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flutelady 04-08-2005 03:10 PM

Nipple Piercing
I've been strongly considering getting one of my nipples pierced. I'm wondering if I'll have more or less (or the same?) sensation in the pierced nipple than I've got now. I'm also curious about just how much this is going to hurt and the healing time involved.... plus anything else that will help me make my decision. (Yes, I will post a pic if I get it done)

Thanks!! :x:

lizzardbits 04-08-2005 03:33 PM

I had both of mine done at the same time. I made the mistake of watching while the needle went thru and i passed out in the chair. Not from the pain, did i pass out, just that i am squeemish about my own cuts and blood.

As far as sensations went, i found that once healed, i was much more sensitive to nibbles and sucks!

the healing for me was short, but that first night, i just wanted to sleep with cold compresses on them.

If i were to do it again, i would take some tylenol before i went, and then not watch and wear looser fitting clothes.

Would i do it again? YES!

flutelady 04-08-2005 03:42 PM

Thanks for the comments, Lizz :wave:

NO WAY would I look, either! When I had my nose done, you couldn't have pried my eyes open. Tylenol in advance is a very good idea.

I'm really stoked to hear that the sensation was increased for you, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear!

What made you un-pierce them? And... how much blood??

lizzardbits 04-08-2005 03:51 PM

I took them out when i was 2 months PG with my daughter. I knew that i was gonna breast feed, so i wanted them to heal.

the ironic thing, is that piercings like that should take no time to heal shut...Daughter is 4 1/2, and I can still wear a ring in my left nipple, as it never shut completely. I put it in for my fire and ice thread, but right now, as i write this, i do not have it in. I can put it in with out any pain. This is very very unusual.

as far as blood, not too much really, just enough for it to want to scab at the holes. but then when i had my eyebrow peirced, i had little blood there, but my friend bled and bled when she had her's done right after i had mine done. Depends on the person i think

flutelady 04-08-2005 04:53 PM

I'm not too scared of the blood, but I'm VERY scared of the pain. Years ago, one of my babies bit me with her razor sharp teeth while I was feeding her and it was awful. I hope this is easier!

Also, did your S/O like it?

LixyChick 04-08-2005 07:49 PM

I wanna do it (both nips)...and repierce my nose (it fell out one night and I didn't discover it till it was too late) too...and so I am totally into this thread!

*sits back and lurks*

flutelady 04-08-2005 07:57 PM

Lixy... if you redo your nose, be sure to get a nose-screw. It's not going to come out without your full attention, believe me :eek:

I think I want to get both of my nipples done too, ultimately. But I'm starting with just one to see how I like it and how I do with it. My left one is my favorite, so it'll be the right one that gets stuck!

lizzardbits 04-08-2005 09:03 PM

My boyfriend at the time had his left nipple pierced, so he was all into it. He came with me when i had them done. Good thing too! I felt like crap after i passed out, so he drove back.

I think he liked them. since my nips are small, i think that it made them easier to find in the dark! (LOL)

I think that the clamp that they used works both in grabbing the skin and deadening the pain when the push the needle thru. So that wasn't too painful, i just shouldn't have watched.

when i had my eyebrow done, i closed my eyes so i couldn't even see the needle coming close, and focused on breathing. I new that i could go thru child birth i could go thru anything. It was quick and easy and i didn't feel the tiniest bit yucky.

Also, with the pain that you experienced with the :bite: chomp from your little one :baby:~~~that was an ouchie that you were not expecting, this one you have time to prepare. And besides, what may have been a little painful to me, might not be at all painful to you. That was the case of another friend of mine. She had her's done and then smacked me in the arm, saying that i had her all worried about the pain, when it wasn't so bad. She was fine, and she drove us back home.

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