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Irish 02-27-2002 03:09 PM

Opinions of everyone!
This has been bugging me for a long time.I thought that I would
get your input.On quite a few shows that I have watched on TV;
(Jerry Springer,etc.)You know the cheapie shows.If they are fighting over the affections of another;all that they talk about is
how much better their physical attributes are over the others.My
question is;what difference does that make.Barring huge imperfections.Over the years;I have met some women that were
built like"Brick Shithouses"but had a horrible personality.If they do
win;they have the other person kiss their feet,ass or perform some other demeaning thing to"prove their love."If you really
cared about someone;who would want to demean them;in front
of others?Maybe I'm old fashioned but the whole thing makes no
sense to me.I know it's crap TV;but don't blame the show.I have a
hard time understanding everything.Opinions Please. Irish
P.S.With all of the violence that I have participated in;I will never
understand;"Mans inhumanity to man!"

sxxxy14u 02-27-2002 03:33 PM

Irish, I couldn't agree more! I think that society, as it's grown and developed...(I'll never say it's evolved because I wouldn't call the violence and inhumanity of people today evolving on any level!!!) has become more and more a society of "look out for #1, and to hell with the rest!" It's a case of people not stopping to think how their words and actions affect the people around them. Growing up in a small town that was very much a "click town" rather than a "hick town", I learned early on in life to keep to myself rather than submit myself to the cruelty of others. I was actually grateful for the fact that I grew up on a farm 40 miles from town so I didn't have to put up with the "me" morons outside of school hours. However, you try dealing with that type of people 8 hours a day (between school and bus rides) and see how nasty you grow up to be!!!

Now....I can't be bothered to pay attention to people like that. I have become a person that speaks her mind when I think that the opinions and actions of others are wrong....and I'm definitely not afraid to back up my convictions if necessary. I stand up for myself and those around me when the inhumane decide to strike out.

As our mothers always used to say to us, I'm sure...."why can't you all just get along?" I know I would appreciate my childhood, and my life now, more if others had learned that lesson!

Lady Pleaser 02-27-2002 05:20 PM

I beleive that a lot of the poeple on those shows are just after their 15 minutes of fame no matter who gets hurt. Just my .02 worth

luv2please 02-27-2002 06:16 PM

The fact that these idiot shows exist to the extent that they do exemplifies the huge problem we have in this society and with the money making morons who perpetuate that crap. It is the reason that when I am not here, at work, having sex, playing my drums, playing tennis, working on my car, or working out - I am reading a book!;)

Oldfart 02-27-2002 06:36 PM

These shows wouldn't exist without an audience.

They are a symptom of the gentle collapse of society.

Pol Pot in Cambodia, Milosevic in Serbia, Mugabe in Zimbabwe.....

The "golden and gentle age" our civilization was supposed to

grow into lasted about 8 minutes some time in 1961.

The lawlessness, brushfire war and civil unrest are no different

to many ages just before massive upheaval. When the citizenry

fear the streets at night and sit in fear in their own homes,

We're in trouble.

RedNLaycee 02-28-2002 10:04 AM

I don't watch trash TV. If I want that kinda entertainment, I'll sit on my front porch (my whole neighborhood is crazy!!)
Pleaser, I agree with you about the 15 mins of fame, but what gets me is everyone says 'stay out of my business', but yet they get on national television and tell the whole country!!

legend 02-28-2002 12:58 PM

we get the Springer show over here - i think it's hilarious...the things people will/have do/done to get on tv and tell the whole world.

there's a movie about that show - called "Ringmaster" starring Jaime Pressly (oh, she's a babe :D ). i think it's meant to be a bit of a parody of it.

Irish 02-28-2002 01:42 PM

Legend---The only time that I put it on is at lunch time.It just happens to be on right about noon here.I usually put the TV on
to catch the weather on the news.After the weather:I usually flip
it over to the Springer show because I get such a kick out of it!
When my wife sees it on;she gets pissed;and says that it's all
staged.That's why I like it.It;s usually very funny.If most people
were really like that;we would be in bad shape.I get a kick out of
some guy that finds out that the girlfriend;thats been having oral
sex with him;is really a guy!The sisters that are making love
together aren't bad either. Irish
P.S.There are many stories in the naked city.This has been one of

legend 02-28-2002 02:49 PM

and don't u just love the way the cheating wives/gf/husbands/bf always start off their confession with "Honey, you know I love you..."

Irish 02-28-2002 03:05 PM

Legend---Somehow I think that if I said to my wife--"Honey;You
know that I love you but I've been fucking your sister!";I don't
think that she would be in a very forgiving mood.I know that I wouldn't be if she said--"Honey;You know that I love you but I've
been fucking your brother!"Come to think of it;I don't have a brother! Irish
P.S.She must have been doing someone else!

legend 02-28-2002 03:12 PM

and don't u just love the way the cheater's partner and lover always end up fighting each other......instead of the partner telling the cheater where to go :confused:

scotzoidman 02-28-2002 11:39 PM

To me, watching Springer is like masterbating - it's a lot of fun til someone walks in and catches you doing it!

legend 02-28-2002 11:43 PM

depends on who walks in Scotz

Irish 03-01-2002 12:40 AM

legend---Touche.If the right person walks in;it can be very enjoyable! Irish

scotzoidman 03-01-2002 01:50 AM

True - but there's still that moment of shock, that makes your little fantasy bubble go


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