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Phoenix16 04-05-2002 01:13 AM

What constitutes sex?
I'm just curious on what everyone considers to be sex. For example, would you consider oral, anal, or a hand job sex or just vaginal penetration? So basically...are you Bill Clinton? *hehe*

Sugarsprinkles 04-05-2002 02:11 AM

I guess, I'm being very technical, but I'm with Bill on this one....

Now, what the hell did I do with that blue dress??????:D :D

Master1012 04-05-2002 02:13 AM

Sex is...
I believe that it is only the act of vaginal penetration.

Oral sex, anal sex, and handjobs are forms of pleasure.

Handjobs and oral sex also falls under the category of masturbation which is the act of manipulation one's own or another's genitals for pleasure.

Oldfart 04-05-2002 07:57 AM

Sex is when you know you're having it.

Oral, anal, vaginal, manual.

Lilith 04-05-2002 09:42 AM

I think sex is any sexual contact. To me oral sex is way more intimate than penetration and so I think it is funny when the kids now days have oral sex and somehow think they are still not having sex. They may not be risking pregnancy but I feel it is def sex!

Phoenix16 04-05-2002 12:08 PM

I agree with you Lilith.

Master -- so two men having anal sex aren't having sex?

According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 2000 (since you like to take stuff out of dictionary) Sexual Intercourse is 1) Coitus between humans 2) Sexual union between humans involving genital contact other than vaginal penetration by the penis.

Coitus - is vaginal penetration by the penis. So according to the dictionary everything that involves genital contact as well as penetration of the vagina by the penis is sex.

Also would you care to explain to me why it's called oral SEX and anal SEX if it's not sex?

Master1012 04-05-2002 01:18 PM

My bad

Used Webster's Second College Edition...

Murphy 04-05-2002 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Master1012
My bad

Used Webster's Second College Edition...

Shoulda used Funk & Wagnall's University Edition:

sex (seks) ... 3 The activity or phenomena of life concerned with sexual desire or reproduction.

Soooo, anything relating to sexual DESIRE is sex. oogling the pretty girls is sex, getting "dudded up" to attract the ladies is sex.

But to quote my favorite refrence source:

"If there is anyhing more important, more enjoyable than sex, I haven't found it."
~Lazarus Long "Time Enoough For Love" by R. A. Heinlein

Sugarsprinkles 04-05-2002 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Murphy

Soooo, anything relating to sexual DESIRE is sex. oogling the pretty girls is sex, getting "dudded up" to attract the ladies is sex.

Ahh, but Murphy, it all depends on what IS - is!:D :D :D

Murphy 04-05-2002 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles

Ahh, but Murphy, it all depends on what IS - is!:D :D :D

Now don't go all litterate on me...

IS is, was and ever shall be...must I conjugate the verb " to be" for you?

Sugarsprinkles 04-05-2002 02:41 PM

Not going all litterate.....just quoting our "illustrious" former President Bill Clinton...he he he

Phoenix16 04-05-2002 04:09 PM

Maybe it would help if we all looked up the same word *hehe* So far I think we've covered masturbation, sexual intercourse and sex.

Master1012 04-05-2002 04:33 PM

LOL, fine I'll settle it.

Sex is whatever you feel it to be.

So if you think staring at someone's chest is sex then fine.

Like i stated before I think sex is only vaginal penetration, I'm used to what people mean when they say "have you had sex yet?" because what they are asking is if I had screwed yet.

Phoenix16 04-05-2002 06:40 PM

Did I miss something? Someone thinks looking at a female's chest is sex? *lol*

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