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jennaflower 08-04-2004 09:07 PM

Wish List (of sorts)
I was given an assignment today.. that I am struggling with.. and I need your help.. I am hoping by watching each of you complete the following assignment, it will help me complete mine.

The Assignment:

Make a "wish list" of the things that you are looking for (or looked for if you were lucky enough to find it) in a partner. Yes, I guess they can be general or even superffical.. but I am hoping that you will share deeper things..

I would really really appreciate anyone who can help me with this..


BigBear57 08-04-2004 09:17 PM

Jenna Hon I'm looking for that phantom feeling. I'm sure it exists but it's been so elusive for so long now it's hard to describe. I want a best friend with whom I can share my deepest thoughts. I seek someone I can laugh with even when things are going wrong. I really think the most essential part of the woman I seek is in her hug. Somewhere buried in her arms that feeling hides. I know that inside that embrace there's forever and happily ever after. I just have to find that hug.

jennaflower 08-04-2004 09:20 PM

here is my list so far... (tho it is in the early stages yet)

• Sensitive
• Sense of Humor
• Strong Work Ethic
• Conservative thinker
• Broad Shoulders
• Stocky
• Bald (or full head of hair), no thinning
• Best Friend
• Sexually adventurous
• Intelligent
• Strong Laugh
• Calm (but not boring)

Lilith 08-04-2004 09:31 PM

I want someone who:

is a goofball
is comfortable in a suit or in jeans and a t-shirt
who is eager to please sexually
would put his children before his self
wants to share parenthood and homelife responsibilities
wants to share parenthood and homelife joys
would be willing to try new things (in bed and out)
can deal with my Pixies addiction
loves me (moles, warts, boils, and all:p)
has faith in my abilities
allows him self to be loved

I'll add more later :p

Steph 08-05-2004 12:12 AM

I'm not really looking now so my list might be a bit different than it would be if I were looking.

~gives me space
~loves folk music
~loves garlic
~grows weed, brews beer & wine
~likes the outdoors & has a cottage in the country *swoon*

I'm sure I could date a guy who liked heavy metal & a steak a day, too. :)

Catch22 08-05-2004 12:14 AM


Wait a minute. Thats me! :)

BIBI 08-05-2004 12:39 AM

^^^^^ hahahahaha

LixyChick 08-05-2004 05:03 AM

I've wished for...

unconditional love...the kind where, even when I say I feel like I look like a witch today, and all I need for it to actually be true is a giant wart with a hair growing out of it...he says, "I'd pluck that hair so I could kiss you".

sexy and sexual
knows own limits but tries new things
major sense of humor
minor sense of style (no black socks and sandals...matter of fact, no socks and sandals PERIOD!)
hygenic and careful about his appearance (no grease under fingernails, no long fingernails or toenails...etc.)
can handle a power tool and knows the difference when it comes to a vibrator (think about it!)

That's about it...I'm pretty easy! LOL!

jseal 08-05-2004 05:53 AM



jennaflower 08-05-2004 08:53 AM

Thanks everyone :) You are helping more than you know!! Please keep going.. my sanity may just depend on it. LOL


Lilith 08-05-2004 08:54 AM

OMG I forgot smart...but not that Lord it over you kind or the type that tries to shut you down. Just the kind that makes him easy to talk to and me to believe he is not just puffing up his chest or blowing smoke up my butt.

osuche 08-05-2004 09:41 AM

The non-negotiables, in my mind:

1. Integrity ~ true to himself and others. A stong sense of what is "right."
2. Intelligence ~ Basic curiosity about the world and his place in it.
3. Passion ~ He must have something he is dedicated to. Maybe work, maybe hobbies...but I don't want to be the only thing in his life.
4. Thrifty ~ Must be able to manage a budget and not go into debt. This is a big issue for me because of my past.
5. Opinionated ~ Not an ass, but willing to tell me when he thinks I am full of shit. I want a companion, not a yes-man.
6. Compassionate ~ Cares about others' feelings, thoughts, and experiences.
7. Open minded and willing to experiment ~ Both in bed and out of it.
8. Social Grace ~ He doesn't have to be a male Martha Stewart, but he has to be able to get along with others.
9. Thinks I am wonderful...but is realistic. I have my warts ~ but I want him to love me anyway.

Pita 08-05-2004 11:21 AM

My perfect man would be:

1. Loves me just the way I am but also willing to be flexible when I change.
2. Kind and compassionate
3. Great sense of humor but not the dorky kind.
4. Shares my same faith and views on politics
5. Loves to cook and help around the house
6. Has outside interest of his own (not other women :D)
7. Hard worker but not a work alcoholic
8. Loves sex and is great at knowing just how to please me.
9. Likes to talk about a wide range of topics.
10.Nice looking, well groomed but not fussy.

Catch22 08-05-2004 01:58 PM

So far I wouldn't fit into anyones list. *Is shattered* :(

WildIrish 08-05-2004 02:17 PM

The kind of person I'm drawn to is:

Genuine - doesn't tell me what I wanna hear unless they feel it too

Confident - but not conceited.

Comfortable with my being attracted to them - You know that I think you're sexy but still not totally convinced of it yourself.

Honest - about everything except for my small penis

Maternal - you have to love your kids.

Willing to communicate - I don't care if it's good or bad...just tell me what you're thinking and we'll take it from there.

Socially aware - isn't out to save the world, but they're doing something to preserve their little corner of it because they're realistic in their goals.

Willing to let me cook - because I love to

Understanding of my needs - but strong enough to speak up for yours

Adventurous - Sexually and otherwise

Fun - because I am too.

And the most important of all? You have to love me back!

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