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skipthisone 07-23-2002 02:44 PM

Meeting her
I met her on line months before. Chatting had become our obsession as we slowly got to know each other. We had went through all the stages, first just being playful, then a little cyber-sex finally even exchanging phone numbers and having a phone sex a few times. It was different, getting to know some one in such a distant way. And now, we had decided to meet up.

I went to the airport where she would be flying in. I glancing at the arrival monitors as I walked in. It said her flight was delayed, I had gotten to the airport over an hour before her flight was scheduled to arrive, and now she was going to be even later. Should I go have a quick drink to help pass the time? No I wanted to have a perfectly clear mind and body when I met her.

This was crazy, I told myself; sure, we had chatted and talked but this was different. But then again I knew so much about her. She loved to tempt men and loved acting like a kind of slut. Who was I to complain about that. She loved to talk about shaving (and I don’t mean legs or pits), she also talked about how much she loved to go down on men and give long deep blow jobs.

Then came the E-mail her telling me she planned to be on my side of the country. Could we get together? I stared at the screen for a long while. Could we get together? It was the stuff men dream of on the Net, wasn’t it, it seems every guy is out here looking for a woman, but what do you do when you finally catch one?

As the second or two passed by, I wrote back and said I'd love to meet her.

Now here I was, waiting at the airport for a flight that was over an hour late. We had never exchanged photographs, so I had very little idea of what she looked like. She had told me what she'd be wearing, and I knew I could stand in the crowd and make an assessment of her looks before revealing myself. If she was a real dog, I could simply sneak away unobserved. But damn, I was too nice for that and would stick around regardless, I decided. Besides, we had revealed so much of ourselves to each other in correspondence that we had become friends. I couldn't leave a friend, even an ugly friend, stranded in an airport away from home.

After my wait, the plane was at the gate and passengers were arriving--some running joyfully into the arms of waiting loved ones, others trudging slowly, not even looking around.

Then I saw her.

skipthisone 07-23-2002 02:45 PM

Tell me what you think, and I'll keep going

Clint 07-23-2002 02:57 PM

Great story buddy! Keep on going :D :D :D

*Clint (the guy with the nicest ass at Pixies)

Devillishgirl 07-23-2002 03:39 PM

Keep it up :p I can't wait to see more

skipthisone 07-23-2002 03:43 PM

Well then, devillish girl, if the inspiration asks i better get to work

Devillishgirl 07-23-2002 03:49 PM

<Posing> How do I look as a Muse?

skipthisone 07-23-2002 04:02 PM

The dress she had described was there in all its stunning color. A red floral tank and it snuggled right up to her round bosom like she had pasted it there. She was a small woman with long dark hair and olive skin, and she was struggling under the weight of two large carry-ons. I stepped into her path. “Hello Devon”, I said.

"You're here!" she shrieked. She dropped the second bag and threw her arms around my neck, clinging to me. I bent down to kiss her cheek, but she turned her head and our lips met, gently at first, then harder, lingering for a few seconds. Her lips parted slightly and I felt the quick flick of her tongue. I smiled at her as I picked up her other bag.

"This is all I brought," she said. "I usually travel pretty light." I had to back away and take her all in. Man was I really the lucky guy meeting up with the beauty. She stood on her toes and pecked me on the lips again and I couldn’t stop my grin.

I picked up her bags and she followed me to the doors. We walked through the early summer's heat to my car. I opened her door for her my eyes never leaving hers. She flashed me a quick smile as she got in.

I unlocked my door and got in. She was still smiling. "Here we are," she said, brightly. "Now what?"

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Well, they gave me plenty of peanuts on the plane," she said," but I'm still starving--but not for regular food. Could I get another kiss? I liked the first one." I obliged, leaning over to her.

Suddenly she was locked to me, and her hands stroked my face, my chest, then moved down to my hardening crotch. "I just love a man with a nice hard-on," she breathed, squeezing me gently. "Where are you going to take me?"

Trying to pull myself back together I said, "It's a surprise," grinning at her mysteriously, as we left the parking lot and entered the interstate going north.

We passed the twenty minute ride with small talk, shooting sidelong glances at each other, sizing each other up. Once our eyes met and we laughed, breaking the tension somewhat. We exited the interstate and turned onto a two-lane road leading into the woods. The countryside had quickly changed from urban to suburban to rural, and now we were surrounded by tall, quiet woods as we moved away from civilization. We drove in silence for another fifteen minutes, finally turning onto a rutted dirt road leading further into the forest. We arrived at a small clearing near a lake and I stopped the car, smiling at her. "Here's the spot," I said, brightly. "Nicest place in the state!" She hesitated a moment before opening her door and stepping out.

Devillishgirl 07-23-2002 04:30 PM

More more more....if you need more inspiration I am more than willing to provide

jjjjbo 07-23-2002 08:15 PM

Skip - great story you got going, but you know .... a man should never leave a woman wanting ..... lol j

Devillishgirl 07-23-2002 08:19 PM

jjjjbo~I second that one girl!

jennaflower 07-23-2002 08:41 PM

come on Skip.. you have me wanting to know more... I just love a good story...

Harley Q 07-23-2002 09:55 PM

And then....what?
This is like wating for the new Harry Potter...well not quite, but close.

skipthisone 07-23-2002 09:56 PM

first thing in the morning i promise...

Thanks for the comments ladies

jennaflower 07-24-2002 06:44 AM

Okay Skip... WAKE UP!!!! LOL.. Morning has arrived... I so look forward to coming home this evening and finding out the next portion of the story.... Have a great day.. and happy writing. :)

vampeyes 07-24-2002 08:31 AM

Skip - great story but as jenna pointed out its definitely morning.... don't leave us out here waiting too long :D

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