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osuche 01-04-2005 01:15 PM

Looking for a bit of advice here...

I consider myself a rather energetic person ~ typically work 10-12 hour days, spend a fair bit of time at the gym, run a tight ship at home. Recently I haven't wanted to do any of these things....it's been a struggle for me to get out of bed every morning.

I *do* force myself to do some things, but I've been taking naps 2 times a day, as well as sleeping 8-10 hours at night. And working out at the gym has been an exercise in futility ~ if I get a 45 min workout in I am exhausted (and I typically go for 90 min). The house hasn't been cleaned for 3 weeks, and I can't bring myself to care.....and this from a woman who normally vacuums twice a week. :)

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and these spell aren't unknown to me (I have them about 2-3 times per year). My doctor tells me that spells of fatigue and depression are normal for those in my condition, and typically perscribes a steroid to alleviate some of the pain....which usually removes the fatigue.

Now ~ here's the rub. The steroids cause me to gain weight and are really hard on my body, and I don't want to take them this time. I am *sick* of being dependent on drugs which are bad for my health ~ and I am trying to take myself off of them.

So.... Any suggestions for natural ways to cure fatigue? Herbs, exercise, foods, other cures? I'd love to have some new ideas.

Thanks in advance for your help. :D

IAKaraokeGirl 01-04-2005 01:27 PM

Osuche, after reading that article I posted here a few weeks ago about limonene (found in the peel of oranges and lemons) and the effect it has on preventing/easing asthma, I purchased some aromatherapy items to see if they would help at all with my daughter. Just for kicks (and because I have narcolepsy), I also bought a diffuser for here at work and often use the orange in it. Maybe it's just a mental thing with me, but it *does* seem to perk me up a bit, like those big into aromatherapy claim.

It's also possible that the sleep you *do* get at night is not "quality." I, too, sleep a good number of hours. However, a few years ago, when I was making a 80-mile drive frequently, I had to start stopping in the middle of the trip to take a 10-15 minute nap. After a sleep study, I found that I have "spontaneous awakenings" as often as twice a minute while sleeping--although I may not be consciously waking up, it's an interruption of my sleep. It's something to consider if you keep having problems.

osuche 01-04-2005 01:54 PM

/me wanders off to the fridge to eat one of the oranges I bought a couple of weeks ago....

TY for the ideas. I doubt it's sleep deprivation ~ I don't feel sleepy....But I just vacuumed the upstairs (thanks to a home showing tomorrow I must) and I'm broken out in a cold sweat.....I go up stairs and I am out of breath..... Things like that. :)

And this from the woman who can usually do a fast-paced 45 min stairmaster workout! :confused:

Lilith 01-04-2005 02:31 PM

Have you had your blood sugars checked. I have that sort of fatigue/sweat when mine is out of balance.

I have tried for about 2 months to go off my medications. I finally realized today that I am failing and I just can't make it right (could not get my sugar to drop below 200 ever). I took the meds about 3 hours ago and can feel them working. I have diabetes and I have to treat it.

(((osuche))) I hope you know I'm pulling for you! Peppermint....oil, soap, candy, candles...peppermint is a definite perk me upper.

Cheyanne 01-04-2005 02:48 PM

Since this isn't "normal" for you - other than when you have the arthuritis flareups - and I noticed that you didn't mention that you were having pain, my advice would be that you call your doc and make an appointment. Acutally, I would call my OBGYN and make an appointment to have my hormones checked along with blood sugar levels, etc. And discuss with her/him what you are experiencing with the tiredness. I know before my surgery and subsequent hormone problems, what you described was exactly what I felt. It was sooo bad that the doc put me on anti-depressants. What I found out later, after insisting that I WASN'T depressed, was that I was estrogen dominant and my body was trying to adjust chemically to the assault. I was prescribed natural progestrone trouches compounded by the pharmasist specifically for me, and that did the trick! The only bad part of it was that insurance didn't cover it - they would the synthetic progesterone, so I had to stop taking it because it was way too expensive and I wouldn't take the synthetic stuff.

Hope you discover what is going on with you hun.... (((HUGS)))

Lilith 01-04-2005 02:55 PM

Side note: I just had my first reading under 150 in a really long time. I hate being drug dependant but damn it feels good to feel good.

