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Old 10-14-2005, 03:50 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Part Five

Tom was actually much more interested in what he perceived to be massive psychological changes in Tricia. Previously, she had always presented herself as a cold, sexless woman, expressing no interest whatsoever in the opposite (or same!) sex, and seemed to go out of her way to make the lives of her work colleagues as miserable and difficult as possible. Now though, he and Steve appeared to have unleashed a whole new side to her, a deeply sensual and sexual woman seemed to have emerged from the hard shell of her former incarnation. Even more interesting was how much she seemed to be enjoying the situation in which she had found herself. She almost certainly must have been very scared when she had first woken up, naked and alone in a dark room, not knowing where she was or what could be going to happen to her. Although she had initially tried to fight against her captors, she had quickly realised the futility of this and thereafter had 'thrown' herself into the use and abuse of her body with gusto. Indeed, it seemed to Tom, she had delighted in being restrained on the bench, and positively revelled in being the object of Tom and Steve's sexual attentions; witness her actions in the shower over the past two mornings, he thought - how many women in a similar position would have exhibited themselves in such a manner in front of two unknown men? Very few, he suspected.

As a trained therapist and counsellor, Tom was well aware of the psychological phenomenon known as the Stockholm Syndrome. This was where captives or hostages began to identify with their captors to the extent that, when finally released, they would not say anything against their captors; rather, they would stick up for them, espousing the particular ideals of their gaolers almost as if they too were part of whatever organisation or group that had captured them in the first place and refusing to give evidence against them in court. However he also knew that this phenomenon took some time to manifest itself, and even then only when the captive had been treated reasonably well and had achieved a degree of interaction with their captors, none of which applied to Tricia in her situation. Tom was forced to conclude that Tricia actually got off on being restrained during sex, and the forceful nature of her present captivity had heightened the pleasure she achieved from this to a previously unknown, and hence unimagined, level; so much so that these feelings overrode any other considerations about the circumstances or participants.

Tom explained his thoughts to Steve, who gave some time to thinking about his friend's hypothesis and could find no significant flaw in it.

"Well," he finally answered, "I suppose that means our original plan to scare and humiliate her isn't going to work. We can still have some more fun with her though, can't we?"

"It won't work the way we planned originally, perhaps" Tom replied, "but however much she enjoys it while she's here, she still wouldn't want even a minute of our little compilation tape sent to anyone she knows. We'll still be able to achieve some of what we set out to do".

"Yes, I suppose you're right" Steve said. "Let's have a look at what she's up to now, shall we?"

The two studied the monitor on the desk in front of them, where they could see that Tricia was still sound asleep on the bench. She was still lying on her back, her legs slightly parted as she slept soundly on, and the sticky remnants of the double fucking she had received earlier that day still spattered over her inner thighs and groin. As Steve zoomed in closer to the woman's groin area, he commented at the minimal pubic stubble that had appeared on her mound.

"We'll need to get rid of that, later" he commented, "I really do detest a rough pussy - much better either hairy or smooth, not something in between!"

"Yep, we sure will" Tom replied, and strangely, he found himself very much looking forward to when they could once again watch Tricia shower, and afterwards they would shave her smooth prior to some more sex play with her - he felt a somewhat unexpected stirring in his loins at the thought of plunging his hard cock into her ass, holding her legs wide apart as he did so. He shook his head like a wet dog drying itself and, standing up from the desk, went through to shower and shave himself, leaving Steve to edit the tape of their latest session.

Next morning dawned bright and sunny. Tricia had been woken and fed by the two friends late the previous night, but apart from eating most of her meal and going to the toilet, she had been strangely silent, not even asking to have a shower. By now though, she had regained some of her feisty spirit, and when the men entered the basement she instantly demanded to wash herself, saying she felt dirty and abused. Tom raised an eyebrow at Steve, who nodded imperceptibly; instantly, he grabbed hold of Tricia in a vicelike grip and manhandled her onto the bench where Tom waited with the full set of restraints. He rapidly buckled Tricia into all the cuffs, and strapped the wide waist belt tightly around her middle. Throughout all of this, Tricia kept up a barrage of abuse and demands to be set free to wash and go home. Tom and Steve simply ignored her as they worked, until Tom decided he had endured quite enough for one day! He moved to one of the cupboards on the wall and removed from it the bridle and bit they had used on Tricia previously. As soon as she saw it, Tricia changed her tone completely, promising she would not utter another word.

