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Lilith 06-06-2007 09:38 PM

Long or short
and why?

Hair length preference, ya pervs ;)

Winston77 06-06-2007 09:39 PM

It really depends on the person

osuche 06-06-2007 09:41 PM

For me? Long, long, long. I have a wide face - with short hair I look like a basketball with eyes.

I prefer short for men. Traditional, but sexy. ;)

IowaMan 06-06-2007 09:42 PM

No general preference really. I love when women wear their hair long and I love when they wear it short. The key for me, if it's a lady I'm seeing, is that if she is happy and feels sexy with whichever style she chooses.

As far as my own hair goes, I don't have a lot of choices. I keep it buzzed down very short. The shortest part is on top so much so that, if the light hits me just right, you'd think I was bald. :p

Lilith 06-06-2007 09:45 PM

When I wear it short, I like it sleek and professional. When I wear it long, I like it relaxed, curly and carefree.

On men I like it to be well groomed be it short or long. I do have a weakness for well groomed with a curl or two peeping out behind his ear.

PantyFanatic 06-06-2007 09:55 PM

Short hair can look very good :) but nothing can be MORE sexy than raising long hair and kissing a lady on the nap of her neck................ :kisser:

As far as my own hair goes........... it did. :(

Loulabelle 06-07-2007 01:46 AM

I love long hair, but have finally accepted that it doesn't suit me.

I just used to look like a scarecrow with it long as it is very fine and dense so I found it hard to control.

On other women, I love to see a sexy short hair cut (think Gwyneth Paltrow in Sliding Doors) but it all depends on the kind of hair, the style and what suits the shape of the face.

On men, I like it medium length. In my opinion very few men's look is enhanced by a shaved head although natural baldness quite often suits the men it affects I think. Fussy and I have a constant battle about his hair, as he has it shaved as he doesn't like his curls but I really don't think it suits him. He has a very strong bone structure and a very masculine face and without any hair, he just looks too aggressive and thuggish - not a look that does anything for me.

Men with long hair can look great if the hair is well cared for, scrupulously clean and suits their general look, but I can't say that it's something I specifically look out for in a man (sorry Aqua!)

dicksbro 06-07-2007 04:05 AM

Tend to go with a shorter hairstyle. When I was a kid (up to about age 20), I went with a flattop but those are so common anymore. Great hairstyle for a guy. Never got windblown, :)

IowaMan 06-07-2007 05:03 AM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
Fussy and I have a constant battle about his hair, as he has it shaved as he doesn't like his curls but I really don't think it suits him.

Oh how I miss the days of complaining that my hair was too naturally wavy. :(

gekkogecko 06-07-2007 10:26 AM

This is not hair, this is just a mass of heavily-modified scales.

And if you're nto careful, I'll tail-whip you with it.

Aqua 06-07-2007 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
Men with long hair can look great if the hair is well cared for, scrupulously clean and suits their general look, but I can't say that it's something I specifically look out for in a man (sorry Aqua!)

That's ok... now I know you don't want me just for my hair. :p

I typically like longer hair on a woman but have seen it look great after a cut from long to short. I think it really depends on the style and if it matches the person... and personality.

Mercury_Maniac 06-07-2007 11:28 AM

i like woman's hair sholder length or longer

and my hair i keep short

ReaperWoman 06-07-2007 12:28 PM

I can't say I'm particularly fussy...

I like long hair on guys, and tend to have a strong first attraction to these kind of guys - but guys I end up close with all tend to have short hair. Obviously isn't a turn-off...

As for girls... I like both, but if it's longer, I just love it if it's dark. Dark hair is a major turn-on for me in girls.

As for myself, keep it sort of mid-length. It's getting quite long just now which I like because I can plait it and the wear it wavy.

wyndhy 06-07-2007 01:35 PM

neat and clean is good but i do love the way his hair feels afetr a trim, all silky and soft. mmmmmmmm

gotta brag a sec, so move on if you wanna :p
my girl ... she's only 6 ... is growing her hair to donate it to locks of love. she wants to wait til september so it'll be "20 inches and i can give it to two people"
about a year or so ago, she was admiring herself in the mirror one day ... enough to put narcissus to shame :p ... and commenting on her long, lovely hair. i told her how sometimes people with long hair will donate and why. she told me about a girl at her school that wears a scarf on her head and wondered if the girl had to have chemo, i told her prolly, and she said, i want to give her my hair. i said i don't think locks of love works that way but we can find out. after a bit of thought she said, but either way someone who needed it would get it? and i said yep, that's right, and she's been committed to it ever since. i'm VERY proud of her.

Aqua 06-07-2007 01:38 PM

That's awesome wyndhy!

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