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LixyChick 04-27-2004 01:43 PM

>>There's A Grumble In Pennsylvania<<
He's here! He's here!

What a wonderful man that Grumble is! He and Mr. Lixy hit it straight off (<------my meager attempt at some early learned Aussie...lol!)! I had to slow him down at first, to understand every word, but I think I'm already getting used to that sweet accent! I went out for a while to go grocery shopping, and left those two in the barn, grunting over all the power tools. I fully expected to come back and see my picnic table built, but they got to having a beer and that hope went out the window!

Well, it's gonna be a get aquainted day and then tomorrow we are off to Philly...the Liberty Bell and all the other touristy (word?...is now!) stuff we can find! We'll keep in touch!

GingerV 04-27-2004 01:48 PM

Damn that boy moves fast! Always a new location. Definately a whirlwind trip, I'm downright jealous. ;~)

dicksbro 04-27-2004 01:49 PM

Great news. Keep us all posted on how things are going and whether that picnic table makes it! ;)

(((( HUGS ))))

Lilith 04-27-2004 01:50 PM

Glad he made it to another destination safe and sound!

IAKaraokeGirl 04-27-2004 01:55 PM

<---is envious as hell but glad for all of those involved!

Eliza 04-27-2004 05:17 PM

((((HUGS)))) to Grumble! Hope you enjoy our little state. Lixy!!!! Take him to Hershey too!!!!:D


Belial 04-27-2004 06:32 PM

"POWER DRILL!" *grunt* *grunt* *grunt* :D

jseal 04-27-2004 07:17 PM


The man does get about! Hope you all have a good time. Post pics!

Grumble 04-27-2004 09:04 PM

yep I am here after sadly taking my leave of Teddy and family.
really wonderful friends i have met so far,
Boy has Mr lix got some grunty tools :) Thing is that lixy has bought most of them for him so she is useful as well as sexy LMAO!!

Already having a ball and can this woman cook!! Going to have a great time here too

quisath 04-27-2004 09:16 PM

Ian .................... Have fun my friend ................ Enjoy yourself and file away all them Memories.

Coaster 04-27-2004 09:30 PM

I'm jealous Grumble!! You get to staying with all these beautiful pixies....

And be good to Lixy.... she's got my cherry.... my Pixie cherry that is!;)

Have a Fosters for me and have a great journey.

LixyChick 04-28-2004 07:34 AM

Gonna be a tad chilly today. About 62F and breezy. I figure the tall buildings in Philly should help protect us. We'll go to Independence Hall first and then prolly to the Betsy Ross House. I'd like to go over to the Edgar Allen Poe house and maybe the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It should be a full and interesting day!

More to come!

PantyFanatic 04-28-2004 08:16 AM

Re: >>There's A Grumble In Pennsylvania<<
I feel the rumble of the Grumble as he's getting closer. :)

Please don't over load his mind OR body Lixy. We have a lot of things to do here and I have a lot of things I need done around here.;) lol

Have him say "aluminum" and let me know if I'll have to get that Oz Dictionary from Sharni to tlak to him.

Don't forget to tell Grumbles I'll be looking for the thech details of Mr. Lixy's balls. LMAO :D

Scarecrow 04-28-2004 06:30 PM

New soap opera, "As the Grumble Moves"

Lixy don't wear him out in Philly, he may need the strength to work on the picnic table.


LixyChick 04-30-2004 06:46 AM

A-lu-min-i-um foil has been a sore spot for Grumble, myself and Mr. Lixy, PF! LOL! I've used a lot of it during his stay. Never realized how much I actually say the word till Ian got here! He's up for anything, so you might get your house painted after all!

We had a change of plans the other day and, instead of Philadelphia, we went to Gettysburg. I'll get a link to it's history when I have more time, and we'll post pics when I resize them, but it was quite an eye opener. We all had a wonderful time.

Then yesterday we just hung out and took Ian "driving on the wrong side of the road"! He wanted practice for when he rents a car on his next stop. Mr. Lix sat shotgun and made a hole in the floor, looking for the brakes! LOL! JK...JK!

Today we are off to Independence Hall. The weather has been so nice and today will be no exception. It's spose to go into the 80's!

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