"I'm afraid I don't fully believe you" Tom said, and proceeded to fit the apparatus to her head, despite Tricia trying her best to prevent it. Soon she was lying immobile on the bench, her arms held in a 'hands up' position and her legs spread wide apart with the steel bar in place, her mouth filled with the cold steel bar she remembered from the other day. She was quite uncomfortable in this position, but what unnerved her more was the complete silence from Tom and Steve. When Steve appeared with a bowl of hot water she thought that she might, at last, be getting washed; however when he also produced a razor and shaving cream she tried to struggle free of her bonds again, feeling far too unclean for what she thought of as an intimate act. This achieved her nothing but a sharp slap on her thigh from Tom; the smack of his hard hand on her soft flesh was painful, but not as painful to her as the look of contempt on his face. She slumped back onto the bench, resigned to whatever was going to be done to her today.

A few minutes later, Steve took position between Tricia's open thighs, now easily accessible since Tom had removed the bottom portion of the bench. She could see he had something in his hands, but from her supine position she was unable to see what it was; it was only when he placed one of the objects on her stomach that she could see that the object was, in fact, a pair of oval-shaped stainless steel balls, the like of which were somehow familiar to her. They were also cold - she shivered at the feel of the cold metal against her skin, but was even more aware of their temperature when Steve began to insert the first of another pair of the balls into her pussy, the fingers of his left hand spreading open her labia as his right hand's fingers pushed first one, then the other of the cool eggs deep inside her suddenly hot womanhood, their passage made all the easier by the remnants of the spunk still inside her. Then Tom raised her legs until they were, once again, in the 'childbirth' position; Steve picked up the remaining pair of eggs, and began inserting them one by one into the equally slick passageway of her asshole, a brief scream escaping round the metal bit in her mouth as he used the entire length of his middle finger to push them as far inside her butt as he could. She was aware also that there were wires attached to the eggs, and now remembered what these strangely familiar objects were - Vibrating Love Eggs! She had heard some of her friends talking about them, but had never tried them on herself. Now, it seemed, she was being given no choice in the matter!

Throughout the past minutes, apart from Tom voicing his lack of belief in her statement about keeping quiet, neither of the men had uttered a word to her since they had entered the room. Steve made way for Tom, who replaced the lower part of the bench before lowering Tricia's legs back down to the bench and removing the steel bar holding them apart, instead strapping her legs firmly together. Now, having achieved their immediate goals, the men left the basement, still without saying a word to her. Although she knew now that nothing 'bad' would happen to her, Tricia was still rather nervous; after all, she reasoned, they must be at least a little bit crazy to have started all this in the first place, so who knew what they were planning for her!

She lay quietly on the bench, the discomfort of the insertions slowly fading until she felt only the slight pressure of the eggs against her internal muscles. She silently cursed herself for her earlier intemperate burst of anger towards the two men, despite still feeling somewhat aggrieved at them for not allowing her to shower. She had no idea what was going to happen now, but she was sure that it wouldn't have been happening if she'd managed to keep her mouth shut! She chased these, and similarly unproductive thoughts, around her head for a while, then began to doze off as her still-tired body relaxed into slumber. Just as she was about to fall over into a deep sleep she suddenly felt a, not unpleasant, tingling sensation in her belly, and her eyes snapped open wide wondering what was going on. As soon as her eyes opened, the sensation stopped, and she imagined that she must have unconsciously been reliving the events of yesterday. Lying back and closing her eyes again, she did so consciously, remembering with only a slight degree of embarrassment the feeling of being impaled by two of the biggest cocks she'd ever seen, feeling in her mind the exquisite sensations of being totally filled by a brace of spunking pricks, both of them hot and hard because of her!

