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LixyChick 06-05-2004 10:08 AM

Stand Up and Be Counted...For What You Are About To Receive
Ladies...it's about time we took a stand! No longer do we have to disrobe for something that men take for granted on a daily basis! I can't believe I am actually saying this...but I can't wait till it snows...now that I have the knowledge of the best kept secret since that idea hit Thomas Edison (idea=lightbulb over his head when he invented the dang thing)!

Sorry...my meager attempt at light humor...get it? Light humor! Oh...nevermind. Don't try and get into my head!

Anyway...without further ado...I grace you with something sent to me in email that I think has to be spread around the globe! Lemme know when you give it a try. How'd it go?

Aiming For The Urinal Cake

Sorry...had to fix that link! Click on "A Woman's Guide....etc...etc..."

huntersgirl 06-05-2004 10:23 AM

OMG!!!!((((hugs))))) This is just the information that I have needed to perfect my technique! Why I never thought of looking this up I don't know! This makes most of my penis envy go away!!!!lol:D

LarryL 06-05-2004 10:31 AM

It really is freeing to know that when I'm out and have to pee NOW!, I can duck behind a bush or around the corner, whip that pussy poker out, and let 'er fly.

Now you ladies can feel that freedom too.

Can I still watch?

LixyChick 06-05-2004 10:37 AM

*giggle, giggle*

I've written my real name in the snow once. If you know my real name...you'll totally appreciate the difficulty of that manuever! NOW..I can't wait to give it another go!

Somebody smack the shit outta me! I'm actually looking forward to snow?????? Where's the straight jacket when you need it?

huntersgirl 06-05-2004 10:39 AM

I thought I was the only one who wanted to write my name in the snow!!! Everyone I tell this to thinks I am absolutely off my rocker! I'm not actually anxious for snow, but it does give me something to look forward to!:D

Nice Guy 06-05-2004 10:40 AM

They are on the left next to the front door. Gah what is the point of telling people that when they arrive here if they never pay attention.

*Stomps off to his rubber room muttering* :)

osuche 06-05-2004 11:15 AM

Wonderful! Now I have an alternative when I have to go in the nasty gas station potties.

Teddy Bear 06-05-2004 05:10 PM

Oh how I HATE public restrooms!!

Great find Lixy, thanks for passing in on. :)

Has anybody bought & used one yet?

LixyChick 06-05-2004 05:26 PM

Not only can you buy a device for this practice...but there is a non-device method which involves getting a bit more personal with yourself. Read on...it sounds fun!

darogle 06-05-2004 05:30 PM


Well if you ladies are going to do this, you might as well do it right and learn Urinal Etiquette too.


LixyChick 06-05-2004 05:36 PM

I got a 40 out of 60...so naner, naner darogle!


Who's man enough to kick me outta the men's room when I am at the urinal? I dare you!

Teddy Bear 06-05-2004 05:39 PM



20 out of 60

Good lord! You can't possibly be male! We have monkeys that are better trained at peeing than you are. If, on the obscure off-chance that you ARE male, you need some practice going to the bathroom. Sad, really.

ROFLMAO! Guess I gotta learn some stuff.

Grumble 06-05-2004 06:12 PM

very impressed with the female pee device, very useful indeed

how about a functional report from ane of you ladies who have tried it out?

huntersgirl 06-05-2004 07:37 PM

I scored a 50 out of 60!!! I am now drinking lots of water so I can go practice in the shower! I am so ready for the urinals! Bring 'em on!!!:D

wyndhy 06-05-2004 09:37 PM

i scored a 30 ot of 40.

girls, i must tell you it IS possible to pee standing up without dribbling a drop. i've done it, lixy, and when your in a pinch and don't want poison ivy rash on your privates, it's great. i didn't read the whole article so if they covered this, please excuse me. if you use one hand to pull up tightly on the skin just above your hood (press it into your pelvic bone for leverage) and tilt your hips forward a bit, you can pee standing up. it WORKS, i swear it!! i'm sorry to see so many of us girls didn't know this, i always thought it was common knowledge. otherwise i would have shared this with you before. :D

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