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Old 08-22-2002, 05:08 AM
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ericthered ericthered is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: North Queensland
Posts: 420
There is NOTHING that feels quite as good as sliding the head of my cock up and down between her smooth lips, so that means no hair from the beginning of her furrow right round to the other side. She also likes putting me on my back and sliding up and down the lower side of my cock as it lies on my belly - she calls it riding her broomstick. I don't know about that but it certainly has magic results on her.
Sometimes (due to working nights etc) she doesn't get time to use the hair removing cream and the rough feeling of the hair, while still exciting, means I don't last anything like as long. So she doesn't let it grow often.
She sometimes feels embarrssed if she has a gyno appointment or has to share a shower, but so far she has only had admiring comments from nurses and other women. Espcially when she says her husband insists on it; I get the feeling that many of their husbands prefer football. Oh, Australia!
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