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-   -   Someone out there don't like Pixies Place!!!!! (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11131)

Lovediva 01-03-2003 10:30 AM

Someone out there don't like Pixies Place!!!!!
WHile I was away from Pixies...I surfed the web and came across another forum (can't remember the name of it right now) But I had copied and pasted this post and saved it because I wanted to show you all.


Nor do I like that forum one bit!
Quite frankly its a bit too immature for my taste. And so was your post.
That is what I enjoy about this forum.
The members are far too mature to stoop to those levels.

If thats the kind a thing you like, great, more power to ya... but I hope that is not what this forum turns into!

Just an opinion.

Obviously, this person registered here to view the pics cause it was a post about pics.

So...if the person who wrote this at another forum is here at Pixies....all I have to say is....


scotzoidman 01-03-2003 10:54 AM

Us, immature? Well, all's I can say is...


That should take care of Mr TooSmart...

jennaflower 01-03-2003 10:58 AM

Good Morning LoveDiva...

Lets just hope that IF this person returns to Pixies.. they lurk.. Don't think I care to Listen to anything further from them..

ditto what scotzoidman said :)

Lilith 01-03-2003 10:58 AM

Hmmmmmmmm could 14,400+ members be wrong..........:rolleyes:

To know US is to love US:D

skipthisone 01-03-2003 11:00 AM

well up my ass and call me shirley, that just aint right

Lovediva 01-03-2003 11:01 AM

Ohhhhhh Shirley....I've got something for you............... ;) :D

skipthisone 01-03-2003 11:03 AM

a little somthin, somthin......bring it on

PantyFanatic 01-03-2003 11:23 AM

You should report that to the Pixie Draft Headquarters.
What?………… No Draft at Pixies?:confused:

….. and we have all the proper EXIT signs installed?:rolleyes:
You mean they can just get the F___ out when ever they want. How nice!;) LMAO

I guess it does take a SPECIAL kind of person to be comfortable here. And I’m VERY happy that I’ve been able to meet so many of them and feel fortunate to be one of them.:)

T-S 01-03-2003 11:23 AM

You can't please all the people all the time.
And some don't deserve to be pleased in the first place.

kleclere 01-03-2003 12:56 PM

I feel that option should be kept to themselves. It is just like the television if you don't like what's on don't watch.

Sharni 01-03-2003 04:27 PM

Think that person may have some issues....and boy has Pixies seen its share of them...

I don't particulary care what they think...if they don't like it...easy answer...they can Fuck off and find somewhere that they do like!!

Lilith 01-03-2003 04:29 PM

Funny though when another big erotica site was down recently we had 70+ visitors here..........can't suck too bad:o

El Macho 01-03-2003 10:16 PM

If thats the kind a thing you like, great, more power to ya... but I hope that is not what this forum turns into!

If this poster's tone is indicative of the type of forum they enjoy, in my opinion it would be doing everyone a favor if it turns into one more like Pixies!!

LixyChick 01-03-2003 10:22 PM


Um.........I was gonna say all that.....but don't need to now! Cept I do like scotz's............NA NA NA BOO BOO NEENER NEENER!

So There! *rasberries*

GermanSteve 01-03-2003 10:59 PM

Immature? No. We are just nice with each other.

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