This time, she was aware of the tingling starting again in her belly, only this time she was able to identify it as the small eggs in her pussy vibrating together, sending small shivers of excitement through her body and causing a noticeable wetness between her thighs. Lifting her head as far as she was able, she could look down and see that her nipples had hardened considerably, the large nubs testament to the sexual feelings induced in her by the eggs which she could now feel were buzzing even more inside her. Despite herself, she could feel an orgasm building swiftly her weeping cunt, and her limbs strained against the straps holding her down. Just as she was about to cum, the vibrations suddenly stopped, leaving her on the brink of release with no way to stimulate herself over the edge. More frustrated than she had ever felt before, she cursed loudly around the metal bit still in her mouth, the words muffled but fairly clear, almost begging to be allowed to cum. She gradually fell away from her near-orgasmic high, and slowly her intense need for release abated slightly; still, she was desperate to enjoy the sensations of what had felt like would be a wonderful orgasm. Several minutes later, she felt the tingling begin again, only this time it was in a different place - now the eggs buried in her rear passage had started to vibrate, the slight movement of the steel orbs causing massive waves of lust to pulse through her body. Her mind immediately returned to the feeling of having Steve's hardness penetrating her bowels, and how much she had enjoyed it after the initial pain had so swiftly been replaced by an overwhelmingly erotic feeling of fullness. She gave herself up to the lust-fuelled thoughts of being taken again by a hard, throbbing prick, imagining the intense sensation of hot cream flooding into her darkest hole as she came and came over the cock still inside her from her 'proper' fucking by..... What the FUCK?!?! The tingling sensation had abruptly stopped, a sudden cessation of remotely-induced pleasure which left her once again on the very brink of orgasm, striving to cum but, again, unable to quite 'get there'. Tears of frustration poured down her cheeks and face, and she screamed her need at the cameras she could barely see from her restrained position on the bench. "Damn them!" She could think only of her sexual gratification now, all thoughts of how she had got here and who was responsible the furthest thing from her mind! "Let me CUM!" she shouted loudly, again managing to make herself understandable despite the metal gag inhibiting her speech!

Throughout the afternoon, the cycle progressed - sometimes the eggs in her pussy would bring her to the verge of orgasm, other times it would be the ones in her ass. On two memorable - and VERY quick - occasions, both sets of eggs were turned up to what she thoughts must have been their maximum; on that occasion she had got turned on so quickly that she had almost felt her orgasm, only to have it snatched away at the very last second. On those occasions especially, Tricia could not contain her frustrations, screaming for release at the cameras until she became hoarse. Finally, she felt the build up of another 'double vibe' as she thought of it now, only this time it did not stop; conditioned as she now was to not achieving the climax she so dearly craved, she was taken completely by surprise when instead of stopping, the vibrations in her cunt became even stronger than they ever had before, closely followed by the same increase in pleasure from the eggs deep inside her bowels. She could feel the orgasm building rapidly and savoured every millisecond, expecting the stimulation to be removed at any moment, so when her orgasm hit it was immense - far bigger and explosive than she had bargained for. She found new energy in her voice, screaming her pleasure loudly as she bucked and writhed on the bench, the straps of her bonds, cushioned though they were, digging deeply into her skin as wave after wave of orgasm bliss ripped through her, her pussy flooding it's juices over her thighs and onto the bench, her nipples rock-hard and feeling like they were going to explode. She was dimly aware that the eggs had stopped vibrating, yet continued to cum for several more minutes as the stimulation engendered in her finally died away, eventually, and not for the first time in her captivity, losing consciousness as the intensity of the experience proved too much for her overworked nerves.

When Tricia woke up, it was to find that once again she had been released save for one ankle cuff, and the bench was again back in it's bed-like configuration. She had to check with her fingers that both her pussy and ass were empty of the vibrating eggs which had driven her to such extremes of lust; in doing so her fingers slid across the nub of her clitoris, sending a tremor of half-remembered climax through her body and causing her flattened nipples to immediately perk up to their more usual (of late!) state of arousal. The feeling was almost too great for her to bear, a mad desire to masturbate only barely contained as her body seemed to yearn for more and more sexual stimulation to dowse the fires of lust within her. Seeing neither of the two men in the room, she almost capitulated; only with a great effort of will was she able to convince herself that they would be back soon and would then take care of her overwhelming need to be fucked.

