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Sharni 03-20-2006 08:25 PM

Am i a bitch?
I just got off the phone with the Animal Control people...complaining about my neighbours young dog. I did warn the young boy that i did not want the dog coming over and if he couldn't get it under control i would be ringing.

The dog wants to come over and play with mine (its bored outta its brain)...but it has heaps of bad habits i dont need my BIG dog learning.

Yesterday it knocked my youngest son off his bike, resulting in teeth through lip and blood everywhere. I've had enough i'm afraid.. It has had absolutely no basic training and if ya go to grab it at all it bites (not me anymore i grabbed his cheeks and shook the living shit outta him)...i'm just scared that as the pup gets older he will really bite someone/my kids(the young owner encourages it to chase and bite, thinks its funny)

Unfortunately its a case of bad owners spoiling a good dog...but regardless i've had enough of the damn thing

I'm pretty sure i did the right thing...but damn i feel like a bitch eh

jseal 03-20-2006 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by Sharni
... I'm pretty sure i did the right thing...


You did. The dog sounds to be uncontrolled. If it isn't controlled soon, it will end up having to be put down. :(

Pita 03-20-2006 09:05 PM

I don't think you are a bitch at all. Pet owners have a big responsiblity and if they don't take it seriously then they need a strong reminder to do so.

fzzy 03-20-2006 09:31 PM

Sounds like you are doing just what you should ... and that the young owner is the one out of control ... you are simply being a good mom and neighbor to everyone in the area - sometimes you just want to slap brats around ... don't ya! It's not the dog's fault, but he'll be the one that will have to suffer if he's not taught to behave better.

Good on ya! :D

calihotguy 03-20-2006 10:42 PM

sounds to me like any time your child is threatened by an animal you not only have the right to do something about it, but the duty. If you neglected your child's safety, you would be negligent as a parent.

It is not your fault they have a bad dog, and you have more than a right to protect yourself, your child, and your property.

The fact you feel guilty about it proves you are no way a bitch...a bitch would do it out of spite without remorse, while you do it with good reasons while feeling bad for it. :-)

flutelady 03-20-2006 10:47 PM

I know how this goes. Either you don't call and feel like shit, or you DO call and feel like shit... at least that's the way it works for me.

When it comes to my kids, you'd best not fuck with them. I can't imagine feeling that my family was endangered and not doing something about it. What if that dog gets to the toddler down the street and severely disfigures it?

Yes, you did the right thing. If the neighbor is pissed, so be it.

(since "assertive female" apparently equals bitch, I guess you're a bitch... *sigh*)

jbh3 03-20-2006 10:52 PM


PantyFanatic 03-20-2006 11:08 PM

YES! :mad:

rofl :D

ILikeItRough 03-20-2006 11:21 PM

i agree with everyone... when you adopt a pet, you do have a responsibility to control it and have it well trained... although some dogs just dont get it... i know that my aunt and uncle had to put down theyre dog theyve had for about 15 years and got a puppy shortly after and that dog makes everyone want to kill the damn thing... even now, 2 years later...

that dog really is a pain in the ass....

anyways, basically, yea i agree that you did the right thing and youre not a bitch. well i dont know, maybe you are, i dont know you... but no THAT situation doesnt make you a bitch :-D lol

Booger 03-20-2006 11:48 PM

yes you are a bitch

But not for making that call it sounds like the dog needs to be taken away before the owner realy mess it up.

scotzoidman 03-20-2006 11:57 PM

^ Not touching this one with a ten-foot pole...or even a nine foot hungarian

Sharni 03-21-2006 12:20 AM

*snort* You lot crack me up and make me feel a bit better about the decision

Anyway seems they're gonna get a double whammy...their dog isnt registered so $75 fine there and then they have 28 days to register (dont ask me how i know this *rolleyes*)

Loulabelle 03-21-2006 02:13 AM

Sharni, taking early action is in the best interests of you, your kids, the neighbours, the dog itself, and the dog's owners. Think of it this way....a lesser person may have sued them for the damage the dog did to your child. You're saving them from future court cases.

Well done you.

Oldfart 03-21-2006 02:16 AM

I cannot believe the lot of you!

Yes, it is an act of complete bitchness to do such a thing to a naive but playfully rambunctious

meat grinder . . . . errr dog.

So what if it kills a few cats and chews the heads off a kid or two? It's the bond of friendship

betwen a boy and his dog that matters.

Shame, Sharni, Shame.

Are you sure you can't get council to keep the dog and euthanase the owner?

Loulabelle 03-21-2006 02:19 AM

ROTFLMFAO @ Oldfart!

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