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Old 10-26-2005, 03:32 PM
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agaethwe agaethwe is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Arizona
Posts: 31
Shaving: a permanent change?

Hi again, everyone! I have another question to ask. While I prefer the "natural" look, with a full bush, lately I've been asking my wife to shave or wax her pubic hair for the sake of variety and experimentation. She is very hesitant to do it, mainly because she views it as a permanent change to her body, something akin to piercing or tattoos. She knows it will grow back, of course, but is convinced that it won't be the same afterwards. She said she shaved a little patch of hair on her arm once, and it grew back thicker and darker, so she doesn't want it to happen again. I think she's is also somewhat sentimental about her pubic hair, since it's about the only part of her body that hasn't changed since she was 12. Finally, she is very concerned about the growing-back phase being very uncomfortable, with itching, irritation, ingrown hairs, etc. Now I know that most women here have shaved at least at some point, so I was wondering if any of you have any advice. Did you have similar reservations before you shaved for the first time, and how did you overcome them?
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