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Murphy 08-05-2002 10:39 PM

Phone Problems
Just letting everybody know I have been having a fight with the phone company - and loosing! My phone has been shut off and thus no ISP connection. I used a friend's connection to get on tonight. I miss my Pixie's Fix, and hope to be back on soon

Clint 08-05-2002 11:37 PM

I'm sorry to hear that Murphy. Just remember...You may have lost the battle, but you sure as hell haven't lost the war ;) Do what you can to stay in touch :D


Lilith 08-06-2002 06:57 AM

Misses and kisses!!!!

legend 08-06-2002 10:37 AM

hope it works out. good luck :)

roxanne916 08-06-2002 06:15 PM


good luck with the phone company. I won my war with them. I had tried to pay by debit card, they told me it did not go through and to hold for the next rep. They hung up on me. I did not get charged for the reconnect after they turned off my service.
<------Pit bull in glasses LOL

Sugarsprinkles 08-10-2002 09:04 AM

Re: Phone Problems
Originally posted by Murphy
I miss my Pixie's Fix, and hope to be back on soon

And I'm missing my Murphy's Fix!!! I hope you get it all worked out ASAP!! Pixie's needs you (and so do I!):D

(I can't believe I just today found this post!! I must be slipping up!)

Irish 08-10-2002 10:19 AM

Murphy---Just an idea that might help you.I used to have AOL;which used my phone line.At the time;I was doing" temporary
work.";because of my diabetic neuropothy.I could "pick and choose"the jobs;that I wanted to take.Altho;registered;with many
companys;most of my work;was with "Manpower."If I was on the
computer;my line;would be busy;for them.They would;therefore;
call someone else.Can't blame them;they have a contract to meet!
I changed my internet provider;for strictly;that reason.My TV.Co.;
also has an internet system.They use the existing lines and just
have to bring in their own hardware.It is a little more expensive;
but ;Now No Phone Line!Hope this helps you! Irish
P.S.Where there's a will;there's a way!

RandyGal 08-10-2002 10:44 PM

Ah HAH! So THAT'S where you've been!!!

I hope to see you back here soon....SS MISSES you and so do the rest of the cast and crew of "As The Pixies World Turns".


Steph 08-10-2002 11:31 PM

How goes the battle, Murphy? I hope it works out. A letter to your friendly local newspaper works wonders, too! Reporters can always make a good story out of the David vs. Goliath fight!

Hope to see you back soon!

sweetc0rn 08-11-2002 02:22 AM

Sorry to hear that Murphy. We sure didn't wan to hear about it. But gald u inform us about it. We will miss ya!

Sugarsprinkles 08-21-2002 04:42 PM

Update on Murphy
Just wanted to let Pixies know that Murphy has more or less thrown in the towel with his telephone company. He's switched to a pre-paid cell phone but still hasn't worked out the internet problem. So he's still not online. He's trying to figure something out that's affordable and as soon as he does he'll be back with us. He sends his "Greetings!" and Best wishes to everyone here.
He also wants everyone to know that he misses Pixies and is doing everything he can to get back online ASAP.

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