However, it was not to be, not tonight at least. Looking around she spied her meal, once again waiting for her on a small table. She ate slowly, not wanting to make herself sick, despite her ravenous hunger. Afterwards she toiletted, although she was still unable to shower or wash herself. Later, lying on the bench while she relived her double penetration of yesterday, she again became very aroused. Her plum-coloured nipples, sitting firm and proud on the small pads of flesh that were her breasts, throbbed and ached in a silent plea for release; likewise, her swollen clitoris also sang out to her mind, her hot pussy continually seeping with her own uninvited lubrication. The smell of her unspent passion was heavy in the air until, bowing to the inevitable, Tricia succumbed to the lure of her, now highly-sexed, body.

Firstly she teased herself, her hands smoothing the slight mounds of her breasts round and round, until the edge of one grazed her nipple; she shuddered as a sharp electric feeling shot from her breast-tip directly to her swollen, pulsating clit - then both palms were rubbing furiously on her nipples and breasts, sending what felt like bolts of lightning straight to her lust-button, a climax rushing through her body after only a minute of two of starting her breast-play. This served only to spur her on further. Squeezing her breasts close together, she clamped both nipples tightly between her fingers and thumb, nipping them and rolling them together with one hand. The other hand went directly to her hot cunt, three fingers disappearing inside herself immediately as she forced the heel of her hand roughly against her clitoris; rubbing, rubbing furiously, she inserted her fourth finger deep inside her soaking pussy. Within a minute, she brought herself to orgasm again, all attempts at quiet enjoyment now abandoned as she yelled and screamed out in lust-fuelled pleasure. Time after time she brought herself off, rivers of her own juices now soaking the bench, the strong aroma of sex permeating through the still air of the basement. Eventually, and after more orgasms than she could possibly have counted even if she had been able, she was exhausted; she curled into a ball on the bench, shocked but not surprised when she realised she was sucking her own copious juices from her fingers, enjoying the sweet, yet slightly salt, taste of herself and her self-pleasure. Her one thought as she drifted off to sleep once more was she wished the two men had been there to fill her properly!

Tom and Steve had watched avidly as their captive pleasured herself so wantonly, their enjoyment of their abuse of the woman by remote-control earlier in the day heightened by her enjoyment of her own self-gratification. When Tricia finally fell asleep, Steve checked that all of today's activities had been captured on tape, which they had, in glorious living colour and stereo sound! Unknown to Tricia, her wish to be fucked by the two men in every way possible had been uttered aloud, faithfully captured by the microphones hidden in the basement room.
"We'll have to make her wish come true tomorrow, I think" said Steve, a view shared eagerly by his friend.

"Yeah, we'll give her just what she wants, mate...... and then some!!"

With that, the two retired to their separate beds, each to masturbate for a long time over the thoughts and dreams of what they had seen that day.

Next morning, Tricia was woken by the loud bang of the basement door shutting. Startled, she sat up and watched Tom and Steve, dressed only in shorts, enter the room carrying a tray of breakfast and, more importantly, washing accoutrements. The men sat and watched silently as she ate her meal, removing the tray as soon as she'd finished. Tom unshackled Tricia's ankle and handed her the soap, leading her over to the shower cubicle in the corner. She stood for a long while under the high-pressure jets of hot water, basking in the feeling of cleanliness which that alone was able to cause. Then she began to wash, thoroughly soaping every inch of her body, scrubbing herself with the sponge the men had also provided her, making certain every area was spotless before moving to the next. She paid special attention to her pelvic areas, ensuring she was as clean and sweet-smelling as possible - after all, she thought to herself, she wanted to be well fucked today, and she wanted no hint of staleness or lack of freshness to put the two men off her!

