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Scarecrow 09-01-2003 11:10 AM

Another is reaching the two year
milestone at Pixies.

After reading PF thread on his Anniversery weekend I started looking back and I realize that I found Pixies on Labor Day weekend 2001, but unlike PF, I did not take so long to join.

I first joind on Aug. 9, 2001 under the nick The Beast and I had only 6 posts before a problem with my ISP and I was off the intenet for a week. I found a new ISP but had to change my E-mail account and of course I had not written down my password.

So I had to reregister as Lady Pleaser on 9/20/01 and have been here every since. I was having a problem with some other members in early '02 and that is when I register as Scarecrow(3/21/02). But I continued to haunt Pixies.

I would like to say thanks to Kim for starting Pixies and all the moderators who have help keep it running smoothly and the unknow boss now for keeping it up and running.

And a special thank you to my friends here at Pixies :cool:

fzzy 09-01-2003 12:00 PM

Congrats Scarecrow!!!!

Steph 09-01-2003 12:08 PM

I always love reading your well-thought out posts. Glad you perservered through some troublesome members.

Is Labour Day usually a busy time for Pixies? :)

Sharni 09-01-2003 01:42 PM

(((Scarecrow))) Congrats hun

PantyFanatic 09-01-2003 01:57 PM

Your sense of humor makes you a sick puppy ScareCrow.
And that’s why I love reading your contributions.:D You (and LadyPleaser;) ) have been a staple for my time here and you always have something real to say, at least to me. There is a comradeship that being in this very special place with somebody builds. I’m glad to say you are one of the people I feel that way about. :cool:

I'm not sure that the Holidays are more busy on the board Steph. I think that the "extra time" allows like minded surfers a chance to stumble over us. (worked for me:) )

dicksbro 09-01-2003 03:01 PM

Congratulations to you also, Scarecrow! Heck, living so close ... you should have called me and told me about Pixies so I could have joined then also.

Of course I didn't have internet service and I didn't know you, but those seem like minor little details. :D

BlondeCurlGirl 09-01-2003 03:19 PM

Groovy! Congrats, Scarecrow!

Scarecrow 09-03-2003 06:11 PM

fzzy - TY hun :)

Steph - I'm glad to hear that someone thinks I make sense once in a while ;)

Sharni - You are one of the people who infulenced me to join and then to stick it out. Thank you :)

PF - I feel that you and I may be kindered spirits and I enjoy the traded thoughts and ideas between us.

DB - Well I was over your way alot since my daughter is an ISU grad and lives in Bloomington. But I just could not find you :p

BCG - TY hun :)

Scarecrow 09-03-2003 07:01 PM

just dropped by to say this is my 5,000 post

Lilith 09-03-2003 07:38 PM

Hot damn! Scarecrow! I am getting your name plate bronzed:p Everytime I read your posts I feel like Dorothy in Oz and you know how she felt about the scarecrow ((hugs)) Congrats!

Sassy Rose 09-03-2003 07:56 PM

Congratulations Scarecrow, two years and 5000 posts, quite a run *hugs & kisses*

If I'm gonna post that many in two years I better get my ass busy *LOL* I've been here just over a year now and not even at 1000 :rolleyes:

Scarecrow 09-04-2003 05:14 PM

Lilith - Oh if we could all just live in Oz ;) Woohah a bronzed name plate :cool:

Sassy Rose - believe it or not I was at about the same point at one year, so there is hope for you yet ;)

Teddy Bear 09-04-2003 05:50 PM

Happy 2 year anniversary!!!

And Congratulations on 5000 posts!!!

I always enjoy what you write and look forward to your next 5000.

teddy :) :D

dicksbro 09-08-2003 06:56 PM

OMG ... Scarecrow ...


I may be late, but at least I'm dramatic. :D

Scarecrow 08-21-2004 05:14 PM

I cannot believe that another year has pass here at Pixies :wine:

:dizzy: :shock: :wiggles:

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