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jennaflower 02-19-2003 08:59 PM

Just gotta say....

There is absolutely NOTHING on this earth that can possibly compare to the feeling of an Orgasm... wooohooo :)

After 3 weeks of absolutely no time for physical release (movies, parties, friends, son, etc) I finally made time for ME this evening... and OH MY... thanks to a little modivation... it was bliss :) Thank heavens for batteries :)

Anyway... can anyone think of ANYTHING in this world that even comes close to the feeling of an orgasm? Alright.. some might say certain illegal drugs... some may say alcohol... but honestly.. I can't think of anything even remotely close..

<note to self> must make more time for ME :)

Tess 02-19-2003 09:03 PM

Poppers is the closest thing I've come to it. But who needs poppers when you can pop off anytime?

kleclere 02-19-2003 09:13 PM

Icecream with chocolate on a hot summer day.

Vigil 02-20-2003 02:07 AM

Some have said scoring the winning points at the superbowl or whatever your big sport is - but I would beg to differ and agree with you Jen - there's something about all the natural chemicals etc that the body releases with orgasm that makes you know its just so right.

Synthetic chemicals don't come close.

fzzy 02-20-2003 02:39 AM

A tall cold drink on a very hot day ... the feel of it cooling down your throat .... and often the feel of it spreading through your system .... well its a very close second! :)

BigBear57 02-20-2003 05:32 AM

At the risk of being accused of being corny.... a waking cuddle on a sunday morning, a child's first laughter after a lengthy illness, a warm cocoa by a fire on a cold night with someone special, the first touches after a long awaited "I love you" (OK, I know.... enough already)

horseman12 02-20-2003 07:53 AM

The only thing i can think of that could compare is your body next to mine, and the friction it would cause.

Lilith 02-20-2003 08:04 AM

Not a thing........:p

skipthisone 02-20-2003 09:34 AM

Does the happy orgasm dance for Jenna

jay 02-20-2003 09:49 AM

the sound of a perfectly running ghia engine after almost a year of rebuilding it

Stillwater 02-20-2003 10:05 AM

the feeling of a perfect day
you know how it is when you wake up, you have your juice for breakfast, you take a shower, the water feels fantastic. you talk to your best friend, meet up with some people, laugh and talk. maybe grab a cup of coffee about 10... everything just falls in place, man theres no work today, you get stuff done that you'd been putting off.

yeah, thats a lot better than when I lay around and deside I have nothing better to do but fuck myself like a cheap and dirty prostitute. of course theres different TYPES of orgasm.. and the best kinds of orgasms don't compare to anything less than a perfect day... and a perfect day usually involves a perfect night where you get the best kind of orgasm :D

quisath 02-20-2003 05:46 PM

I have to agree Jenna..................you hit the Nail on the Head.

Hope you doing Fine Cutie. ;)

LixyChick 02-21-2003 06:26 AM

I can't think of a thing but I was told once (from a man) that a sneeze is the next best thing to an orgasm!

I looked at him like the RCA dog (head tilted, questionable look on my face).

Has ANYONE ever heard of such a ridiculous thing? He was definitely serious!

BTW......congrats Jenna! We should ALL take more time for ourselves! Now.....stop reading this and go do "it" again, G/F! TeeHee!

dicksbro 02-21-2003 08:57 AM

Hmmmm. I did hear that about sneezing once, but I didn't believe it then either.

(LMAO, Lixy, picturing you sitting there pretending to be the RCA dog. What a vivid description!)

Lilith 02-21-2003 12:54 PM

<~~~~~~ ponders if you can OD by sniffing black pepper


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