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Old 01-26-2006, 11:20 AM
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BIBI BIBI is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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I do the things that bring me happiness. I spend time with people who make me content. I surround myself with things that bring me comfort, and I try to create daily happiness for myself.

Being comfortable in one's own skin and content with life in general is what I think is needed to garner real happiness in one's life.

I have found that it takes far less to make my feel happy than in years gone by for I have of course realized many things that I had wanted that I thought would make me happy in life.

Some were the "icing on the cake" but what I have learned that whatever makes you the happiest can also bring to you the most pain in life. Without some painful experiences in life I don't believe anyone can truly appreciate their happy times to their fullest.

When young material items bring forth happiness but as I have aged of course my views have changed too. These days it brings great happiness to awaken to a new day to share with my family and love and be loved, appreciated and respected and accepted for who I am.

I am content and therefore I am able to accept whatever happiness comes in to my life with much gratitude to the one responsible for this, even if it is only myself at times.

I didn't want to list what makes me happy for this changes day to day. I hope this answers your questions PF. If not....too bad
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