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kiwi15 04-04-2002 04:55 AM

Cheating Poll
I thought I'd take the plunge and start my first thread after sc2000's question on cheating.

Cheating is OK when?

Bilbo 04-04-2002 06:06 AM

Cheating is never acceptable

if you have your S/O consent, then that is not cheating

Lilith 04-04-2002 06:51 AM

I agree with Bilbo....and since I would never be given consent, that means no fun for me.:(

BamaKyttn 04-04-2002 03:34 PM

well.... I have a g/f and a B/f...am I cheating?

I feel that I'm not cheating on souls because I'm with another woman although were I dating a woman and had a fling with a man I would feel I was cheating..... I'm weird I know.

Murphy 04-04-2002 05:56 PM

I am in the same boat as Lilith - uh oh, would that in itself be cheating??

Sugarsprinkles 04-04-2002 06:03 PM

Not if you keep your hands, feet, mouth, tongue, and all other body parts to yourself, Murph!:D

Prophet Reality 04-04-2002 09:00 PM

I agree with Bilbo. If your S/O knows and agrees to it, then it's not cheating. It's having fun.

Master1012 04-04-2002 09:17 PM


The Bible says that you are supposed to remain faithful - therefore cheating is never acceptable even if the s/o consents to it.

Sharni 04-04-2002 11:13 PM

Cheating is totally unacceptable!!!

And i agree with what others have said.... if your partner knows exactly about and consents to you being with another person....then that is not cheating

Master1012 04-05-2002 12:44 AM

I decided to look up cheating in the dictionary to see what it had to say.

The part of the definiton of cheat that applies here is :
Cheat : [Slang] to be sexually unfaithful

I went on to look up unfaithful :

failing to observe the terms of a vow, promise, etc.
faithless and / or disloyal
guilty of adultery; adulterous

If you are being with more than one partner at once you are being unfaithful and therefore cheating (and adulterous)

Sorry, there, I believe that you should stick with one partner at all times ( always been a moral of mine, even when I wasn't religious, now my moral is compunded with my faith )

So, in my opinion -


Phoenix16 04-05-2002 12:54 AM

It's cheating if you're partner doesn't know about it. This includes sex, kissing, fondling...whatever you don't want your partner finding out about. If it's okay with your partner that you have another bf or gf then that's fine; you're being open with them and they've said it's okay.

Phoenix16 04-05-2002 01:03 AM

Master -- I find it interesting that you brought up the bible.

Master1012 04-05-2002 02:09 AM

Just stating my beliefs. if we didn't say what we had on our minds , then what would the point of these forums be?

And why do you find it interesting I brought up the Bible?

kiwi15 04-05-2002 04:55 AM

It's a pretty conclusive moral tone thus far. Good on y'all

Sugarsprinkles 04-05-2002 06:17 AM

I, too, believe cheating is always wrong.

I've been married 30 yrs. (in June) and
I have been completely faithful. Never even
kissed another man. I'm thankful that I've been able to
do this. And to the best of my knowledge, my husband
has been faithful too. This is no small accomplishment
these days.:)

I'm very pleased to see so many agreeing on this point. You all have my deepest respect!

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