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dm383 02-24-2003 05:30 AM

Moody or what?
Got to thinking last night ( a rare occurence in itself!!) about how peoples mood affects how/what they post.


The reason for asking is two-fold ~ firstly, cos I was feeling a bit (well, a lot) down over the weekend, and I posted some stuff that maybe wasn't as positive as it could have been - and I don't like that; I come here to feel good, and to try and help others feel that way too!
Secondly, I'm a Psychiatric Nurse by profession, and peoples mood and how it affects their actions is a big part of my work.

I've posted a Poll (duh.. they can SEE it DM!), but any comments would be welcome.



Lilith 02-24-2003 07:23 AM

<~~~~~~~~ is a moody bitch.......I know it's a shock:p

If you notice me not posting in my usual rambling frequency you can pretty much guess I am having an off day. I definitely post bizarre things when I am mid heart ache. OK dm383....... I could have just said ....yes huh?

dicksbro 02-24-2003 07:34 AM

Usually Pixies really picks me up. I love joking around and having fun and usually tend, I think, towards the zany.

Sometimes, I think I also post responses that are a bit sentimental.

But, once in a while emotions (maybe more than general moods) do affect my posting. I'm afraid I reacted a bit to some posts on this whole crazy Iraqi thing and I feel bad about that. (Not because I love my country ... I do ... but because I don't want to hurt others by my words.)

I try to avoid posting where I'm afraid my emotions are running too high.

If I've offended anyone, I'm sorry. Never intend to.

Now, back to the zany, normal me.

Dah, what's up doc?

BIBI 02-24-2003 07:43 AM

Sun's up dicksbro......at least where I am sitting :)

I try to stay out of here if I am in a "mood".

Most times I think I am upbeat and maybe a tad funny too at times......but that is debatable ;)

celticangel 02-24-2003 05:52 PM

Guess it does sweetie-----------just glad I don't post when drunk!!!!!!!!

Summer 02-24-2003 06:06 PM

It always does for me. My mood effects everything. ;)

Sharni 02-24-2003 06:51 PM

Generally I am pretty easy going here even when in a foul mood ...though there are times..that if provoked...I will let fly..but that is a rarity

whitehorse 02-24-2003 07:06 PM

I would imagine that your mood affects everything, whether you realise it or not. I know my mood affects my response to most things.
If I visit Pixies in a bad mood, I don't leave that way. Pixies always is soothing, entertaining, and even amusing.

LixyChick 02-24-2003 10:57 PM

My answer isn't in the poll dm.....so I am going off the books here!

I ONLY post when I am NOT in a bad mood! I rarely come here if I am in a bad mood! If I do come here in an off mood.....I don't post!

So, I guess you could say.....I am rarely in a bad mood.....cause I post all the time. Though there are a few days I missed......I try and catch up when I am feeling better!

Vigil 02-25-2003 01:49 AM

I like the moods - it gives a more three dimensional impression on a two dimensional format.

Emotion is definitely more sexy than "have a nice day".

Casperr 02-25-2003 06:50 AM

I'm like you Lixy - I don't post if I'm in a bad mood either. Having said that, I'm very rarely in a BAD mood - more if I'm too tired or can't be bothered for some reason really.....


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