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MonStar1023 01-17-2002 01:44 PM

How Often Do You Compliment Your Partner Sexually.. ?
I coudlnt think of a better way to work the subject Im sorry. I was wondering how often you all compliement your "SO" sexually? For example with my girlfriend I constantly talk about how big her boobs are.. probably everyday. The thing is I really dont compliment her butt or legs as much as her boobs and I was thinking this might be bad? Also she compliments me on me being cute and sometimes about how I am sexy but she rarely compliments my penis or body etc. She said that my best bodypart is my butt.. kinda makes me wonder what she thinks of the rest of me... whats your opinion on compliments? Good or bad? How often?


Sharni 01-17-2002 01:59 PM

whats your opinion on compliments?

Compliments are great.....especially if they come from out of the blue...
And if you have had to ask first if they believe you have a nice ass or whatever...the compliment just doesnt mean the same i reckon


Aqua 01-17-2002 02:21 PM

Typicallyl, Men are much more focused on certain physical aspects of a woman where ladies look more at the whole package. Your g/f saying you're cute and sexy is likely her perception of you as a whole... she's into all of you. Compliments are always good, but you shouldn't expect them, they're best when they're unexpected!

Lilith 01-17-2002 06:20 PM

I compliment my sweetie any and every time he deserves it! :p

Irish 01-17-2002 08:16 PM

Everyone needs positive strokes.Constant criticism doesn't help
one;mentaly.However often; I compliment my S.O.;it probably isn't
enough! Irish
P.S.Believe it or not;some of my best feelings come when;my wife;
compliments me on figuring out the problem with something.It's
something that I have always done;on the job and in my personal
business; but what I take for granted;feels nice to be complimented on.

sugarfreecandy 01-17-2002 09:36 PM

Great question, Monstar!

I try to compliment my boyfriend as often as he deserves it... which is almost constantly! ;) :D

As for what compliments mean the most to me, it's the ones that aren't formulaic and prescribed. Often it's not even the verbal ones! I mean, the best compliments he can give me are things like getting an erection when I just walk into the room, or obviously enjoying himself (moaning, etc.) when he's playing with my body or I'm playing with his. I'm not the most self-confident person, so I often feel uncomfortable when he compliments me flat out on having great breasts or whatever --- I don't know how to respond, except by blushing and feeling awkward --- whereas compliments paid in body language seem a lot more sincere and are a lot easier to accept graciously. And honestly, the best compliment of all is just to see the look on his face when we're together: I know without a doubt that he's happy and that I'm the reason why. What better compliment can a girl ask for?

--- sweetstuff

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