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Neige 01-02-2008 06:20 PM

What did you dream last night? :D

Do you normally remember your dreams? Do you write them down when you wake up? Do you often have nightmares? Do you believe that dreams can predict the future?

IowaMan 01-02-2008 06:40 PM

Oh man, Soda and Boog are gonna pile on me for this one....... :rolleyes2

Last night I dreamt that I was picking up a pizza at a place here in town and when I got to the counter I saw that the cat of one of my friends was sitting on a stack of pizza boxes. When I asked if my pizza was ready, she meowed as if to call the girl who was making the pizzas to let her know I was there.

I do remember a lot of my dreams but I'm not sure if they actually predict the future or not. I do have a copy of "The Dreamer's Dictionary" that I look at every so often if I have a dream that I wonder about.

The only recurring dreams I ever seem to have are that I am losing my teeth. I've had dreams about that for as long as I can recall.

sodaklostsoul 01-02-2008 10:20 PM

Originally Posted by IowaMan
Oh man, Soda and Boog are gonna pile on me for this one....... :rolleyes2

Last night I dreamt that I was picking up a pizza at a place here in town and when I got to the counter I saw that the cat of one of my friends was sitting on a stack of pizza boxes. When I asked if my pizza was ready, she meowed as if to call the girl who was making the pizzas to let her know I was there.

I do remember a lot of my dreams but I'm not sure if they actually predict the future or not. I do have a copy of "The Dreamer's Dictionary" that I look at every so often if I have a dream that I wonder about.

The only recurring dreams I ever seem to have are that I am losing my teeth. I've had dreams about that for as long as I can recall.

I wasn't gonna, but I will............................. hes getting cat calls now!!!!! LMAO!!!!

I never remember much of what I dream and I can't remember if I have ever had a nightmare (shuddup PF) :D

Not sure about the whole future thing.

Oldfart 01-03-2008 03:35 AM

I dream, but lose the memory as I wake.

Dreams for me are a way of playing out scenarios past or envisioned.

Neige 01-03-2008 08:54 AM

Oh shoot - I only very vaguely remember what I dreamed... It had to do with Pixies, though!!!

I have nightmares when I sleep on my back, which is why I try to sleep on my side. I usually don't remember much about my dreams unless I make a conscious effort to remember, but sometimes during the day something will happen to trigger my memory about a dream I had. I've had a few freaky instances of déjà vu when I knew exactly when I had dreamed what happened.

scotzoidman 01-03-2008 12:00 PM

Until I started taking care of my sleep apnea, I didn't get a chance to get into that deep rem sleep...still don't remember most of my dreams, but every so often I have one of those intensely sexual dreams that leave, well, a different kind of memory when I wake...

Sometimes I have nightmares, hardly ever monsters or such, just dreams where things are going very badly for me...sometimes I recall becoming just awake enough to realize it's a dream, & I try to manipulate the events in my mind to turn things around to a better resolution...which rarely works.

dicksbro 01-05-2008 06:29 AM

I had two dreams last night ... one, before I woke up long enough to use the restroom ... but while I don't remember that dream, I do recall it was somewhat disturbing. Then, I laid back down and had another dream ... which I also don't remember ... and it seemed to be very positive. :shrug:

Neige 01-06-2008 09:21 AM

I dreamed that this guy I went to high school with had asked me out - which is really weird because he's gay! :p We were at the presbytery of the church (which was different than in reality, because the cemetery was right beside it in my dream) and a whole bunch of people (me included) were having a walk around the presbytery... Oh! And there was a canteen there, but they sold pop cans at 4.25$! :eek:

PantyFanatic 01-06-2008 12:44 PM

I had a wet dream about her ^^^ last night. :o

I would have had another one but I fell asleep. :boink:


Lilith 01-06-2008 12:54 PM

I had a dream that Mr. Lil needed some horrid surgery and that the Dr. was no help in making us understand what had to be done. I think the dream reflects my feelings of feeling stuck in a situation and feeling powerless when I try to create some clarity.

PantyFanatic 01-06-2008 04:07 PM

I think I'll have one about her ^^^ right now. :tongue:

gekkogecko 01-06-2008 04:09 PM

Odd, I thought Lilith's dream was to become some several someones' nightmare.

dicksbro 01-07-2008 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
I had a wet dream about her last night. I would have had another one but I fell asleep.

Thinking about our Pixie ladies ... I think you've got the right idea, PF! :thumbs:

Oldfart 01-07-2008 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
I had a dream that Mr. Lil needed some horrid surgery and that the Dr. was no help in making us understand what had to be done. I think the dream reflects my feelings of feeling stuck in a situation and feeling powerless when I try to create some clarity.

Clarity is sometimes not all it could be.

Be strong.

Neige 01-08-2008 06:52 AM

This morning when I woke I had been dreaming that an eagle had attacked and killed my friend's Yorkshire terrier. :(

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