When she had finished, Tom handed her the large fluffy towel he had brought, and again the two men watched as she dried herself thoroughly, the soft material lingering on her breasts and buttocks and between her legs as she ensured every part of her was dry. Now she was completely dried off, Tricia allowed herself to look carefully at the two men watching her. Both had assumed an air of nonchalance towards her ablutions, but she could easily see the lie of it; the shorts the two were wearing were unable to conceal their obvious arousal, the two patches of material looked to her like a pair of tents lying on their sides! Emboldened by still being free to move, with no hint of either man being in a hurry to chain her up again, Tricia moved towards them until she was mere inches away. Reaching out with her small hands, she stroked the fronts of the men's shorts, feeling the hardness of the two thick members encased in the soft material of the shorts. A soft moan escaped her lips as she grasped a throbbing prick in each hand, amazed at the heat permeating through the thin cloth and noticing the spreading patches of dampness at the very tips of the conical protrusions.

"I would like both of these inside me today" she purred, "one at a time or both together, I don't care. I just need to have you both. Will that be all right?"

So desperate was she to experience these two hard cocks filling her completely, she was totally unlike her usual demanding self; rather, her demeanour was almost pleading in nature, demure yet sincere in her desire to fulfil her body's needs. The two men were slightly surprised by the sea-change in Tricia's personality, but Tom was the first to regain his composure.

"I'm sure I can speak for us both when I say we'll be more than happy to accommodate your wishes, Tricia" he replied, smiling inside at the actuality of his prissy, ignorant and arrogant boss begging him and his best friend to fuck her as hard as long as they possibly could, and to have it captured on video (although Tricia didn't know that) standing naked as the day she was born and obviously under NO coercion whatsoever - he felt all his birthdays had come at once!

Steve was far more interested in taking Tricia up on her brazen offer though, and bending over quickly, he slipped his shorts down his legs and kicked them into the corner of the room, very closely followed by Tom reciprocating his actions. Now Tricia stood in all her naked glory, struggling to encompass the two huge specimens of male sexuality in her tiny hands, stroking the full lengths of penis in her palms so that a tiny teardrop of pre-cum oozed from the tip of each of the members in her grasp. As soon as she saw that Tricia immediately fell to her knees, still holding Tom and Steve's hard cocks in her hands and, leaning forwards, slowly took the tip of Tom's cock between her lips and licked the salty drop of liquid from his glans, swallowing it down with a deep sigh of satisfaction. She then moved her body to her right and repeated her actions on Steve, again swallowing his juice with obvious delight. Tom and Steve looked each other in the eye for a second then, moving as one, they lifted Tricia bodily from her kneeling position and deposited her squarely on the bench, a brief squeal issuing from her lips as she seemed to fly through the air. Somehow she had managed to keep her grip of her two prizes, the slick fleshy poles remaining in her hands only because she was bent almost in half as she landed on the bench.

