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PantyFanatic 05-01-2008 08:20 PM

Gadget or Utility?
Luxury or necessity?

What is your computer? I believe most Pixies would agree that our personal computers have become much more than glorified typewriters. Even if your personal computer isn't used directly in your livelihood, I believe we all apply this tool for many common tasks in our personal business and daily life in today's society. With the developments in electronics in general and this tool specifically, in the last 1/4 century, our pc's have become as much a utility in the current world as the washing machine did in the 1/4 century before that.

So how do you view your computer and the funnel of the internet? Is it something that you feel would hamper your function without it? Is it an edge that gives you opportunities you wouldn't otherwise have or has it become a true necessity to optimally function in today's world? :confused:

? :loveshowe or :fix: ?

Lilith 05-01-2008 09:04 PM

Mine was simply a tool for communication originally but now it's use is crucial to my work because I can not possibly do my job in the time I am paid for and so must work from home.

dicksbro 05-02-2008 03:17 AM

First computers I had weren't even connected to the internet and were primarily "game machines" and "substitute typewriters." But, as time went on, they become much more integrated into my day-to-day life. My home PC was often used in support of my career job (before retirement), preparing reports, keeping in contact with associates, etc., as well as helping me to manage my mom's affairs when alzheimer's kept her from managing her own affairs (I was her legal guardian), the internet made it a primary link with friends and family, I use my PC for reports and statistics I keep on a fraternal organization I belong to, personal tax preparation, photo editing and printing, and much, much more. And, of course, it's still a game machine.

Your right, PF, it has become more than a toy and is very much a part of my day-to-day life, second only to ... well, maybe duct tape. :boink:

Oldfart 05-02-2008 04:37 AM

Work, social and personal, they're in there with a byte.

IowaMan 05-02-2008 02:27 PM

Mine started off as a work tool but has become pretty much a vessel for communication and entertainment. ;)

Lilith 05-02-2008 03:09 PM

Did I mention I use mine to perv on PORN????????????????

Pita 05-02-2008 06:48 PM

^^^^^Isn't that we all REALLY use it for. ;)

Mine is a vital tool for information. I'm known as the Google queen around here and love researching whatever current interest I have going.

jseal 05-02-2008 07:13 PM

:line: :line:

The Internet is for Porn!

:line: :line:

Scarecrow 05-02-2008 07:41 PM

I use mine more for personal business more and more, banking, bill paying, shopping and other needs(wants).

scotzoidman 05-02-2008 08:47 PM

At first I viewed the Computer as someone else's toy, then as the demon that took away my livelihood...now it is my livelihood, to a certain extent, and with access to the world provided for me. Where else can you order pizza delivery, buy & sell everything else, & surf for porn? If I could get this thing to do my courier duties, I'd never have to leave the house...

Oldfart 05-03-2008 02:53 AM

Thanks jseal, now I'm stuck with that fucking tune in my head!!! LOL.

dicksbro 05-03-2008 06:48 AM

Me, too, OF! Me, too!

osuche 05-04-2008 12:26 AM

I use mine for work, and it's my primary tool...outside of the phone and my voice. I also use it for porn, generally at home. I think they frown on porn at work. ;)

I need less computer time, not more...my eyes are starting to go thanks to my laptop screen.

wyndhy 05-08-2008 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by TinglingTess
^^^^^Isn't that we all REALLY use it for. ;)

that's why it was even invented in the first place.:D

mine's a gadget. a toy even. except for pixies and the occasional volley of goofy emails with friends, anything i use the computer for i could get by digging out some other reference guide in the house or garage, or get it from the library. i don't really use the computer much for those things as it is now. i'm still more likely to get the phone book even if the computer's on. i don't use the computer for billing or banking or buying or gaming, or printing coupons or getting news or reviews. nothing important basically:p:D

don't get me wrong, i love that i can get printouts of writing sheets after three clicks of the mouse or info about why you have to use a pinhole camera to look at a solar eclipse. and since it's here, i google tons of stuff and get wiki-fied info about a shitload of subjects- whatever happens to pique my curiosity at that moment - as opposed to a decent amount of info about something i might read baout in a book. so it's a trade-off. it’s expanded the view, but messed up the picture quality.

whatever the individual consequence, the computer is relied upon by almost all private, public, official, and illegal entities to perform everything from the merest paper pushing to the most complicated surgeries. it’s the most amazing, and arguably most important, innovation (and evolution of an innovation) ever.

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