Thread: Anal Problems
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Old 08-21-2002, 01:33 PM
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Christoff Christoff is offline
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Posts: 6
Hmmm .... first post here! Hi y'all!

I'm straight but, used to like a plug in the butt whilst masturbating .. probably some prostate stimulation.

I also like when my wife fancies it, to take her analy ...... but with some care.

The reason is as many I'm sure know ..... the rectum is actually quite delicate re the membrane lining .. it was never designed for serious mechanical distortions and frictions. The vagina on other hand is designed specifically for ''wear and tear'' .... and being stretched ... it recovers thru great elasticity and is very tough.

Bleeding from rectal penetration is not, IMO a good thing. Very occasionally is Ok and all will recover .. but repeated interference will ultimately lead to potential problems.

Plus, another aspect .... in later years, hemorrhoids will very likely come on worse and quicker from results of excessive anal penetration.

BTW .. it is this very fragility of rectal membranes that makes anal intercourse so dangerous re HIV risk .. so easy to tear and bleed and then ..... inject some cum and ..... bad news!! Protected is way to go.. and tough ones at that.

Great place ya got here.
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