This awkward placement of her torso resulted in her tiny bosom being shown to its best advantage, the pads of breast jutting forward, tipped by her dark-red, rock-hard nipples, both of them crinkling and swelling as her excitement grew with every passing second. Tom and Steve were both ideally placed for their next actions, as Tom was left-handed while Steve was right-handed; both reached for the breast nearest to their dominant hand, cupping the soft flesh in the bowl shapes of their hands and stroking the prominent nipples with the flats of the palms causing Tricia to moan deeply in the back of her throat. She began to run her hands up and down the two rigid shafts before her, revelling in the silky-soft texture of the prime examples of rampant manhood now devoted to exploring her every orifice. To Tom's surprise, Steve leant forwards and sideways, finishing his movement with his face mere fractions of an inch away from Tricias; she looked up at him, obviously as surprised as Tom by this development. She was even more surprised when Steve completed his move by moving the remaining half inch and planting his lips directly on Tricia's mouth, the tip of his tongue licking softly along the line of her own slightly-opened lips, then gently probing the sweet-tasting cave of her mouth.
Tricia kissed Steve back lustily, her tongue duelling his as she continued her manipulation of the two cocks in her hands, her body shaking in her enjoyment of the teasing of her sensitive nipples by two disparate hands. Steve increased the pressure on Tricia's lips, probing deeply inside her mouth with his tongue and easing her round and down onto her back on the bench, all the while squeezing, nipping and pulling on her fully erect right nipple, while his friend followed her path and bent down to take her left nipple deeply into his mouth, sucking it hard so the whole of her petite breast disappeared inside his mouth, the tip of the rubbery nipple tickling the back of his throat as he delicately chewed the soft flesh.
Tricia was rapturous with lust now, immersed in feelings of complete sensual overload as the two men continued their oral assault of her body. Tom released her breast from his lips, and began to plant small, soft kisses around the slight convexity of her flesh, slowly pecking his way down across her ribcage and stomach, observing in a slightly detached way the flutter in her stomach muscles as he kissed and licked his way round and past her navel. Meanwhile, Steve had moved so that he now held one of her exquisitely tiny mounds in each hand, kneading and squeezing out the nipples to an ecstasy of tautness which stretched her delicate flesh to limits she had never experienced before, his lips and tongue continuing their probing invasion of her mouth. The progression of Tom's kiss-fest on her torso had now led him to the soft roundness of her mons pubis, where he paused for a moment to savour the heady aroma of aroused pussy emanating from Tricia's honeypot, enjoying also the continuous moans of lust escaping from her mouth around the encapturing lips of his friend. As Tom reached the very top of her slit, Tricia's thighs parted, almost of their own volition, exposing her sopping hole to Tom's excited gaze. He allowed his tongue to graze Tricia's throbbing and prominent clitoris momentarily, causing a tremor to rush through her body and a loud gasp to issue from her as she experienced her first mini-orgasm of the day, then his tongue followed the contours of her mound, licking the very edges of her outer labia down as far as her perineum before returning back up the other side to her love button. He repeated the action several more times, each time getting closer and closer to the copiously leaking gash of her cunt, the inner lips now swollen and puffed out in a physical demonstration of the lustful need inside her.
Finally, Tom allowed his lips to close around these flaps of sweet flesh, sucking them gently between his lips and running the tip of his tongue the full length of the groove of her slit until it alighted on the erect nub of clitoris at the top of her hole. Tricia could not control the reaction of her body to the direct stimulation of her clit by Tom's probing tongue; her hips left the material of the bench as she strove to force her clit into the path of Tom's thrusting tongue, desperate for him to make her cum properly for the first time. Briefly, Tom was of a mind to deny her the release she so obviously craved, but he too was caught up in the moment; his tongue pressed hard against the button of flesh before him, moving quickly in a circular motion to stimulate the woman under him to an immediate release, signalled by her sudden tension and a flood of sweet-tasting juices which covered the entire lower half of his face in a mask of female ejaculate. Quickly, Tom lowered his head fractionally to lick and swallow down the flood of nectar from Tricia's pussy, his mouth now covering her entire mound as he delved his tongue as deeply inside her hot cunt as he possibly could, able to feel the pulsations of her internal muscles with his oral muscle.

Steve now broke away from his and Tricia's extended kiss as he took in what his friend was doing, but continuing his constant arousal of Tricia's breasts and nipples. She still had Steve's member in her hand, slowly stroking it's full length; now she tugged on it, and twisted her body so that she was able to place her lips over the head of Steve's leaking penis, her delicate tongue flicking around the rim of his glans as she endeavoured to fit him in her mouth. She was now accustomed to the size of Steve and Tom's manhoods, so it took only seconds for her to slide her lips down Steve's throbbing shaft until the head of it butted against the back of her throat; she managed to reach out around the hot flesh with her tongue, just barely able to reach the spot where his cock met his heavy ballsack. She felt Steve's moan as she slid her mouth back up his length, and reached her hand between his legs and cupped his balls in her small hand, revelling in the weight of the fleshy bag resting on her palm. Curling her fingers around the root of Steve's sac, her lips reached the tip of his cock and, as she reversed her movement to return back down to the base, she moved her forefinger so that it rested on the entrance to his anus. She felt his buttocks clench tightly for a second then relax again as she pressed the tip of her finger harder against his puckered opening, inserting it up to the first knuckle as she once again deep-throated his large member.

