Thread: Intro yourself
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Old 08-19-2002, 12:18 PM
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Cherryred Cherryred is offline
Kendyyz' Hot Cherry Pie~
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Cali
Posts: 310
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HI all. we've(kendyyz & i) have been having fun posting here for about a month now!Everyone replys are great and a kick to read.
Ken & I are 35 & 34, Been married for 12 years have three kids 14, 12,11. Oldest girl then two boys!
Started dating in Jr.high lost my Cherry to him. He keeps tring to find it!LOL
Ken is 6'1 blond, blue eyed . Polish and yes he is hung!
I'm 5'2 99lbs, red hair, blue eyes. Irish. Yes very firey & heated!
The best part of being with someone as long as we have is there are no hang ups and nothing you would be afaid try!
LOok forward to posting more Pix and hearing the feed back!!
"The quest for joy is like an orgasm. You never know when it's going to happen, and it's always exciting"
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