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jtaylor 06-19-2003 04:52 PM

sex while pregnant
ok, so im haveing my first kid in september, now the mother and i are not together, we are great friends get along tremendosly well, we go do stuff together, hang out at the house, other than a woman i was married to i couldnt have picked a better person to have a kid with, now for my question, yesterday she asked if i would have sex with her. she says that she is horny and needs met. well im considering it, but i dont know much about if it can hurt the pregnacy, or if it affects it one way or the other...plus what about posistions, i seriously have issues about missonary(the thought of laying on top of my kid is a thought i cant get ot of my head) so any thouhts on this is definately apreciated
thanks for your time everyone

dm383 06-19-2003 05:13 PM

When my (ex) wife was pregnant, we made love right up til the day she delivered!! If all is well with your ex medically, there shouldn't be a problem.

More importantly, I think, is...... do you want to start a sexual relationship with her again?? Been there, done that...... and it always ended in tears for me!

Good luck!!


Euphemism 06-19-2003 05:20 PM

It's safe if done gently. Missionary is usually best, with the gent sitting up, as are oral games from both partners. Nothing where she has to tense any muscles for any length of time.

But beyond that, the increased hormonal effects for the woman (and the synergy for the partner) make for some truly earthshattering orgasms and emotional bonding.

Sharni 06-19-2003 08:07 PM

I found Doggie to be the most comfortable possie for me when i was pregnant...

Kimberly73 06-19-2003 08:17 PM

We had sex up until it was time for me to deliver and had no problems. We were even advised to have sex around my due date because my daughter was two weeks late. It didn't work though....I still had to have labor induced. :)

Irish 06-20-2003 12:35 PM

We have two children.I think that it depends on the womans mood.With our first,we had intercourse up until delivery.With the
second,her mood was terrible,so none.According to her Dr.,she was medically approved with both.Maybe I'm wierd,but I don't
enjoy sex,unless the partner enjoys it also! Irish

LixyChick 06-20-2003 05:55 PM

If her doctor says it's ok......then it's ok!

Just a tad of advice though............don't slam it home like you are riding a raging bull! LOL! Don't wanna hit the little feller/chickie on the head before he/she takes their first breath!


Be as gentle as she needs you to be though! Happy riding!

Lilith 06-20-2003 08:04 PM

I found doggie to be the most comfortable in tha later months or spooning. I would caution against performing oral sex on her until she has discussed it with her physician. I was warned against it by my physician as there may be some risk of embellism. Of course that was when dinosaurs roamed the earth too so just have her ask. The baby is well insulated and I have to say I had the best sex when I was pregnant, my body was ripe and mature and mmmmmmmmmm.......was great!

jseal 06-20-2003 09:43 PM


If you and yours are healthy, there are no medical reasons contraindicating sexual activity into the third trimester.

Check with her doctor.

There are a lot of changes happening inside her reproductive system right now; she will taste different; not bad – different.

Don’t worry about positions, she’ll let you know what works for her.

biggusdickus 07-16-2003 01:06 PM

as long as evevrything is OK medically its fine. go slow she will let you know if the position is not comfortable.

we used the sppon position quite a bit toward the end

Midnight Kiss 07-17-2003 01:13 PM

with my 1st child we had sex right up to to day she was born. In fact the Doc incouraged us to have sex more often at the end because she was due the 7th and waited till the 27th to get here, lol. I enjoyed doggie and me on top and spooning, and as long as she is not complaining, don't worry about being too ruff. That last month of pregnancy was wonderful :D lots of ruff doggie style sex, hummmmmmmmmmmmmm

skipthisone 07-17-2003 01:30 PM

During the last trimester my wife was ready to go all the time. We mostly stuck to doggy, but she wanted top one time and it was fabulous up till she slid back a bit and her bladder emptied right then and there.....It was just some freak thing, but she never would go back on top the rest of the term.

Midnight Kiss 07-17-2003 02:23 PM

Skip are you both sure it was her bladder? The 1st time I ever flooded us both was with me on top, I never really belived that a woman could really do that until it happened to me, now it's lots of fun trying , lol, though a change in sheets are always in order afterwords.

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