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silentsoul 01-09-2005 07:21 PM

Ok, about a year ago I quit smoking cigarettes. I've kinda, sorta, maybe started again and I've been thinking about the good and bad of smoking.

Everybody's got their own opinion. It's a proven fact that it's bad for you, terrible even. But so is about 90 % of the worlds evils. You only live once and if you don't have some fun AND take chances every now and again it gets to be not even worth living anymore.

My opinion of smoking is that it's a dirty habbit, it stinks, it's a great way to waste 5 minutes, and when the worlds stresses get to you it's an easy chrutch.

So what's your opinion?

lonelyarmywife 01-09-2005 08:24 PM

Smoking sucks monkey balls...it is stinky and gross, not at all healthy and a waste of money.

This is coming from a former smoker. Quitting was one of the hardest things I ver did, but totally 100% worth it.

osuche 01-09-2005 10:47 PM

I dislike smoking too. Although I admit to enjoying a couple of cigars about every 6 months...while drinking scotch :D

cherrypie7788 01-09-2005 11:06 PM

I don't smoke, never have and never would..Never dated a smoker either, but it's a matter of personal opinion I guess. People generally don't get to smoke in my house either, just a pet peeve of mine. If I really liked someone and they smoked I could deal with it.

Sharni 01-09-2005 11:27 PM

As a former 50+/day smoker.....i'd say its a filthy expensive addictive habit

One that any smoker could well do without

Lilith 01-09-2005 11:46 PM

I'm glad I quit.

campingboy 01-10-2005 01:29 AM

A pack of 25 smokes is $11.00 here. I could think of a lot of other uses for that money. All public places here went smoke free. It is nice going out and playing some pool and not having to look through a haze of smoke, and returning home not smelling, well like an ashtray.

fzzy 01-10-2005 04:47 AM

I've never smoked, but have had family members who did ... they each have told me that it is the hardest habit they ever had to break and when they were smoking, they hated so much about it! The other thing I've only recently learned is that smokers have a much more difficult time healing (from anything) that with broken bones it makes the healing almost impossible. So let's see ... costs a lot, smells, is unhealthy and makes your body weaker ... not to mention the yellow nails and teeth, the stale stagnating smell that gets into your clothing ... hmmmmmm what did you say you liked about it again???? :)

LixyChick 01-10-2005 05:45 AM

It's not a habit at all...but an addiction. There is the physical addiction and then there is a mental addiction. The mental addiction is the hardest part to quit. I've known people that have quit for 20+ years and still have the memory of "the good part" of smoking...whatever that was to them. They still have cravings and sometime cave to that craving (fall off the wagon, so to speak).

I've said before...I'd quit if [they] could give me a hemi-lobotomy and sever the nerve to the part of my brain that says there is something I like about smoking.

Good news for the future...I've heard there may be a pill coming that will do something similar to my so called hemi-lobotomy. It won't cut the nerves to my brain, but quite possibly block the signals that say I want to smoke. In addition, it is suppose to help you lose some weight in the process. Weight gain is a probability when quitting, so it is a bonus if this "miracle pill" can do what it says.

I don't make excuses for my smoking but I will say this...I am an addict, just like any other addict, addicted to a drug. This drug, known as nicotine, is the most powerful drug I've ever known. For those of you who have never known the addiction...and for those who have quit...cudos to you! For those who simply say to just stop...it's bad for you and disgusting...so just don't do it anymore, I say... you know NOT of what you speak! If it were that simple, don't you think we would take advantage of the simplicity?

Yep! That's what I think!

jseal 01-10-2005 06:35 AM


In addition to the other features mentioned above, smoking also can cause emphysema, a cruel and nasty way to spend the last years of your life. If that doesn't dissuade you, cancer surgery can be very disfiguring. If you’ve stopped smoking, I recommend against resuming.

cowgirltease 01-10-2005 09:39 AM

You 're right jseal. My dad and my step dad both had emphysema. one is dead and the other is now on oxygen. It causes hardening of the arteries. Can you say high blood pressure? I have smoked for 30 years and doing my damndest to quit. The Nicoderm CQ 21 mg. nicotine patches are the best I have found for the nicotine craving. I hate cigarettes. The smell, the taste, and the fact that I can't breathe afterwards. But I'm addicted to nicotine.. I hate to tell you this silentsoul but your marijuana is harder on your lungs than a cigarette. I talk from experience here. You better get off both of them. I was a 2 pack a day smoker now i'm down to about 5 a day.

BIBI 01-10-2005 09:57 AM

I quit smoking for 5 years once.

I stopped during both my pregnancies too, not because anyone told me it was bad for the baby back then but because I couldn't stand the smell or taste AND no I am not going to get preggers again lol.

I want to quit but as Lixy has said it is one of the hardest things to kick as far as addictions. My doc says it is worse than heroin.

Now back to my first point. I quit smoking and it nearly drove me crazy but I did it. I started up again the day my mother was rushed to hospital.....sitting outside with my brother he offered me a smoke and I just automatically took it and smoked it. Halfway through I realized what I was doing.... I didn't even cough, get light headed, nothing at all...just like I had never stopped.

I have to stop.....I keep trying the patch and I continually give in! HELP!!!
Lixy, let me know when those pills are available.....;)

cowgirltease 01-10-2005 10:04 AM

BIBI... I'm smoking and ON the patch! :rolleyes: I've been on them for about 4 months now. I know it's dangerous but the patches don't last 12hrs like they say. About 8 is all I get out of them. I can say this..... I put a patch on at night and I don't wake up craving one and that helps ALOT!

There is a Nicotrol nasal spray that is potent as hell but, the first few times you use it, it burns like hot peppers and makes you sneeze and your eyes water. You don't inhale it. you just spray it inside your nose when you crave a cigarette. Your Dr. Can get you a prescription for it.

Pita 01-10-2005 11:02 AM

Stud and I both smoke and talk all the time about quitting this nasty and very expensive habbit. Maybe someday we can get strong enough and just do it. I do hope so.

BamaKyttn 01-10-2005 06:38 PM

I had my first cigarette when I was 12. Now at 21 I still smoke. During my short stint at college I smoked maybe 2 packs a month, now I smoke and it takes about 2 months to a pack. I'm such a control freak I feel when my body says "ooooh! I NEED a cig!" and I just clench my hand and smile in the satisfaction that I control me..... I think that was why I enjoyed aenorexia..... hate that I gave that up.

honestly it's not healthy but neither is driving with the windows down.

ok we all know I'm a sick fuck.

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