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Old 08-20-2002, 06:20 AM
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Moonwhisper Moonwhisper is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Washington State
Posts: 3
You look at the clock on the wall and realize it is only a little past noon. The time seems to drag on for an eternity as question after question races through your mind. Who is this person that sent this to you? Where are you supposed to meet him? How are you supposed to get there? Again you look at the key in your hands but find nothing beyond the number "113" to give you any answers.

At six o'clock that evening just as you had decided that it was all a joke and nothing is going to happen you hear someone pulling up to your driveway. Looking out the window you gasp as you see a silver Rolls-Royce pull into the driveway and a man dressed in a black suit and tie, and a matching cap walks up to the door. With Butterflies in your stomach you open the door. He greets you and asks if you are ready to go. At first you are nervous but after a minute you throw caution to the wind and ask him to hold on as you have to change and gather your things. He says do not worry about changing. Your host has asked that you come just as you are. So with a shy grin you walk out the door and are escorted to the back seat of the luxurious car in your driveway.

All through the trip your driver remains frustratingly quiet and answers none of your questions. Finally it becomes apparent that if you want answers you are going to have to wait for them and you start to watch the scenery as you drive. You recognize this part of the city as one of the most expensive areas and many plush hotels start to appear. You pass one after another and finally just as you slow and pull into one of the most elegant hotels you realize what the key you were given is for. Your heart begins to race a little and you feel your cheeks start to flush as you blush slightly.

The door is opened and you are asked to go inside. With a polite smile and a bow your escort then drives off leaving you alone in front of the doors to the Hotel. As you walk in you start to feel a little out of sorts. You certainly hadn't any notion that this was in store for you when you woke up this morning and your clothes start to feel very plain in contrast to the richness and finery all around you. Somehow, as comfortable as they are jeans and a nice soft sweater feel too plain for the atmosphere. Hurrying you decide to find the room the key in your hand fits. You stop at the receptionist desk as to directions and with a knowing smile the woman behind the desk tells you to take the first elevator down the hall all the way up, and that the key would open the only door on that Floor. She also said that she would enjoy the suite. Smiling still she returns to her work as you walk of in the direction of the elevator.

As you go up you are thankful that you are alone and your mind again fills with questions and a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. Who is this person who has gone through so much trouble just for you? And what are you doing here anyway? You don't have any idea what is going to happen. It's crazy! But somehow knowing that makes it all that much more exciting, and flattering. Finally the elevator comes to a rest and the doors part revealing a short hallway. The walls are a rich dark Mahogany and you find yourself admiring the elegant furniture and the Vases that have been set out. Walking slowly, trying to drink in all the sights and smells you finally reach the door at the other end of the hallway. Again, the butterflies in your stomach have woken up and are not giving you a moments peace. You slide the key in, and holding your breath you slowly turn the door handle and walk inside.

The scene that greets you is one out of a fairy tale. The Room you are in seems to be a living area. The floor is a hard wood planking that is varnished and polished to a mirror perfect shine. The main area of the room is dominated by a large plush sofa and love-seat combination and there is an elegant and tasteful table in front of it resting on a beautiful decorative oval rug. There is a fireplace against one wall and directly across the room from the fireplace is a floor to ceiling window with a sliding Glass door through which you can see a balcony. Coming closer the view takes your breath away as you look out upon the city scape. The sun has gone down below the horizon and a thousand points of light now spread out before you. Again you look about the room exploring and discovering many delightful and beautiful paintings, sculptures, Vases, and flowers of nearly every kind. But most of all, on a table off to one side you find a crystal vase filled with the same pink-white roses that you found in the package you opened. Quickly you walk over and lose yourself in their silky aroma and the softness of petals against your skin makes you sigh in pleasure. As you open your eyes again to look at the Roses you notice another parchment very much like the previous one propped against the base of the vase. Quickly you open it up and in the same flowing script you are asked to make yourself comfortable and to explore the suite at your leisure.

Now you look around again but instead of exploring you now search for the identity of your mysterious host. Softly at first you call out hello. Then again louder but still you hear no response. You start to wander down one of the hallways and from room to room, each as beautiful and luxurious as the last and you find yourself lost in wonder. Finally you come to a door and look inside at a washroom. Hanging from the ceiling in the corners of the room are many potted Vine-like plants whose branches and leaves reach down to the floor giving the room a very exotic look. There is a wooden chair with a red cushion and a lattice work back sitting in front of a vanity mirror and a sink all made from what appears to be a blue/white marble slate. Despite the finery your eyes are drawn to a set of steps built into the floor that lead to the edge of a pearl white basin filled with steaming water. As you walk closer you can feel the hot moisture in the air against your skin and the scents wafting through the room tell you that scented oils have been added to the bathwater. With a soft groan you can't help but indulge in this pleasure set before you and you hurriedly close the door and undress. Slowly you lower yourself into the water, savoring every sensation as the warm water envelopes every curve of your body. you lie back in the tub until you are submerged up to your neck and you relax your whole body. You feel the oils in the water caress your skin with their silky touch as you lay there, and quickly you lose all sense of time and place, losing yourself completely in the relaxing water and begin you run your hands along the curves of your stomach and your thighs, gently rubbing away all the stress and the cares of a life that suddenly seems so far away.

Not knowing how much time you have spent in the now cool water you reluctantly lift yourself up out of the water and reach for one of the towels hanging nearby when you see hanging from the back of the rooms chair is a dress that had not been there before. Suddenly quite nervous again your eyes dart around the room but you see no one and you had not heard anyone open the door while you were in the tub. Assured that you are still alone you look back to the dress. It is a deep red matching almost perfectly the color of your hair. You sigh softly as your hand touches the fabric, discovering it is a soft satin. You pick it up and hold it against you admiring it. It is in an elegant design, a classy column sheath strapless gown that hugs the figure and reaches nearly to the floor. Dropping the towel you get dressed and walk to the mirror. Your hands move of their own accord moving up and down your figure, and you find yourself feeling incredibly sexy and feminine. After a few moments you sit down in the chair and begin to use the ivory handled brush on the counter, loving the way it feels as you run it through your long hair. Putting this aside, and feeling very indulgent you delve into the cosmetics before you and decide that if your going to dress up you may as well go all out.

Finished and feeling very sexy, and quite proud of the way you look you walk back out into the living room which you first entered. You stop short as you realize that the fireplace is now lit and a warm fire is dimly lighting the room. As well there is a soft music playing from an unknown source. It's soft, and slow, and very romantic and after another unsuccessful search for your host you begin to let yourself become lost in the music. Slowly you begin to dance around the room, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around your middle, swaying back and forth. In your mind you imagine your arms are the arms of your yet absent host, fantasizing that you are dancing around the room in the most wonderful night of your life.

Your fantasy begins to become more and more real as you imagine those arms encricling you... and you continue to dance to the soft music. With a sudden start you realise that the arms you have been imagining are not your own anymore and they are not as imaginary as you thought! As the realization hits you, you feel a hot breath against the side of your neck and a presence behind you as his hands move to find your own and entwine with your fingers. Your host continues to dance with you very slowly and you have not yet dared to open your eyes. His face moves up from your neck and you hear a soft whisper in your ear. Slowly a smile plays across your face and suddenly you know the identity of your mysterious host. Playing into the dance now your arch your nack and he rewards you with soft kisses along the length of your neck. After a few moments he realeses you and your turn to face him, and embrace again as you dance around the room. Gazing into each others eyes you lose your sense of time, only knowing that you do not want it to end.

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