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Old 02-28-2006, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by lizzardbits
i am sorry that i don't have much advice as i am one of those women that got preggers when she didn't expect it. BUT i am very grateful for both.

But you KNOW that i am thinking and hoping and praying for ya. Once you do become pregnant, the world changes its colours. You feel like "wow, i am going to be someone's Mum!" It is amazing what our bodies can do--grow a child and we don't have to think about it--it does it all on its own. I sat there and held my belly all the time, even when i was first PG and baby was still just an embryo, i would hold my belly

I got chills reading this. I did the same thing. I even look at her now and can't believe she is the little thing in all my ultrasound pictures. Mr. IWM holds her and says "wow, your mommy was right about the way you kicked her inside of her" It's a neat thing that's for sure.

Do it again??? nah....I'll pass. Well, unless another miracle happens of course.
~Tainted Love~
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