"Ooh, you sexy FUCKER!" exclaimed Steve, enjoying the feel of Tricia's slim fingertip probing his anal opening. He felt her begin to rotate her finger inside him as she began to accelerate her oral fucking of his shaft, her mouth leaving a wet trail of saliva upon the full length of his penis.
Tricia was in seventh heaven now, voluntarily taking this huge cock right to the back of her throat, and enjoying every second of feeling the velvety hardness violating her mouth. She was still very much aware of Tom's ministrations to her soaking cunt, could feel the pressure of his hands on her inner thighs as he pushed her legs wide apart; she gasped, nearly choking on Steve's meaty rod, when Tom lowered his mouth to her anus and proceeded to thrust his tongue into the very centre of her rosebud, penetrating her ass with the slimy organ then withdrawing to lick all around her dark opening. Again and again he repeated his anal attack until, with no warning, he held her legs up with one arm and reverted sucking her pussy, the fingers of his other hand sneaking up her anal cleft until two of his digits embedded themselves deep inside her ass, his lips sucking deeply on her ripe clitoris.
Tricia could take no more of this and, swallowing Steve's manhood to its full extent, let herself cum, the screams of lust muffled by Steve continuing to pump his shaft into her mouth and throat, causing Tricia to almost choke on more than one occasion! Meanwhile, Tom took full advantage of Tricia's massive emission of natural lubrication to stand up and plunge his engorged manhood fully inside Tricia's hot cunt, feeling his pubic bone slamming into her slick, bare pussy mound and his balls slap off her taut buttocks. He rammed into her repeatedly, wanting only to fill her with his boiling cream; heedless of his friend's pleasure, he could see no further than pounding the tight hole before him, making the woman scream as loud as he could in pleasure as he filled her up.
He need not have worried on that score; every time his cock slammed into her, Tricia came - so fast was Tom pistoning in and out of her, she was soon unable to tell where one orgasm ended and the next began. Despite this she never for a moment let up on her oral loving of Steve's erection, taking him fully into her throat with each of his deep thrusts, willing him to cum so she could taste his hot spunk as it trickled down her throat. She felt Tom's thrusts becoming shorter, and screamed again as he slid first one, then another, finger into her anus, increasing the already amazing amount of stimulation to her overworked pelvic nerves and causing her pussy muscles to clamp down tightly on the hot invader inside her. That was it for Tom; with a loud cry he ejaculated mightily inside Tricia, coating the walls of her pulsating cunt with thick jets of his sperm, his cock buried deeper inside her than he would have believed possible.
Steve, too, was overcome by the sexuality of the moment, quite apart from the finger in his ass that was playing merry Hell with his staying power! He was still playing with, and teasing unflinchingly, Tricia's plum-coloured, rock-hard nipples, and he began to pull and twist them so hard, he worried that he might be hurting her too much. Tricia seemed totally unfazed, however, merely redoubling her oral efforts on his twitching member, coping easily now with the thick length plunging in and out of her throat. Desperate now to taste him, she pushed her finger deeper into Steve's ass, the tip just able to stroke against the ring of muscle that was his prostate. Letting out a muted scream of his own, Steve almost ripped Tricia's nipples from her breasts as he came explosively into her throat, forgetting as he had the sheer intensity of being made to orgasm that way! Tricia's throat swallowed convulsively as she tried to cope with the huge quantity of sperm unleashed by her probing finger; she managed to swallow all of the first three spurts, but after that it became just too much for her, and Steve's sticky fluid escaped the corners of her mouth to begin it's oozing path down her chin and neck, towards her heaving bosom. Eventually Steve's ejaculations slowed to a trickle, then stopped, Tricia sucking hard on the head of his cock to ensure she had got every last drop. When she was sure he had completely finished, she laid back on the bench and smiled broadly, the wide grin leaving her face for a moment when Tom's now shrinking penis slipped from her hot, wet pussy.

"Well, boys," she murmured, "I hope you've got more where that came from!".

"Hell, sure we have" Steve replied for the both of them, "you don't get off quite so lightly, dear Trish!"
Tricia merely giggled in delight, already looking forward to the next session.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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