BIBI 01-04-2005 03:25 PM

I have Pernious anemia which is the body's inability to absorb vitiman B-12. In my case it runs in my family and it began to affect me at the age of 28. I have taken injectable B-12 shots since. They don't do anything accept replace what your body is lacking. I have a shot every week due to my age and the severity of the anemia. My daughter aged 29 just had to start too due to the same condition. I would suggest that you have your blood checked for this very common yet overlooked medical condition....You getting so out of breath is what clicked with me. It is very common to feel labored breathing if your B-12 count is down and is the same too with iron deficencey(SP)

Good luck hun! Nothing worse than feeling a long lasting fatigue, that nothing seems to cure. Seems like you know what would cure it though! ;)

PS...maybe you should take your medication and see how you feel too. It probably is your body needing the treatment for your arthritis and although no one wants to be dependent on medication, if it improves the quality of life then that is what it is there for...... so take it :hair: (I know just like the rant of a Mom)

Aqua 01-04-2005 03:27 PM

[typical male response] You need more sex! [/typical male]

Don't know much about why you are fatigued, but I will say a prayer or two for you.


BIBI 01-04-2005 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
Side note: I just had my first reading under 150 in a really long time. I hate being drug dependant but damn it feels good to feel good.

You keep taking your meds too young lady!!! :spank:

BIBI 01-04-2005 03:38 PM

oh my.... KIDS geesh!!! :faint:


cowgirltease 01-04-2005 04:35 PM

Osuche I went thru that stage for 3 long years. You could be premenopausal. The harder you work the earlier your menopause starts.

Either blood sugar, hormones, pregnant, or sleep apnea.
Btw I hated steroids too. They really screwed up my periods.
When is the last time you checked your blood pressure?

wyndhy 01-04-2005 04:42 PM

get some rest when you can...your body must be needing it for something and take in high energy foods: grain, nuts, yellow veggies, etc. and most importantly SEE YOUR DOCTOR...try to figure it out more. just because it's normal doesn't mean the doctor can just brush it off as inconsequential.

WildIrish 01-04-2005 05:25 PM

I always blame my fatigue on stress, but there's so many things that can cause it. Best that you put your doctor to work on it. And don't accept that it's ok to feel tired and blah.

scotzoidman 01-04-2005 05:41 PM

Damn, this thread seems like a laundry list of afflictions I have had over the years...sleep apnea, diabetes, arthritis...I'm pleased to report i'm off all the drugs I was having to take, I could prob use an anti-depressant but those have side effects I'm not willing to put up with...if I could just get to sleep at night & stay up a little thru the day I might just have it kicked...

Originally Posted by Lilith
Side note: I just had my first reading under 150 in a really long time. I hate being drug dependant but damn it feels good to feel good.

Lil, I know what ya mean about having to take the blood sugar meds, I was finally able to quit mine after drastic weight loss...haven't had a reading over 150 in a year...

LixyChick 01-05-2005 05:45 AM

I have fibromyalgia and if I don't get enough sleep or uninterrupted sleep, I feel much like you've described osuche. Aches, muscle pain, lethargy, uncaring...etc. Excercise is one of the few drug free ways I can battle it. Consequently, I don't want to excercise when I feel like this. The doctors had me on sleeping pills which I couldn't shake in the morning and were very addictive. Then they had me on anti-depressants which, amoung other things, made me really sun sensitive. Then they tried a narcotic pain pill which kept me in a tired state all the time and although I liked being pain free, they were highly addictive as well. So, I stopped them all! Now, to assure I get plenty of correct sleep, I excercise despite how much I don't want to or feel like it. And, in the early evening when I can judge whether I am going to get to sleep in that night...if I feel I won't be able to...I take 1 Tylenol PM around 5-6pm...and I am assured at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I don't do this every night, but just on occasions when I know I won't be able to get to sleep or sleep well. I think UNINTERRUPTED sleep is the key to the self cure of my problem, and it could be a start to yours. IAKG talked about it and it makes sense to me. Maybe you could sign up for a sleep study and find out how well you are or aren't sleeping at night.

I hope you feel better soon and find the advice you seek!


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