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professor3699 03-25-2006 07:45 PM

Poll: Romatic Outing or Foot Rub on the Sofa?
Ok, ladies, your chance to set us guys straight, which would you prefer to get you in the mood?

Lilith 03-25-2006 08:10 PM


osuche 03-25-2006 09:44 PM

All of the above

TinTennessee 03-25-2006 09:56 PM

To get me in the mood, on those rare occasions when I'm not, a foot rub (back rub would be even better)! LOL

Oldfart 03-30-2006 02:22 AM

Sofa or SOFA?

fzzy 03-30-2006 02:34 AM

I like the backrub idea ... the bottoms of my feet (especially the bottoms of my toes) are so sensitive that I don't like people touching them, I get all jittery and jumpy and it's kind of like being way too wired ... not a good thing as far as I'm concerned ... but the back rub, I like that idea a lot .... romantic outings are nice as well, but make sure I've got the energy to do whatever is planned and still enough left over for me to show my appreciation for your planning/outing! :D

Loulabelle 03-30-2006 02:38 AM

I'd definitely go for foot/backrub right now, but it will only put me in the mood to sleep!

Pita 03-30-2006 10:49 PM

Considering I spent the entire day shopping at IKEA on their concrete floors I am not sure what you could do. But DAMN would my feet love a good rubbing. :)

txgrneyes 04-02-2006 07:48 PM

Foot rub back rub...anything to that affect that would bring your hands in contact with my body after I have spent a good part of the evening getting all dolled up for you....would be great. When can always find some place to eat later if you still want to.

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