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Old 08-19-2002, 12:45 PM
A.K.'s Sex-Pot's Avatar
A.K.'s Sex-Pot A.K.'s Sex-Pot is offline
Now known as Loulabelle
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: England
Posts: 561
Your most memorable quote

Something someone posted on another thread made me think of this.

I'm sure we've all had at least one compliment which we'll never forget and which makes us smile, but isn't the kind of thing you could brag about in 'polite circles'.

For me, i will always remember my one and only fuck-buddy telling me i had:

'The nicest fanny in Cardiff' (- where i was living at the time.)

This was a compliment from the guy who'd probably had most of the fanny in Cardiff!!!! For the benefit of all you Americans out there, the English definition of 'fanny' is pussy not arse.

So, what's your favourite quote about yourself - go on, brag!
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