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Wicked Wanda 09-12-2008 01:52 PM

Uh oh
I never do things halfway. Work, study, play, sex, all of it, I dive in as deeply as I can.
Unfortunately this includes making mistakes.

I think I might have made a big one here.

I am sitting at my desk, typing away, and wondering if the water will reach this far. So far so good, but the damn storm isn't even here yet, and there's trouble.

All of my memories from the last two times I ran away from a hurricane made me feel very sick at the though of running away again, so I decided not to.

The plan was to board up my place and stay with Mickey and Trey in their loft.

I paid my porter/handyman to put on the storm shutters and I made sure all was well, brought in my potted plants, and called Mickey to let her know I was on my way.

I waited too long.

At this time her building is surrounded by more than three feet of water. The stores beneath her flat are flooded. The streets for several blocks in each direction are flooded.
She has threatened to wade or swim to come get me, but I ask Her not to.

At this time there is no water in the street for at least a mile in any direction from my place, but suddenly I am feeling very lonely.

"They" are predicting several more feet of water when the stupid storm actually arrives tonight. I am safe enough, my place is high and and very unlikely to flood. My care will go bye bye, but it is just a Yaris anyway. It's insured, and I can buy new.

I know that I am a very smart woman, but this is not a good example of my intelligence, is it?


I will keep posting here just to reassure myself that there is an outside world, at least until the electric goes out.

I am well supplied, food, water, batteries, but no Net if there's no electric or phone.


We could have gone on a road trip!


Airy 09-12-2008 01:59 PM

Be safe!!

Keep posting as long as you can.

(Btw...doing everything full out is the best and only way to do it right!!!)

jseal 09-12-2008 02:43 PM

Wicked Wanda,

You could use this thread as your hurricane blog until the electricity goes, or you feel your position is becoming untenable.

Good luck, and don't take unnecessary risks!

Wicked Wanda 09-12-2008 03:33 PM

Thanks. Right now I am getting caught up on my writing for Pixie's. So far, very windy, two trees fell down, neither one mine. Next door and behind me.
Wind not noisy, old house, thick walls. Feels safe.

Mickey is OK, but very determined to come rescue me. So far She is waiting as I have asked. Trey is a very common sense person, and is taking my side.

Local school is "Shelter of last resort"- it's only a few blocks away, and not any safer than where I am.


pack130 09-12-2008 03:48 PM

well good luck and don't wate too long to decide to leave if it get to bad. keep us posted .

Lilith 09-12-2008 04:04 PM

But the school has resources you may not. X Go there. It's not worth the risk WW. ((hugs))

Wicked Wanda 09-12-2008 04:12 PM

Thanks hon.
Frankly, I'm a little scared to walk there. Very windy now.
Lights have flickered twice, but so far so goo

Sorry, I had to do that. (giggle)

If I go, it will be to volunteer as a nurse, but reportedly they are fully staffed.

I mostly am lonely, with a touch of the nerves.


Lilith 09-12-2008 04:16 PM

Walk there now. They will need you soon. You need them. We need you to be safe. ((hugs))

IowaMan 09-12-2008 05:14 PM

Oh sweetie, I hope you went over to the school. At times like these, it's best to be with others so everybody can work together to get through things.

You take care of yourself! :x:

scotzoidman 09-12-2008 08:25 PM

Probably too late for my :2cents: , but I say go to the school as well...being alone + scared sucks ass, but being scared + other people = not so bad. Besides, your nurse's training will probably override your own fear, even if someone only needs a hand to hold. Channel your inner Florence Nightingale... :console:

rabbit 09-12-2008 08:59 PM

Been to Houston many times...have family in Katy. Where abouts are you? Not in Galveston, I hope...

I was in Miami when Andrew hit there, so I understand the fear.

Pls be safe!!!

Oldfart 09-12-2008 11:15 PM

If you are forced to stay put, remember that a roof is a luxury, the walls will keep the debris out.

Smallest room with a matress, a torch and a good book. A gallon of a nice red and an i-pod goes down well.

Spectacular on the radar. Bigger than most of our cyclones.

http://radar.weather.gov/Conus/full_loop.php at 0418UTC

GusAspar 09-13-2008 02:42 AM

What you need...
... at least while the electricity keeps going, is a supply of DVDs so you can console yourself (and distract yourself) with favourite films. Do you have "A Fish Called Wanda"?

dicksbro 09-13-2008 07:08 AM

Keeping our fingers crossed that all will stay safe and come through this with a minimum of damage. Take care WW, and keep us posted when you can!

1nutworld 09-13-2008 08:24 AM

what he ^^^ said!

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