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wanderingsoul 10-11-2006 07:12 PM

a friends worst enemy
Ok, so I have this friend, Natasha. She has an ex (collin) and his new fiancee (Sarah). Sarah is a text book example of a true BITCH!!! I don't like using that term to describe women but she deserves it. She's totally invading Natasha's privacy. She hacked Natasha's Myspace account and was reading through all her email. And also, she created this fake myspace account and pretended to be this guy, James. I asked y'alls opinion on James's and Natasha's relationship before. Sarah made it seem like 'James' was the man of her dreams and she quickly fell in love with 'him'.

Natasha has asked me a couple times what she should do and I just don't know. I'm tempted to get ask her to get a restraining order. I don't know whether that's an option though. Natasha has a little boy that collin wants to see (on a very rare occasion) and I don't know if a restraining order is an option because of that.

Do you all have any advice?

Loulabelle 10-12-2006 02:11 AM

Natasha needs to take legal advice to find out what her options are, and to arrange something 'set in stone' in terms of giving Collin access to their child.

Sarah sounds like a scary bunny-boiler, but, just out of interest, how did you learn that she was this James character? Is this an absolute definite or is this something that you've heard from someone else, through the grapevine?

The whole thing sounds so utterly childish I'm having a hard time believing that a grown adult would actually behave that way, but then people never cease to shock me, so I'm perhaps being naive.....

You need to be a good friend to Natasha (and I would advise not trying to be anything but that for the moment - the poor girl must be so confused she needs space to get her head right) and support her, but not try to sort out her problems for her. If she needs you to go with her and hold her hand when she talks to a lawyer, then that's what you do, if she needs your shoulder to cry on then that's what you give her, but if she wants you to go round to Collin and Sarah's and try to resolve the situation, then you bow out as adding a fourth party into this equation will only make things more complicated.

Hope this helps.

Mark Vieth 10-12-2006 07:16 AM

I agree with Lou on this. You need to help your friend but keep your distance. Only help her when she asks for it or needs it. Avoid getting any dirt on this Sarah girl. Find proof that she setup this false account and also find evidence of her tampering with Natasha's myspace account. Once you have said proof show Nat but don't have that told-you-so demeanor about it. Just show her and let her make up her own mind based on what is in front of her. If she sees the problems she will do what is right. Just make sure she doesn't throw you into the fray and avoid any confrontations with Sarah and Collin yourself.

wanderingsoul 10-12-2006 10:53 AM

The way she found out about 'James' being false is someone named 'Justice' sent her an message on myspace warning her that Sarah was in fact 'James' and that she had hacked into her myspace account. Natasha didn't believe her at first but after 'justice' sent another message saying some stuff that only 'James' knew, she was forced to believe her. That day 'Justice' deleted her myspace account, 'James' broke up with her, and deleted his myspace account. Natasha has tried emailing 'James' several times since then with no response. Seeing as how they would usually talk everyday it seems very probable to me that this 'Justice' was telling the truth. I don't know if Natasha has any actual proof about all this or not.

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