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Loulabelle 02-26-2006 12:20 PM

Tell me your tips.....
....on getting pregnant!

Did you lie with your legs above your head afterwards?

Is it important not to bathe/shower for a period of time afterwards?

What should I be doing to make sure the sperm is getting to where it needs to be?!!

Lilith 02-26-2006 02:16 PM

I had a lot of trouble Lou. I used to jump right up after and go clean up. One thing I started doing was rolling on to my side and just relaxing for a bit. Because Mr. Lil was a runner his sperm were not so just letting gravity and nature have a few minutes may have helped contribute to me getting knocked up.

imaginewithme 02-26-2006 02:22 PM

Do it on the 13th of 14th day after the first day your period starts.

I did every tip imaginable.....the time I can't remember what we did, I got pregnant.

Loulabelle 02-26-2006 03:08 PM

I've been following tips on when to do it, and not moving around too much afterwards...but I've also tried not to stress too much about it either (with mixed results!) I'm just trying all the right things at the beginning, rather than just assuming it'll happen without making a concerted effort and then being worried when I'm still not preggers in a year's time.

It's funny how you know all about the birds and bees until it suddenly becomes relevant to you, and then you realise that you have no idea about the actual mechanics of it! For example, I learned today that my egg will only stay viable for a maximum of 24 hours after it is released before it dissolves, whereas his sperm can live in me for about 4 days! No wonder timing is so crucial!

Lilith 02-26-2006 03:15 PM

You should be making sure you are consuming enough folic acid which helps develop the baby's brain and Mr. Lil was told orange juice could help the swimmers do their job.

IAKaraokeGirl 02-26-2006 04:27 PM

Like Lil, I was a "side roller." And for the week before and up to ovulation, every other day--in some cases, EVERY day reduces the quality/quantity of the sperm.

I found in my last pregnancy that the electronic fertility monitors were 2350982395820% better than the "regular" kind, if you're interested in that kind of thing. I also charted basal body temperatures for months to get a sense of my "pattern."

Loulabelle 02-27-2006 02:19 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
You should be making sure you are consuming enough folic acid which helps develop the baby's brain and Mr. Lil was told orange juice could help the swimmers do their job.

Been taking a vitamin and folic acid supplement especially designed for conception/pregnancy/breast feeding since November Lil. ;)

And I've just found out about vit C too...thankfully Fussy loves OJ!

lonelyarmywife 02-27-2006 06:18 AM

i've always heard put your legs up, that causes his "stuff" to get down where it's supposed to be quicker. I've also heard that doggy style is more likely to get you pregnant becuase of where everything gets deposited. It's also supposed to be more likely to get you a boy.

Don't know if these are old wives tales or not, but they worked for me.

Jude30 02-27-2006 06:44 AM

Try to have an orgasm AFTER he ejaculates in you. An orgasm will cause your vagina to flex dipping your cervix in the pool of semen he's put in you.

Loulabelle 02-27-2006 07:30 AM

Will be avoiding doggy then - I want a girl! LMAO

Jude30 - I've heard that too, but unfortunately, having an orgasm on demand with a small window of opportunity (i.e. before he goes soft and needs to collapse!) is not easy...even for a sex goddess such as myself! LOL

sodaklostsoul 02-27-2006 07:41 AM

This thread reminded me of high school, there was a girl in my class who started seeing this guy and she figured that if she was on top that the sperm would all run back out. Nine months later after the child was born she decided that birth control was a better option.

I also have a cousin by marriage who could'nt get pregnant so they adopted and right after that she ended up pregnant with a total of 4 girls over the years. Plus the boy they adopted.

The only thing I know is that the harder you try and stress over it the longer it takes. So relax, convience yourself it will happen when it happens, stay out of the hot tub(heard something somewhere about the hot water lowers sperm count or something) and just have sex everyday!!!! :D

But really, best of luck to you and Fussy!!

Loulabelle 02-27-2006 07:49 AM

Well apparently, research has shown that woman on top is the least effective position to choose if you are trying to conceive, but of course, that doesn't mean it's impossible!

We're not really stressing about it too much - to be honest we're having too much fun trying! LOL

wyndhy 02-27-2006 08:59 AM

even if you can't cum after he does, you can still do the kegel thing. and pulling your knees up afterwards will help keep em all in there. and don't pee after sex if you can help it!.... you'll wipe 'em all out. lol

happy baby making (((lou and fussy)))

dm383 02-27-2006 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
Well apparently, research has shown that woman on top is the least effective position to choose if you are trying to conceive, but of course, that doesn't mean it's impossible!

We're not really stressing about it too much - to be honest we're having too much fun trying! LOL

THAT'LL do it, so I heard!!! Having fun and relaxing is just about the best way to "do it" I reckon......with any luck, a relaxed conceptiion will carry on throughout the wee uns' life!!


WildIrish 02-27-2006 03:30 PM

It took Mrs. WI and I a full year to conceive our daughter (second child). We were at the point of having her lay on pillows with her pelvis elevated after climax; taking her temperature half the day; red "x" 's all over the Basal Body Temperature Chart; and yes...no undies for me. :p

We were so stressed out that I'm sure our bodies were working against us. We got to the point where when the "temp was right", she'd look at me and say "just fuck me really quick before you go to bed". I swear, I lost it! I told her "I'm sick of fucking for procreation! I just wanna fuck you for fun! This isn't fun!" She said "You know what...you're right. We need to make it fun again." She left the room and came back in with the most ridiculous straw hat on and we laughed so hard. We had great, fun & relaxed sex. It wasn't long after that we did conceive and I just know it made all the difference.

Motto of the story...

Get a straw hat. :p

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