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SexKittten_18 04-11-2006 12:21 AM

Stress Management
I was wondering if any pixies have any advice or suggestions for stress management. I'm coming into the final stage of my GD education, and the pressure is on to come up with a spectacular portfolio. Plus I'm moving soon and need to come up with the money to do so and find a place to live where I'm moving to. And on top of all that I'm waiting to see if I should be expecting an enormous change in my life any time soon. I should know about that within the next week, but until then, does anyone have any suggestions on how to maintain an even temper and not be overly-emotional right now? I'm probably driving my poor friend nuts with all the ups and downs I've been going through lately. =( any help would be greatly appreciated!


Oldfart 04-11-2006 01:46 AM

Lots of sex and bubble baths, assisted by lots of nice pink champagne.

fzzy 04-11-2006 02:14 AM

laugh at the absurdity of life ... enjoy that things are happening and ... my motto in life for the last couple of years .... "Life's an adventure!" When you see it as an adventure, it helps your perspective ... at least it does with mine, even the hard things take on a kind of fun or expectant feel. Mostly, remember the things that bless your life ... like that friend who is there for you! :)

SexKittten_18 04-11-2006 04:36 AM

Originally Posted by Oldfart
Lots of sex and bubble baths

What I wouldn't give to have that right now lol =)

Originally Posted by fzzy
laugh at the absurdity of life ... enjoy that things are happening and ... my motto in life for the last couple of years .... "Life's an adventure!" When you see it as an adventure, it helps your perspective ... at least it does with mine, even the hard things take on a kind of fun or expectant feel. Mostly, remember the things that bless your life ... like that friend who is there for you! :)

I'm trying my hardest not to let everything get me down, it's just those times when life seems so pointless that it really hits me. I'm super-excited to be moving and all that, since it's to a city and country I've never really been to before. It's upser scary though, and I'm just starting to wonder if I'm making a good decision you know? But I can see your point about the blessing, he is. A very big one which I probably overlook most of the time because I'm so used to him always being there.

Thanks you guys =) *hugs to OF and fzzy*

Coaster 04-11-2006 05:43 AM

Things happen for a reason...... be they good or bad. Just keep that in the back of your mind and the ups & downs will even out slightly. Moving on to the next stage in life is always exciting and scary because you're moving away from your comfort zone. Enjoy the ride! Besides, you probably thought being a college freshman was scary at one time!

Look for something you enjoy doing as soon as you get to your new location... be it waitressing, bartending etc..... and make new friends........ Good Luck and don't forget to come see us here! :)

osuche 04-11-2006 10:24 AM

To manage stress, I do a few things (some of which might appeal to you):
* Take long walks by myself, or with a friend to chat with
* Go to the gym and sweat it off
* Read an escapist novel
* Take baths

rabbit 04-14-2006 09:54 PM

This sounds crazy, but I took up golf. Golf taught me to manage my emotions and stress and lot let them manage me.


Salacious 04-18-2006 07:31 PM

Ummm, when I get really stressed I will try to slip away and masturbate!

bare4you 04-18-2006 09:26 PM

Do anything to get your mind off whatever the stressor is. Stress in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing - it's the response that could get you in trouble. For me, I usually function at my peak when under stress.

Stress relief though comes in many forms. Fantasy is always a good thing! Work through various scenarious in your mind about the good and bad of your situation and then concentrate on the positives.

SexKittten_18 04-20-2006 05:33 AM

I've tried everything you guys have said (except Sal's suggestion... just can't get in the mood anymore =/) and nothing seems to help. One of the stress factors went away... but things just seem to be getting worse. Should I look into speaking to a counsellor or a doctor maybe? Some of the stuff that's bothering me, just shouldn't. And I want to get things under control before I lose my grasp on the whole situation. Any advice you guys could offer about the counsellor/doctor issue would be greatly appreciated right now. It's kind of getting to the point where it's starting to become more than I can deal with...

dnr21 05-16-2006 03:16 AM

take vitamin B complex, and try aromatherapy. and most important of all is to take things easy. Think about death, and u will then realise how important is it to live happy..

I having my exams too.. Stressed as can be, I can even get the mood for sex. So i did the above-mentioned.. helps a little.

loves2laugh 05-16-2006 08:52 PM

Find something that is going to make you laugh and just let go with a good old belly buster

Soundman 05-16-2006 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by Salacious
Ummm, when I get really stressed I will try to slip away and masturbate!


I must me more stressed than I realize! :D

Salacious 05-16-2006 10:50 PM

Meditation, you need to find your inner peace.

Or for others your inner piece, eh.. hem Soundman.

Wicked Wanda 06-22-2006 08:23 PM

stressed out
Sweetie, I see a lot of trouble ahead for you.
Not masturbating 'cause you can't get in the mood tells me you are very very stressed, and a little depressed too.

YES! Talk to someone before you lose control of your life.

Select your counselor with care, some have this weird idea that sex is harmful, and it is a good thing that you don't feel like masturbating.

By the way, sex is the absolute BEST stress reliever in the world for me.

I have always found the means when I needed to. But it may not be your way.


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