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Old 08-11-2005, 09:41 AM
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moose moose is offline
Larger Than Life
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: i come from a land downunder
Posts: 597
i have 2 moments that i can remember both from when my wife and i were dating in our late teens we were feeling horny as hell and decided to go parking in a new housing estate that had yet to have any homes built there.
we were in such a hurry to make out that i only removed my pants and left my shirt on anyway we had just finished having sex and like all males i had to have a piss, so i got out the car and started peeing when a car came around the corner very fast towards us, so i just casually walked over and stood next to my car when i relised it was a cop car, they stopped their car on the oposite side of the car to me a asked me what the hell i was doing, i had to think of something so i just said i was having a smoke, he said yeh right and got out the cop car, i was leaning over my car so he could not see i had noting on below my shirt, he the turned his torch on me and i guess my face was as red as a tomatoe, he looked in my car wit his torch and seen my very embaressed naked then girlfreind asked her her age then shown the torch back at me and said " i better let you finish what you started and dont forget to put your pants on" and then he left, well by then the mood had really gone so we took our red faces and went home.

the second time we had been parking down by a river near my home and as we had been here for a while my car battery had gone flat, anyway i walked to a phone box not far away and tried to ring all my friends to get one of them to come and jump start my car, well they were all out so in the end i had to ring my mum for help. when she got there she knew what we had been doing and my girlfriend could not look her in the face or say any thing through embarrasment, so like all good mums when we got married the first thing she said during her speach was " i remember having to go and rescue these two when they were parking".......
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