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RandyGal 04-12-2002 09:23 AM

Great names!
People manage to come up with the BEST names at Pixies!

Right now I see someone logged in as "Stud".

:D :D :D

Do you smile when you see certain names/words?

legend 04-12-2002 11:30 AM

The name RandyGal, get's me pretty worked up :D

RandyGal 04-12-2002 11:35 AM

Why didn't I sign up as "Busty" or "Lusty"...

nooooooooo I have to pick RandyGal. I'm such a dork. LOL LOL

nutworld 04-12-2002 11:42 AM

Actually I kinda like the name "Randy".

the term seems to be more used in other places in the world other than the U.S., so in a strange sorta way, it brings on an exotic, and erotic tone.

Excellent choice, IMO.

quisath 04-12-2002 11:53 AM

Me too....................being Randy has it's advantages Sweetie. :)

kimmer22 04-14-2002 02:42 PM

I think of my uncle Randy when I see your name across the boards..hehe

The name Brian gets me happy...that's my boyfriends name!! :)

Oldfart 04-15-2002 07:48 AM


now there's a name to conjure with.

mindboxer505 04-16-2002 12:15 PM

Lilith.......Wicked Wanda........Vampeyes........Xanne........Iam2evil ........**shudders**......all inspirational names to me......but lets not forget Sharniqua......Randygal..........Icecreamthighs... .Bamakyttn........i smile when i see each and every one....so it is hard to choose just one.......Sugarsprinkles......mmmm how do i choose...my oh my....how do i choose..???????????

jnd_lady 04-16-2002 12:21 PM

Mines not a great name but it has it uses

nutworld 04-16-2002 12:34 PM


consistant, true to form and usually hillarious.

RandyGal 04-16-2002 12:45 PM

I could NOT agree more with that one Nutworld!!

Pantyfanatic... makes me smile just thinking about him.

And yours Nut? Nutworld would be.........??????

My god. I'm horny today. I think I need to get offline for a while...sorry off topic there. :D :D :D

nutworld 04-16-2002 12:49 PM


bitching..sarcastic? HORNY ???

I dunno.

I don't think in terms of what "leaps to mind" with my name, I'll let my talking speak for itself, and everyone else to form their own opinion.

Mine's sure not a "great" name.

icecreamthighs 04-16-2002 01:00 PM

pantyfanatic is great - i think my name stems from hours of fun with baileys flavoured haagen daas - and its soooo good for the skin!!!! :)

Aqua 04-16-2002 01:30 PM

What about the REALLY imaginative ones like 'hjhjhj' or 'asdf'... :D :p

nutworld 04-16-2002 01:36 PM

LOL..then there is my favorite in the story section..

Unregistered..that is one busy dude (person) But, usually quite moronic with the responses.

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