, well any enjoyment seems to make you a nymphomaniac homosexual.

I think it's sad that society still has this attitude towards something soooo good! But, such is the world we live in!


Aqua 12-16-2002 04:41 PM

Well gee, I don't know much about this 'anal' sex thing...

dm383 12-16-2002 04:50 PM

I polled as "No, but love to try"..... not strictly accurate, cos the few times I HAVE tried it, my partner changed her mind "last minute".... so still waiting!!

I just found out the other night, that my girlfriend was anally raped by her last b/f (:mad: ... Bastard!) so her previous liking of it is, understandably, rather diminshed at present. Thing is, despite that, we trust each other so much already, after only 3 months together, she is willing to try it again in time; have I got a great girl here, or what? :D

Have to agree with Casper too; the "taboo" regarding sex in general, and anal in particular, is still alive & well here in Scotland.
I've been very lucky finding someone who can talk about ANYTHING with me, which is how the question came up in the first place!

As regards how common it is ~ well, I believe it's a lot more common than many people (outside of Pixies at least;) ) might think; don't know about the cultural/country aspect though.

Sorry to ramble again!) .... and, if I forget next week......



Sinner76 12-16-2002 05:47 PM

Well i have tried it and think its great.......... but no substitute for the real thing........ i do feel that american society as a whole is way to hung up on sexual taboos........hell there are some countries were anal sex is considered a form of birth control.........

p.s......from a male point of view ladies,,,,,,,,the whole pushing out thing,,,,, really does make it alot easier and less painful....

RUMFUN13 12-17-2002 04:26 AM

I don't know. Some women hate the thought of it. Some will try or do it grudgingly and some get better orgasms than vaginal or oral sex. Personal preference and patience are the key

horseman12 12-17-2002 07:22 AM

I have had anal sex with several of my s/o's and all have wanted to do it, it is something they love to do, however had others who really did'nt like it after trying it, think its just a personal thing, i myself enjoy it as something diffrent.

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