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Old 12-23-2005, 02:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Ranger1930
i hate to be a complete asshole. But personally i think every woman i've ever met has lied about the number of men they have been with.. And im no different. believe me there's a few i'm not proud of.. Definately. But at least I have the presence of mind to know what i've done and not be a ashamed. pr abashed to tell if im asked.. And I don't think a woman should be either. I mean for fuck sake. if anything in the least you'll get called a whore. and if a guy does that.. well apparently he's not worth your time..

Somethings i swear.. kinda like a DUH moment you presume that all the women you know are more promiscuous than they let on? It worries me that you have such a low opinion of women that you think we are all liars. Especially, when the majority of responses to this thread suggest otherwise.

Couldn't it be simply that most women are telling you the truth and they've just had fewer sexual partners than you have? I think for most women, the reason we wish to keep our numbers relatively low, is about being selective about our partners and about keeping ourselves emotionally protected. It has been drummed into us from being children that some men in life will want to use us, and we need to make sure that doesn't happen in order to maintain some level of self respect.

From my own personal stand-point, I've never seen the point of lying about the number of sexual partners I've had, because:

a) I've not had enough to feel that I OUGHT to be ashamed of it.
b) The only person whose opinion on the subject matters is me and since one can't lie to oneself, lying to anyone else about it would be futile.

Incidentally, I've absolutely no problem with the word 'Whore' least whores have the good sense to realise that they don't have to give it away for free!
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