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souls_cry2000 01-22-2002 08:43 PM

What is the strangest place....
[color=dark-blue]what is the strangest place you've ever had sex?:whiteghos and/or what is the strangest situation in which you've had sex?:redghost: and/or what is the wierdest place you've ever woken up after sex?:confused:[/color]

souls_cry2000 01-22-2002 09:00 PM

what is the strangest place you've ever had sex?

it's a toss up between (1)the fifty yard line of my local high school's football field and (2)the school auditorium during an assembly.

what is the strangest situation in which you've had sex?

having sex with my girlfriend in the same bed as her gay male roommate. who happened to be sleep and snoring very loudly i might add.

what is the wierdest place you've ever woken up after sex?

the next room laying in front of the fridge in my boxers.

Lilith 01-22-2002 10:03 PM

Was that you?
At the 50 yard line? Graduation night? No well you are prolly too young. I was Captain of the Cheerleaders so I did the compulsatory 50 yard line f**k wth the Quarterback. It's a requirement or so I was told :D

Having sex very quietly because family is near, it was parents and then kids.

*woke up*
his place~~~~~~~>Lilith

Mchan 01-22-2002 10:52 PM

The strangest place I've ever had sex was the first time with my darling and that was in the third floor women's bathroom in the Frear National American Art Gallery. ^_^;

Wicked Wanda 01-22-2002 11:03 PM

strange places...
Oh my!

Strangest place... A storage closet in the cathedral, while a tour was in progress, or the trunk of a car while it was crossing the Mississippi River on the ferry... or an Epcot center ride, during a presentation on energy... (I am not including oral sex, too easy for out of the way places...)

Situation... during a carriage ride. Or an almost empty movie theater. (Or one of the above?)

Weirdest place to wake up after sex... naked, in a chaise lounge, on the balcony of an empty hotel room, in Pensacola, FL.

I think I had better stop here.


nutworld 01-23-2002 12:17 AM

I sure dont hear anyone saying stop Wicked Wanda...Least of all me. :)

Strangest place: K-mart mens room

Situation: pool during a party..but alas it was only a start. There were too many people around to continue.

woke up: I cant remember..so I guess nothing out of the ordinary

RedNLaycee 01-23-2002 10:21 AM

strangest place--elevator in a parking garage going to a concert in Cleveland

strangest situation--at my parents' house with them in the other room

strangest place to wake up--in the bed of a pick-up truck...(I didn't own a one at the time!!)

Prophet Reality 01-23-2002 01:53 PM

Well to answer all of them in one fail swoop. In a cemetary, on a sarcophogus with a Gothic lady I meet the night before.

Aqua 01-23-2002 02:19 PM

Wow... I didn't realize the 50 yard yard line at the high school was so popular, and for me it was anal as well! :o

Strangest situation was my first time... I was invited into bed with a couple, so my first time was a threesome! :D

As far as waking up... probably the motel with the hourly rates...
(we just couldn't wait until we got home! :D )

QTPie 01-23-2002 08:55 PM

I'd have to say... Most unusual place:

1) At a rest area off I 96 in Michigan between Detroit and Lansing... at the edge of the woods. This was the night before my wedding night (w/hubby of course!).

2) Onboard my hubby's ship, in the "tool issue" shop. :D

Most unusual situation for me was a threesome that my hubby and I had with another man. It was a fantasy thing I had that he granted me. Didn't like it that much! :eek:

Most unusual place I woke up after sex: That would be waking up in my bedroom at my parents house with my guy (hubby now, but then we had JUST met) beside me buck ass nekkid and seeing my father standing over me ready to kick some major bootay!! LOL! ;)

nutworld 01-23-2002 11:59 PM

I'm guessing you're a navy wife there QTPie?

Lovediva 01-24-2002 09:32 AM

what is the strangest place you've ever had sex?

In a pup tent, in a middle of a field...then we heard what sounded like thunder...getting louder and louder...we popper our headd out and there were dozens of horseback riders jumping over our small tent! We packed up and left real quick!!! :D :D

what is the strangest situation in which you've had sex?

In the boat while fishing...not knowing there were people wathing us from shore with binoculars!!

what is the wierdest place you've ever woken up after sex?

In his arms!!!! Cause he never does that!!! :D ;)

nutworld 01-24-2002 09:40 AM

Originally posted by LoveDiva4u

In his arms!!!! Cause he never does that!!! :D ;)


What can I say...but to apologize for that particular member of the male species.

There are OBVIOUSLY some very foolish men around.

Nubian 01-25-2002 05:03 PM

Strangest place: on the stairs of a building at college.

Strangest situation: in by bedroom with my parents right outside in the kitchen.

Roostah 01-25-2002 05:05 PM

strangest place - back seat of a moving, in service NYC taxi cab or, the bathroom of a Chinese restaurant

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